This needs 2HDMC, which is a general-purpose calculator for the two-Higgs doublet model. It allows parametrization of the Higgs potential in many different ways, convenient specification of generic Yukawa sectors, the evaluation of decay widths (including higher-order QCD corrections), theoretical constraints and much more.
You can install Calculators42HDM in a CMSSW release (recommended) or a conda environment (which requires a few changes to the script), see the installation instructions.
- For each process we have a dir template, whatever changes you need to make it has to be for these cards Only !
# gg Fusion; LO Loop Induced 4F-scheme
cd run2Template_cards/template_HToZATo2L2B_200_50_1_ggH_TuneCP5_13TeV_pythia8
# b-associated Production; NLO 4F-scheme
cd run2Template_cards/template_HToZATo2L2B_200_50_1_bbH4F_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnlo_pythia8
: MH_MA_tanbeta parameters
# run a test
./ --process bbH --test --templates run2Template_cards --mode H
# run all ZA run2 UL mass points
./ -p bbH --templates run2Template_cards -q condor_spool -s 4FS -pdf NNPDF31 -m H
: bbH or ggH-m
: H or A means ( H->ZA or A->ZH)-q
: condor, condor_spool, slurm or 1nh-s
: Production scheme 4FS, 5FS or None--interference
: default False , add process p p > h1 > etc ... @1--switch_bbH_To_LO
: switch bbH computation at-leading-order, default False--customizecards
: default False, param_card.dat will be generated instead !--templates
: a directory with run cards for the two processes, each in a subdirectory--gridpoints
: a directory with the JSON files with (mA, mH) points definitions--fullsim
: Generate 21 signal mass points per process saved by default infullsim/
: Generate 3 benchmarks scenarios for at high and low mass region of (MH, MA) for 5 different tb values, cards stored by default inbenchmarks/
: Will produce 1 set of cards for each process, saved by default inexample_cards/
, if none of the 3 above args found the full list of ZAsamples for run2ULegacy will be produced/saved by default inPrivateProd_run2
: If you passNNPDF31
withlhaid 325500
will be used for4FS
with lhaid325300
if no scheme arg found ! If you leave this out, the default will be set to$DEFAULT_PDF_SETS
as shortcuts to have the PDF sets automatically and added to therun_card
at run time to avoid specifying them directly
lhapdf = pdlabel ! PDF set
OR pass different --lhapdfsets
with --lhaid
: LHAID number , needed if you want to use different--lhapdfsets
than the one mentionning above ! Now in the dir cards theblabla_param_card.dat
doesn't include the decay BR neither the total width for h3 and Z.--saveprocessinfos
: save BR, widths and xsc after running sushi. By default set toFalse
, note that the code is much slower when this flag is turned on.- You need to overwrite this card for each mass point to avoid madspin launch the automatic computation of the widths ! Why you need to do that ? Because of these 2 open issue when using madspin here and here. So Simply run as follow:
cd MG5_aMC_vX_X_X
# compute the decay BR and width using fake ymb for all pdgid mentionned in the madspin card !
# checks difference in width between MadWidth and 2HDMC, set the yukawa coupling to the mb on-shell
# and over-write the final blabla_param_card.dat
The code live inside genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/Utilities/parsing_code
dir . The goal of the parsed code is the syntactic analysis of the Madgraph cards to check:
python name-of-cards
- The cards's right structure.
- Wrong objects definition.
- Possible bugs.
Proc card checks:
- Only one proton definition is permitted
- The correct pdf-set used in the run card.
- The add-process line must contain generate line. The possible jet must be defined.
- The model line must be defined.
- The card must include output line with correct.
Inside the Run card:
- 13 TeV energy of collision.
- Declaration of nevents
- If ickkw=1 checks if the jets are in the process
- No double declaration of pfd number.
Inside the cards output directory (example_cards
or PrivateProd_run2
) a simple shell script is generated to produce all the gridpacks for each process.
Which need to have access to genproduction repositry.
Computing decay rates for 2HDM with FeynRules and MadGraph5aMC@NLO :arxiv.1402.1178
python --run_beforeYukawaFix --run_afterYukawaFix
cd MG5_aMC_vX_X_X
ln -s -d scripts/ .
./bin/mg5_aMC scripts/
python --default_cardsDIR=./widths_crosschecks/run_beforeYukawaFix/outputs/ --madspin_cardsDIR=./widths_crosschecks/run_afterYukawaFix/outputs/
Options of
: if not given Calculators42HDM will recompute the width of h3 in range(50., 1500.)--BR
: plot BR( H1 -> bb)--NWA
: plot TotalWidth/M(h3) = f(mh3)
- For long jobs, the afs permissions may expire for the master job and it's subprocesses before completion, which will result in file read errors and failure. The command
allows the kerberos 5 permissions to be updated for a job and its subprocesses. Instructions to obtain and start a tmux session with k5reauth are givenhere and here - Let's define 'ktmux' function in your ~/.bashrc by adding the following lines:
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then #if no argument passed
k5reauth -f -i 3600 -p <your account name> -k <path_to_your_keytab>/<your account name>.keytab -- tmux new-session
else #pass the argument as the tmux session name
k5reauth -f -i 3600 -p <your account name> -k <path_to_your_keytab>/<your account name>.keytab -- tmux new-session -s $1
Starting point: MCM of one of our MiniAOD signal samples, from which you can find the MCM chain where it links all of the steps.
git clone -o upstream [email protected]:cp3-llbb/ZAPrivateProduction.git
pushd ZAPrivateProduction
git clone -o upstream
# Two CMSSW releases are needed:
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc481
scram p CMSSW CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc530
scram p CMSSW CMSSW_8_0_21
# Fetch some cards to modify
mkdir PrivateProd
pushd genproductions
git co 60013422c59c7c56c39441896f296cb371094777
pushd bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/cards/production/13TeV/higgs/HToZATo2L2B
ln -s -d ../../../../../../../../PrivateProd .
cp -r HToZATo2L2B_200_50 PrivateProd/template_HToZATo2L2B_200_50
# Before preparing the actual cards we need to get the widths and other inputs from 2HDMC, so let's get Calculator42HDM first
pushd CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2/src
cd ..
# Test your install
pushd CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2/src/cp3_llbb/Calculators42HDM
python example/
# And now prepare all the cards
# Separately, on lxplus, prepare all the gridpacks:
# template CRAB and CMSSW configs have been created with
# Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --fileout file:HToZATo2L2B_200p00_50p00_wmLHE.root --mc --eventcontent LHE --datatier LHE --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --step LHE --python_filename --no_exec --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring -n 10000
# These templates are stored in the wmLHE directory
# NB: a dedicated script `` has been created to hack around the fact that I cannot directly store gridpacks on eos, so I'm using this executable to first download the gridpack before running cmsRun
# First we need to get a more recent python version: let's do a cmsenv first
pushd CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2/src
# Prepare all the jobs (CMSSW and CRAB configs)
# Submit all the tasks
pushd CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2/src
for j in `'ls' crab_*py`; do echo -e "\n## submitting ${j}"; crab submit ${j}; done
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
# link to cards:
externalLHEProducer = cms.EDProducer("ExternalLHEProducer",
args = cms.vstring('/cvmfs/'),
nEvents = cms.untracked.uint32(5000),
numberOfParameters = cms.uint32(1),
outputFile = cms.string('cmsgrid_final.lhe'),
scriptName = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/data/')
wmLHE step MCM link
source /cvmfs/
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc481
if [ -r CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2/src ] ; then
echo release CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2 already exists
scram p CMSSW CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2
cd CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2/src
eval `scram runtime -sh`
curl -s --insecure --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/
[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ ] || exit $?;
scram b
cd ../../ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --fileout file:HIG-RunIIWinter15wmLHE-00920.root --mc --eventcontent LHE --datatier LHE --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --step LHE --python_filename --no_exec --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring -n 10000 || exit $? ;
echo "nothing" ; Configuration/GenProduction/python/ --fileout file:HIG-RunIIWinter15wmLHE-00920.root --mc --eventcontent DQM --datatier DQM --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --step LHE,USER:GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/wlhe2HepMCConverter_cff.generator,GEN,VALIDATION:genvalid_all --fileout file:HIG-RunIIWinter15wmLHE-00920_genvalid.root --mc -n 1000 --python_filename --dump_python --no_exec || exit $? ; step2 --filein file:HIG-RunIIWinter15wmLHE-00920_genvalid.root --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --mc -s HARVESTING:genHarvesting --harvesting AtJobEnd --python_filename --no_exec || exit $? ;
GEN-SIM step MCM link
source /cvmfs/
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc481
if [ -r CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2/src ] ; then
echo release CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2 already exists
scram p CMSSW CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2
cd CMSSW_7_1_20_patch2/src
eval `scram runtime -sh`
curl -s --retry 2 --create-dirs -o Configuration/GenProduction/python/ThirteenTeV/
[ -s Configuration/GenProduction/python/ThirteenTeV/ ] || exit $?;
scram b
cd ../../ Configuration/GenProduction/python/ThirteenTeV/ --fileout file:HIG-RunIISummer15GS-01045.root --mc --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --beamspot Realistic50ns13TeVCollision --step GEN,SIM --magField 38T_PostLS1 --python_filename --no_exec -n 55 || exit $? ;
echo "nothing" ; Configuration/GenProduction/python/ThirteenTeV/ --fileout file:HIG-RunIISummer15GS-01045.root --mc --eventcontent DQM --datatier DQM --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --beamspot Realistic50ns13TeVCollision --step GEN,VALIDATION:genvalid_all --magField 38T_PostLS1 --fileout file:HIG-RunIISummer15GS-01045_genvalid.root --mc -n 1000 --python_filename --no_exec || exit $? ; step2 --filein file:HIG-RunIISummer15GS-01045_genvalid.root --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --mc -s HARVESTING:genHarvesting --harvesting AtJobEnd --python_filename --no_exec || exit $? ;
DIGI-RECO (and pileup premixing) MCM link
source /cvmfs/
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc530
if [ -r CMSSW_8_0_21/src ] ; then
echo release CMSSW_8_0_21 already exists
scram p CMSSW CMSSW_8_0_21
cd CMSSW_8_0_21/src
eval `scram runtime -sh`
scram b
cd ../../ step1 --filein "dbs:/HToZATo2L2B_MH-200_MA-50_13TeV-madgraph-pythia8/RunIISummer15GS-MCRUN2_71_V1-v1/GEN-SIM" --fileout file:HIG-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-01388_step1.root --pileup_input "dbs:/Neutrino_E-10_gun/RunIISpring15PrePremix-PUMoriond17_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v2-v2/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW" --mc --eventcontent PREMIXRAW --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --conditions 80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6 --step DIGIPREMIX_S2,DATAMIX,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:@frozen2016 --nThreads 4 --datamix PreMix --era Run2_2016 --python_filename --no_exec --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring -n 84 || exit $? ; step2 --filein file:HIG-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-01388_step1.root --fileout file:HIG-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-01388.root --mc --eventcontent AODSIM --runUnscheduled --datatier AODSIM --conditions 80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6 --step RAW2DIGI,RECO,EI --nThreads 4 --era Run2_2016 --python_filename --no_exec --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring -n 84 || exit $? ;
MiniAOD MCM link
source /cvmfs/
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc530
if [ -r CMSSW_8_0_21/src ] ; then
echo release CMSSW_8_0_21 already exists
scram p CMSSW CMSSW_8_0_21
cd CMSSW_8_0_21/src
eval `scram runtime -sh`
scram b
cd ../../ step1 --fileout file:HIG-RunIISummer16MiniAODv2-01385.root --mc --eventcontent MINIAODSIM --runUnscheduled --datatier MINIAODSIM --conditions 80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6 --step PAT --nThreads 4 --era Run2_2016 --python_filename --no_exec --customise Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring -n 2880 || exit $? ;