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HOT Documentation Site Template

Template for creating HOT documentation sites.

This project uses the Hugo site generator for static HTML generation for Markdown content.

HOT maintains a custom HOT theme for Hugo sites here:

To create a new HOT documentation site clone this repo:

git clone 

Then clone the HOT hugo-book theme

cd hot-docs-template
git submodule add themes/book

This template automates build and deployment using CircleCI. To take advantage of this functionality, a github repository and access to CircleCI is required.

Building a new site


  1. Clone this repo and create a new github repository to host the site content.
git clone my-docs-site
cd my-docs-site
git submodule add themes/book
  1. Update site configuration
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My Docs Site" <-- site name
theme = "book"
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
relativeurls = true
enableGitInfo = true

    BookRepo = ""  <-- GitHub repo address
    BookShowToC = false
    BookEditPath = "/edit/master/content/"
    matomoSiteID = <-- Add matomo site ID 

    resampleFilter = "box"
    quality = 75
  1. Set up CircleCI integration

    i. Launch your github repo as a project on CircleCI

    ii. Add an SSH key to the github repository with 'write' access. follow this guide:

    iii. Add the SSH keygen fingerprint to the circleCI .circleci/config.yml file in your repo e.g.

        - add_ssh_keys:
              - "b4:94:b8:6b:f4:0b:b5:0e:40:ba:1c:f7:b8:d9:d4:4c"

In-depth guide/Customizing your site


Site level settings are stored in the config.toml at the root of this project. Other than customizing some features of the site you need to change the title and BookRepo keys.

languageCode = "en-us"
title = "HOT Toolbox" <-- change me
theme = "book"
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
relativeurls = true
enableGitInfo = true

    BookRepo = ""  <-- change me
    BookShowToC = false
    BookEditPath = "/edit/master/content/"
    matomoSiteID = <-- Add matomo site ID 

    resampleFilter = "box"
    quality = 75


All Markdown content goes in the content directory. At minimum a site should have an file at the root of the content directory and a pages/ directory with at least one markdown content page.

  • The file serves as the main landing page of the site or the / route of the page.
  • The pages/ directory holds all pages listed in the file menu on the left of the page.

The structure should be as follows:

└── pages/

This content would create the following pages: ---> ---> --->

Alternative Content structures

Hugo provides other ways to organize content in two other ways: Leaf Bundles and Branch Bundles

Read more about page bundling here:

Front Matter

By default the name of the file in the /content/pages directory will be listed in the menu and in the URL with spaces escaped with dashes -.

e.g. content/pages/ will show as How I Spent My Summer Vacation in the menu and as

You can change the title of the content in the Markdown front matter with the "title" parameter. e.g.


title: Summer Essay - How I Spent My Summer Vacation


# Article Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, 
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna 
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation 

Table of Contents

By default in the main project config.toml file a right hand side Table of Contents is disabled. If you need this enabled project-wide you can change this value to true in the TOML file or override in individual Markdown file by adding the option to the front matter. Table of contents will create a list of anchor points from the markdown header elements (# ## ### ###) and clicking them will auto scroll you to that section of the page.



title: Summer Essay - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
bookShowToC: True


Alternatively if you wish to have the Table of Contents always on by default across the site you can add a params BookShowToC value in the site config.toml


  BookShowToC = true

Page Order

Hugo will use the MarkDown document's name as its first method of sorting content. e.g. will come before You can override this and at your own sort order to documents by using the weight option in the frontmatter. For the weight value lower ranks higher so 1 will come before 2 before 3 etc. Weighting is scoped to the directory it is within, when using nested structure the order will only relate to the content order within that section.


title: Summer Essay - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
weight: 1


# Article Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, 
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna 
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation 

Static Assets

Static assets should be stored in the /static directory. For multi-lingual sites create subdirectorys to match the language codes used within the static directory. These will then be mapped to the correct language in the web and PDF outputs.


Store images in an images subdirectory of the /static directory. Reference images in your markdown with /images preprended


   |__ icon.png

Within the images subdirectory you can add additional directories as needed for organization.


Full text search is supported using lunr.js. Multi language support is limited to those supported by lunr-languages. If content is provided in that language a search index will not be created and the search bar will not appear in the nav bar.


The PDF table of contents is automatically generated from Markdown header # character. This can be overridden in the circleci build configuration to create table of contents links for all markdown headers # ## ##. To build a table contents for all headers change --toc-depth in .circleci/config.yml. Valide values are 1,2 or 3.

pandoc "$i" -o "$HOME/build/tmp/$pdffilename" --pdf-engine=xelatex -V geometry:margin=1in -V papersize:a4 -V mainfont:Archivo-Regular --toc --toc-depth=1

Multi-language Sites

This template allows for building multi-language sites by simply creating directories for each language needed, following the same directory structure as a single language site. An example folder structure is as follows:

├── english/
│   ├──
│   └── pages
|       └── 
└── french/
    └── pages
        └── à 

Then in your site config.toml tell Hugo how to find these directories:

    contentDir = "content/english"
    languageName = "English"
    weight = 10
    contentDir = "content/french"
    languageName = "Français"
    weight = 20

This will default the site to English but allow you to access the French content but suffixing a /fr to the base URL.



CircleCI manages the build and deployment process to allow continuous deployment of the site on new changes. In the default configuration listed here CircleCI will only fire on commits on the master branch and will deploy to the gh-pages branch. Both these branches are required for this configuration to properly function. If you wish to skip the build and deploy process on a commit simply add [ci skip] to you commit message in git. e.g.

git commit -m "added new content [ci skip]"

Local development

To build this site locally an installation of Hugo is required. Hugo binaries for all platforms are available here:

Clone this repo with the --recurse-submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

change directory into the cloned repo and run Hugo

cd my-documentation-repo
hugo serve

This builds and runs a local webserver with hot-reloading for local content development.

If the default port is available you can navigate to the built development site at http://localhost:1313 in your browser. If 1313 is already in use by another program hugo will choose another port and return it to the stdout of your terminal e.g.

Environment: "development"
Serving pages from memory
Running in Fast Render Mode. For full rebuilds on change: hugo server --disableFastRender
Web Server is available at //localhost:58696/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop
Note: Running Hugo will only build the web portion of the site.  Text Search and PDF processing require separate processes. If a full reproducible build is required locally follow the Docker guide below.

Full Local Build Setup

A full build of the site may be necessary for debugging and additional quality control before deploying.

The full local build requires Docker installed. This will keep the dependencies contained to a docker container and provide a more streamlined and reproducible build.

Clone the repo and cd into

git clone --recurse-submodules && cd my-documentation-repo

Run docker build to build the image, where documentation-site is the name of the image you want to create

docker build -t documentation-site .

Run docker run and map the docker port 7000 to a port on your machine in this example 8000

docker run -it -p 8000:7000 documentation-site 

Now you should be able to navigate to http://localhost:8000 (or the port chosen) in your browser and use the site. Any subsequent changes to content will require a new build of the docker image.


  • python >3.7
    • pipenv installed
      pip install pipenv
  • node.js
  • pandoc
  • ghostscript


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 40.4%
  • Python 38.5%
  • Shell 13.6%
  • Dockerfile 7.5%