The Marvel Comics App is a mobile application that allows users to explore and discover various Marvel comic books. It provides a user-friendly interface to browse through a collection of comics, search for specific titles, and view detailed information about each comic.
- Browse a collection of Marvel comic books.
- Search for comic books by title.
- View detailed information about each comic, including the title, image, description, and a button with link to external site with more details about selected comic.
- Easily navigate back to the previous page using the built-in back button.
- Enjoy a visually appealing design with a Marvel-inspired theme.
- Flutter: A cross-platform framework for building mobile applications.
- Flutter Bloc: A state management library for Flutter applications.
- Dio: A powerful HTTP client for making API requests.
- JSON Serialization: The app uses the json_serializable package to serialize and deserialize JSON data.
- Freezed: The freezed package is used to generate immutable classes and union types with ease.
- Marvel Comics API: The official API provided by Marvel for accessing comic book data.