This is a project intended to develop a set of tools to read in data from the River Forecast Centers and convert it into a sqlite database. This database will be used as a format to share data on disk between plugins in HEC-WAT and possibly CWMS.
Download the latest Build here:
Install ResSim currently:
Download the zip file here
unzip and copy the jars to HEC-ResSim\jar\ext
Edit Hec-ResSim.config verify HasGlobalVariables to true and temp directory for SQLite as shown below.
#:Set the following parameter to "true" to turn on :
#:Global Variables :
vmparam -DHasGlobalVariables=true
vmparam -Dorg.sqlite.tmpdir=c:\temp
Another way is to put these in the class path. If multiple programs are using the Jars such as both HEC-WAT and HEC-ResSim the jars can be placed in a shared location. This can be done by editing C:\Programs\HEC-ResSim-\HEC-ResSim.config. (example location)
addjars C:\FIRO_TSEnsembles\libs
sample data ResSim.db
You may see an error such as this, where virius protection program is preventing the sqlitejdbc.dll from running in the default temp directory.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\happy\AppData\Local\Temp\1\sqlite-3.30.1-db89cb97-d483-489a-b248-956d0783d9d5-sqlitejdbc.dll: Access is denied
add this line below to HEC-ResSim.config
vmparam -Dorg.sqlite.tmpdir=c:\temp