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Welcome to the server backend of Runverter. For more information about this project please check out the detailed blog post.

The whole application runs in separated docker containers, which will be maintained in this repository and published as images on Docker Hub.


All incoming web requests are loadbalanced by haproxy and spreaded to the underlying node containers.

The node applications connect to a redis instance to get the current index page.

Assets of the applications are hosted via amazon S3 CDN.

Please read the files in the server-configuration folder, to match the server requirements.

setting up the server

  • SSH into a server.
  • Make sure docker is installed.

create a shared network

$ docker network create runverter

start redis

Pull Redis image from docker and run container.

$ docker pull redis
$ docker run -d --name runverter-redis --net runverter -p redis redis-server --appendonly yes

This container will expose the port 6379 and its ip will become available in the shared network via the hostname runverter-redis. This is required to let the node applications access Redis.

start node application(s)

Pull runverter-webserver and start 6 container instances.

$ docker pull stefankracht/runverter-webserver
$ docker run -d --name runverter-app-1 --net runverter -v ~/runverter:/usr/src/app/runverter --env PRERENDER_TOKEN=$PRERENDER_TOKEN stefankracht/runverter-webserver && docker run -d --name runverter-app-2 --net runverter -v ~/runverter:/usr/src/app/runverter --env PRERENDER_TOKEN=$PRERENDER_TOKEN stefankracht/runverter-webserver && docker run -d --name runverter-app-3 --net runverter -v ~/runverter:/usr/src/app/runverter --env PRERENDER_TOKEN=$PRERENDER_TOKEN stefankracht/runverter-webserver && docker run -d --name runverter-app-4 --net runverter -v ~/runverter:/usr/src/app/runverter --env PRERENDER_TOKEN=$PRERENDER_TOKEN stefankracht/runverter-webserver && docker run -d --name runverter-app-5 --net runverter -v ~/runverter:/usr/src/app/runverter --env PRERENDER_TOKEN=$PRERENDER_TOKEN stefankracht/runverter-webserver && docker run -d --name runverter-app-6 --net runverter -v ~/runverter:/usr/src/app/runverter --env PRERENDER_TOKEN=$PRERENDER_TOKEN stefankracht/runverter-webserver

For more detailed description, please read the docker/runverter-webserver/

start haproxy

Pull runverter-haproxy and start container.

$ docker pull stefankracht/runverter-haproxy
$ docker run -d --name runverter-haproxy --net runverter -v /etc/haproxy/certs/:/etc/haproxy/certs/ -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p --env PRERENDER_TOKEN=$PRERENDER_TOKEN stefankracht/runverter-haproxy

For more detailed description, please read the docker/runverter-haproxy/