π§π§π§π§ Repo in active development, expect things to break and change. π§π§π§π§
In Story Protocol, the basic unit of intellectual property is the IPAsset, representing a well defined item that will be subject to a set of rules defined in each Franchise. IPAssets will have many categories corresponding to different domains of intellectual property, starting with Narrative Universes.
The starting IPAsset types are:
- Story
- Character
- Item
- Location
- Art
- Group
They have mediaURL, an off chain file identifying the IPA medium, duration, divisions, authorship and other characteristics.
IPAssets can be combined together to form more rich intellectual property, and can be remixed and extended within the legal parameters defined on each Franchise.
ERC721 that registers all the narrative franchises in Story Protocol. When registering a new franchise, along with minting an NFT to identify the Franchise Owner, all contracts required to represent the IPAssets, their IP rights, licenses, etc will be deployed by a factory.
Ownership of a Franchise Registry token implies the power to:
- Configure the licensing rules for the IPAssets created in the Franchise
- Define possible Relationships between IPAssets of the same franchise π§
Since this is an ERC721, ownership of the Franchise could be determined by an EOA, Multisig, Governor contracts or whatever available web3 coordination tool.
ERC721 NFT where IPAssets are minted. There is 1 IPAssetRegistry per Franchise registered in Story Protocol.
When minted, an IPAsset will also:
- Set it's metadata
- Set the parent IPA id, in case it is a remix
- Assign the licenses representing its IP Rights, as defined by the Franchise Owner in the Licensing Module.
- Configure it's collectible π§
Factory contract responsible for, when triggered by a Franchise registration, deploying an instance of the contracts required to represent and run said Franchise:
- IPAssetRegistry
- LicenseRegistry
To save in gas, these contracts will be proxies, currently BeaconProxy clones π§
We have represented the IP with our Core Components. Now let's look into the contracts that add utility and features to manage IP in Story Protocol:
A Relationship is an on-chain directional association between 2 IPAssets (or an IPAsset and an external NFT), identified by an ID and a set of pre conditions that gives it meaning.
Relationships can have previous steps, defined by RelationshipProcessor contracts, that can be built to:
- Check ownership over IPAssets being related.
- Require payment in native currency, ERC20s...
- Require the approval of the owner of one of the IPA
- Any other interaction with other protocols, oracles...
Since they are on-chain, they help compose with other modules or external protocols/contracts:
- They can be created as a result of the execution of other modules (e.g agreeing on the Licensing terms for a Character creates an APPEARS_IN relationship between Character and Story)
- They can be a condition for the correct execution of a module (IPA owner can emit commercial license of a Character IPA if said IPA has a EXTERNAL_PFP relation)
- They can just have narrative meaning within the Franchise (two characters DID_HOOKUP, a story IS_SEQUEL of another) or some other community interation.
There is going to be 2 levels for Relationships:
- Protocol-wide relationships, defined by Governance and with interaction with protocol modules
- Franchise level relationships, to be defined by Franchise Owner π§
Protocol-wide relationships need to be proposed through a governance process, like this one
A system to dispute and revoke Relationships is in the works π§
The Licensing Module is at the heart of Story Protocol. It aims to create a transparent, public and fair legal environment for Franchise Owners and Creators to develop an IP while capturing the value and ownership among different contributors in a novel way.
It has several component contracts:
Every IPAssetRegistry is a RightsManager, which implements a modified version of draft EIP-5218.
It manages trees of License structs and all their sublicenses. If a License is revoked (every License has a revoker address), all the licenses down the tree will be too.
Every License can have none or many on-chain an off-chain terms, and both will be able to be composed from many "License Legos" π§
- Off-chain terms are given by the License metadata and legal text files linked to the License struct (in the works, based in the Token Bound License)π§. Off-chain terms will be enforced via a market of licensing flagger/revoker services, individuals and oracles or in worst case scenario, the legacy legal system.
- On-chain terms are TermsProcessor contracts, that must be executed by the current License Holder in order to activate the License. These can include:
- Time limitations, with or without renewal.
- Setting revenue splits in the Royalty Module.
- Payment.
- Approval of the content by the licensor.
- Creation or check for existance of a Relationship between assets.
- External NFT ownership
- KYC Oracle
- Other cases build by the community
A RightsManager allows us to grant 2 type of License:
Rights: Licenses tied to a tokenId (IPAsset id), in which the license holder is always the owner of said tokenId. Each tokenId can have commercial or non commercial license tied to it. Transfering an IPAsset transfers the Rights too, so the previous owner will lose the ownership of the righst along the IPA.
Tradeable Licenses: The license holder is the owner of the correspondent LicenseRegistry NFT. They are either:
a. Franchise root license: license minted by a Franchise owner to govern commercial or non commercial rights for all the IPAssetRegistries.
b. Sublicense: a license coming from IPA Rights or other Licenses, minted as an ERC721 by the parent license owner. These would be the future "movie adaptation to my story" or "merchandise rights for my PFP" type licenses that can be transferred or sold in NFT markets.
Simple ERC721 NFT wrapper for Tradeable Licenses registered in a RightsManager. Each IPAssetRegistry have its correspondent LicenseRegistry.
Networked IPs with multiple stakeholders need to have compatible licensing terms and characteristics in order to be commercially develop in a feasible way. The Licensing Module contract is where Franchise Owners define this common legal framework.
By design, with the idea of growing the IP, every IPA will have a license that will allow remixing it as long as the remixer:
- Attributes the original creator
- It's for non commercial (or within reasonable commercial assumptions π§)
- It's minted back to the Franchise as a child IPA with the same non commercial terms
Root IPAs have optional commercial rights, meaning that a commercial License might be bought/requested from the owner of the rights, to do a commercial remixes, adaptations, merch, etc, with benefits traversing as defined by revenue/royalty modules.
The configurable options are:
- For both commercial and non commercial rights of IPAs
- can they sublicense (remix)?
- do they have a Franchise level root License from which all the rights stem from?
- Terms for both commercial and non commercial rights
- Do root IPA have commercial rights on mint or not?
- URI pointing to the Franchise Commercial Rights license text.
We are going to have several ready-made templates for Franchise creators π§:
Tight narrative/commercial direction:
- Commercial Licenses can only be granted by the owner of the Root Commercial License (minted by Franchise Owner)
- Users can add and remix IPAs under Non Commercial terms.
- If Franchise Owner wants to emit commercial licenses from IPAs, an agreement must be made between IPA and Franchise owners (inclusion in upside/revenue, up front payment, voting rights, combination of some of all...)
Loose narrative/commercial direction:
- Every root IPA has commercial rights (under some terms, e.g owner of IPA is owner of external PFP NFT) and can emit commercial licenses around that IPA.
Collect module allows users to mint duplicates of an IPA as a memento, way of supporting the creators, engagement metric...
- Each IPA can configure custom CollectNFTs as result of the Collect action
- Programable pre conditions for collection will be possible π§ (payment, approval)
Although revenue/royalties is a complicated subject, we are building infrastructure to make it easier for proyects, since correct incentivization of participants in IP creation is such a core issue in web3 and the off chain enternainment industry.
NOTE: We are using royalties and revenue in an informal and interchangeable way. This is a system to distribute shares of value, the technical source of it is out of scope at the moment. π§
The first obvious case that can be enforced with these contracts are on-chain revenue and royalties, but we expect the community to build bridges to more traditional platforms and payment rails that can route value here.
The RoyaltyDistributor contract allows IPAsset owners and license TermsProcessors to set revenue/royal shares.
How the shares are configured is up to RoyaltyPolicies, and the actual shares are given by our RoyaltyNFT, an ERC-1155 wrapper over the Split contracts of 0xSplits
Please install the following:
And you probably already have make
installed... but if not try looking here. and here for MacOS
make # This installs the project's dependencies.
make test
make test
forge test
You'll need to add the following variables to a .env
Deploy local
(open other tab)
forge script script/foundry/deployment/Main.s.sol:Main --fork-url=
Deploy to network dry run
forge script script/foundry/deployment/Main.s.sol:Main --fork-url=<network rpc url url> -vvvv
Deploy to network
forge script script/foundry/deployment/Main.s.sol:Main --fork-url=<network rpc url url> -vvvv --broadcast --verify
Before using any task, make sure you have run
npx hardhat compile
NOTE: All task that generate transactions can be called with additional param --events true
so they print the tx receipt's events
Create a Franchise
npx hardhat --network <networ name> sp:create-franchise -name="Test" -description="Short description" -symbol="TT"
Get Franchise Address for ID
npx hardhat sp:get-ip-asset-registry-address --network <network> <franchiseId>
Create Story Block
npx hardhat sp:create-ip-asset --network <network> <franchiseId> <IPAssetType name, like "ART", "STORY"...> <name> <description> "https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v\=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
Read Story Block
npx hardhat sp:read-ip-asset--network <network> <franchiseId> <IPAssetId>
Foundry comes with local network anvil baked in, and allows us to deploy to our local network for quick testing locally.
To start a local network run:
make anvil
This will spin up a local blockchain with a determined private key, so you can use the same private key each time.
We employed solhint to check code style. To check code style with solhint run:
make lint
To re-format code with prettier run:
make format
We use slither, a popular security framework from Trail of Bits. To use slither, you'll first need to install python and install slither.
Then, you can run:
make slither
And get your slither output.