Kcat is a tool to covert and quick view data file (usually work with Python).
We have lots of file is saved as a.json.z (which is compressed by python's zlib, it's very hard to debug/read those files).
with this tool, we can simplely use kcat --if=a.json.z -Z
to see the json string.
Also, we can do some action on data like this:
kcat --if=a.json.z -ZJ --exp='[val for key, val in buf if key in (2, 5)]' --str
The source code is hosted on GitHub at: http://github.com/kindy/kcat .
Publish on pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/kcat/ .
Can be install via pip:
pip install kcat
kcat -h
kcat v0.2
usage: /usr/local/bin/kcat [<options>] [<filename>...]
--help - this help
-J - json decode
-M - msgpack decode
-N - netcdf load
-P - py unpickle
-R - eval()
-Y - yaml decode
-Z - zlib decompress
-j - json encode
-m - msgpack encode
-n - netcdf save
-p - py pickle
-r - repr()
-y - yaml encode
-z - zlib compress
--exp= - run custom expression on buf
we can use those modules:
* re - py regexp
* op - py operator
* np - numpy - if installed
* pd - pandas - if installed
* xr - xarray (xray)- if installed
--str - convert with str()
equall to --exp='str(buf)'
--pretty - encode in pretty format
--if= - input file (instead of args)
--of= - out file (be careful with multiple --if, last output will be saved)
generate some data and save as format netCDF:
echo '' | kcat --exp='xr.DataArray(np.random.randn(2,3,4)).to_dataset(name="R")' -n >a.nc
read it back and output:
kcat --if=a.nc -N --exp='buf.R' --str
<xarray.DataArray 'R' (dim_0: 2, dim_1: 3, dim_2: 4)>
array([[[-1.40528544, 0.62455772, -1.46824167, 0.58910005],
[ 1.91870803, -1.39927541, 0.05078447, -0.43398362],
[-0.94622026, 1.37185607, 0.53048492, 0.65196149]],
[[ 1.12117453, 1.15023976, -0.7536142 , -1.09189905],
[ 1.58380027, 2.52831306, -0.8423896 , -1.19814928],
[ 0.10820024, 0.49066814, 0.35856986, -0.08041386]]])
* dim_0 (dim_0) int64 0 1
* dim_1 (dim_1) int64 0 1 2
* dim_2 (dim_2) int64 0 1 2 3
Copyright 2016, Kindy Lin
Licensed under the GPL v3.