Accumulo doesn't have a standard rest interface. This is an attempt to fix that. It tries to emulate the Accumulo Client API as close as possible. Hopefully it will at least trigger a REST design discussion for Accumulo.
Add the following properties to your accumulo-site.xml
modifying where appropriate:
Start Accumulo, Clone the repo, fire up a local jetty to test things out
mvn jetty:run
Point a browser to http://localhost:8080/accumulo/
To deploy to your existing evironment
mvn package war:war
will create target/accumulo-rest.war
- I've only tested this on my local machine, never in a multi-server environment. Although my machine is Bo$$, I'm sure I screwed something up.
- Absolutely no http security is built in. none. yet. So don't go deploying this.
- JAX-RS webapp that uses JBoss RESTEasy.
- Google Guice injects a singleton connector into the REST resources, handling necessary Accumulo configuration information (username, password, zookeepers, etc).
- Root path contains a Single Page Application (SPA) built on AngularJS to interact with the REST api.
- Everything built as if Accumulo adopts it, (e.g. package names are org.apache.accumulo)
- Provies a Proxy service for the standard Accumulo Monitor, Hadoop HDFS, and Hadoop MapReduce monitor pages.
I'm starting with GET operations to figure out the base REST API.
- Properties/[{prefix}] - Properties defined in accumulo configuration.
- Admin/TableOperations
- Admin/TableOperations/list
- Admin/TableOperations/listSplits/{tablename}[?maxsplits=]
- Admin/TableOperations/exists/{tablename}
- Admin/TableOperations/create/{tablename}[?limitversion=false/true,timetype=MILLIS/LOGICAL]
- Admin/TableOperations/offline/{tablename}
- Admin/TableOperations/online/{tablename}
- Admin/SecurityOperations -- placeholder for now
- Admin/InstanceOperations -- placeholder for now
- Proxy/Monitor
- Proxy/Mapreduce
- Proxy/Hdfs
- Scanner/scan[?table=,
- js_api/ - Automatically generated javascript API (thanks RESTEasy)
- Flesh out Remainder of REST API.
- Javascript test framework
- Implement server tests -- start embedded Jetty and use HttpClient code?
- Charting magic for new Monitor
- Get Proxy links re-routed correctly
- REST documentation - Swagger? or something like it?
- Determine Shell route - steal current Monitor like is stubbed or pure javascript version
- HDFS Javascript Shell? - seperate project?
- Breakout parts into separate projects?
- Determine a security method. (OAuth2?)
- Are base64 scan results ok?
- Put this list into GitHub