MEEN 689 Term Project
A matlab version of landmark-based SLAM using RGB light as landmarks.
[Run a simulation]:
PF = RunSLAM(Ut, Zt, 1500, lmY, 1); % Run Particle Filter SLAM
[ekf traj] = RunEkfSLAM(Ut, Zt, 1); % Run EKF SLAM
[Run a real data]:
[ekf traj] = RunEkfSLAM(U, rgb_d, 0);
Three light bults and a smartphone is everything we have.
We used our smartphone as the mobile robot, estimating its motion displacement by its accelerometer, GPS, gyroscope and magnetometer, and measuring the distance to three light bults by its RGB camera.
We implemented two kinds of SLAM: EKF SLAM and Particle Filter SLAM. We set the y-positions of three landmarks as known parameters to simplify the problem. The simulation data and real world test data are provided in the "input" file. The simulation results are shown in the next section. The real world test results, however, are not accurate as the simulation results since we only have a smartphone as our sensor.
Run Particle Filter SLAM with
number of particles: 2000
process noise variacne: 0.03
measurement noise variance: 1
Run EKF SLAM with
process noise variacne: 0.03
measurement noise variance: 1