##Tags Backend applicaiton
- Used technologies:
Java, Spring Boot, Maven, H2 (in memory db), Jsoup, Lombock, Slf4j
- It can be imported in inteliJ -> new Project from existing sources
- It should be imported as maven project
- app is running on standard port
- for faster development I decided to use H2 inmemory database,
- the reviewer does not need to do any setup
- saved me some time not to create separate db and write SQL statements to initialize it
- can be accessed at
(the creadentials can be found in application.properties) - if I had more time I would go with
db and usingFlyway
migration scripts for versioning
- default application contexts test that checks if application context is starting properly
- TextUtilTest unit test the text processing functionalities of the util
- TestController is added that can be used for testing web page text parsing
- postman collection is provided in the project
[deal=20, eu=20, uk=11, brexit=11, backstop=6, may's=5, johnson=4, minister=4, european=4, gove=4]
[chelsea=31, lampard=15, season=15, club=14, team=13, academy=11, players=9, time=7, loan=6, successful=6]
- user management is implemented
- standalone database
- better exception handling and logging
- pagination for large list of response or streaming
- more unit tests and postman requests
- java docs are added
- mapstruct library is used for domain to DTO(data transfer objects) mapping
- passwords should be hashed
- data.sql entries are not existing when app is started (needs to be investigated why)