##Friday 14 sep 2012 18:30 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
##What is the plan:
- 18:30 Meet at Amsterdam Central Station "Restaurant 1e Klas". It's on (the eastern side of) platform 2.
- 19:00 Eat some of the best Paella in Town in a sober but great spanish restaurant. Located in a in the heart of the red-light-disctrict.
It comes down to this. 1) eat 2) drink 3) fun
##How to join the Laravel Meetup in Amsterdam.: Everybody is free to join, please send an email to [email protected] or/and add yourself to this readme and send a pull request. It is important to know how much people actually are attending (i have to organise some small things).
Google+ users: https://plus.google.com/events/ctcmesqhfi6s4qeciieeb3fppjs/107261273070782054189
p.s. Food and drinks are at your own expences.
##Confirmed attendees
- Shawn McCool
- Cees van Egmond
- Koen Smeets (vespakoen)
- Michael Teeuw (MichMich)
- n0xie
- Roy (rojito)
- myself (jeroengerits)
- ...add yourself over here (also send me an email for double confirmation)...
TIP: use the shiney new WATCH option in github to receive emails when things are changing :D