Secure communicator app is a simple app that allows exchange of encrypted messages between Bob and Alice without being eavesdropped by Eve.
- install dependencies:
npm install
- start the communicator app:
npm run start:app
- start the eavesdropper app:
npm run start:eavesdropper
- run the tests:
npm run test
- Node.js
- file system module
- local files are used for the message exchange
- crypto module
- Asymmetric encryption, with public key-private key pairs is used to encrypt and decrypt the messages (only the public keys are stored in local files so that they can be used across multiple processes/application)
- file system module
- Inquirer.js for CLI questions and input
- Jest.js for tests
- introduce sockets for more seamless communication
- add Typescript for better type safety of the code
- write more unit and integration tests