NOTE: Hamster is kinda not being maintained at the moment.
Details here:
Debian-based: apt-get install git-core gettext intltool python-gconf
RPM-based: yum install git-core gettext intltool gnome-python2-gconf
./waf configure build --prefix=/usr sudo ./waf install
After that make sure that the old daemons aren’t roaming around:
killall hamster-service && killall hamster-windows-service
Now restart your panels/dockies and you should be able to add hamster to your panel!
Previously hamster was installed everywhere under hamster-applet
. As
the applet is long gone, the paths and file names have changed to
. To clean up previous install follow these steps:
git checkout d140d45f105d4ca07d4e33bcec1fae30143959fe ./waf configure build --prefix=/usr sudo ./waf uninstall