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Vulcasian edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 18 revisions

This is how I use the divecmd tools to analyse my dives on Mac OS X Sierra. (Note: Sierra doesn't support PDF output in its groff(1), so this focusses on PS output.)

Assuming you've already imported your data from your dive computer, you'll want to analyse your dives and figure out how geng you were that day.

  1. First, create a directory for the day's dive and dump the imported data saved as XML file in that directory, e.g., Source/divecomputer/19.02.2017/19-02-2017.xml.
  2. Run divecmd2ps -m mode filename > (See divecmd2grap(1) for a full list of modes.) I'll usually use each mode, e.g., divecmd2ps -m summary 19-02-2017.xml >, -m stack, etc.
  3. Run open *.ps to view files (optional).
  4. To merge all PostScript files together, I found a great script for quickly & easily merging ps files, which requires you to first have gs installed. (Note: I've adapted the script to use PostScript input files.) gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf *.ps

After that, you'll have all images in the merged.pdf PDF file.

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