This is a sample project that demonstrates how to use with JavaScript to perform a login test. The test ensures that the login functionality of a web application is working as expected.
Before running the tests, ensure you have the following requirements installed on your system:
- Node (version >= v18.17.0)
- NPM (version >= 9.6.7)
- Chrome web browser
We recommend using NVM to manage your Node.js distribution. To set up your Node environment, run the following command:
nvm use
First, you need to set up the project's dependencies. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project directory. Then, run the following command:
npm install
To run the tests successfully, you need to ensure that Chrome browser version 114 is installed on your system. If you haven't installed it yet, please download and install Chrome version 114 from the official Chrome website.
After installing the dependencies and Chrome version 114, you can execute the test suite. In the same terminal or command prompt, run the following command:
npm run wdio
This will trigger the execution of the test cases using, and the results will be displayed in the terminal.
Please make sure you have the necessary configuration in the "wdio.conf.js" file to specify the target web application URL and other test settings.
Feel free to customize the test cases or add more tests to suit your specific use cases.
Happy testing! 🚀