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Creating your session engine

Rimas Silkaitis edited this page Dec 29, 2016 · 5 revisions

Initial Setup

It is possible to create custom engines for kemal-session. To do so, you have to create a class that inherits from the abstract class `Session::Engine. This abstract class defines methods that your engine has to provide:

def initialize(options : Hash(Symbol, String))

Your engine can take a set of optional options upon initializing. For the FileSystemEngine this would be the folder to store the sessions in and for a database engine it could be for host, database, user and password.

def run_gc

This method will be called by Session periodically to clean up old, unremoved sessions. The FileSystemEngine simply deletes the corresponding files, a database engine might need to remove entries from a table etc.

Session Base Types

When a developer is using kemal-session, they're required to define the type to be saved in session storage. Currently, the types supported are Int32, Float64, String, and Bool. The raw type names (e.g. Int32) are not used to define the names of the methods. Instead, short form type names are used:

Type Method Short Name
Int32 int
Float64 float
String string
Bool bool

For each of the base types, four different methods need to be created. If any of the methods are missing from the implementation, you will get an error during compilation because Session::Engine is defined as an abstract class. Session::Engine requires these methods but its up to the engine itself how it will save the session data in the data store.

def int(session_id : String, k: String, v : Int32)
  # set the value of k to v for session session_id in your file, database etc.

def int(session_id : String, k: String) : Int32
  # return the value of k for session session_id

def int?(session_id : String, k : String) : Int32?
  # return the value of k for session session_id if it is set, otherwise nil

def ints(session_id : String) : Hash(String, Int32)
  # return a hash of k => v pairs for session session_id

StorableObject Details

One of the more unique types that have to be saved in the engine is StorableObject. StorableObject is an abstract type that used by the developer to define subclasses in which the instances are saved in session storage. The defined subclasses need to respond to two different methods, #unserialize and .serialize. When a StorableObject is serialized via the .serialize method, it returns a String and that then can be saved by the storage engine. The unserialize class method will recreate an instance of the object defined by the developer. The Redis kemal-session engine has an example of how .serialize and #unserialize works.

Just like the base types, StorableObject has a set of short-form method names. The engine must respond to a set of object methods to handle StorableObject:

def object(session_id : String, k: String, v : StorableObject)
  # set the value of k to v for session session_id in your file, database etc.

def object(session_id : String, k: String) : StorableObject
  # return the value of k for session session_id

def object?(session_id : String, k : String) : StorableObject?
  # return the value of k for session session_id if it is set, otherwise nil

def objects(session_id : String) : Hash(String, StorableObject)
  # return a hash of k => v pairs for session session_id

Engine Instantiation in kemal-session

If you have created an engine name MyEngine you can tell kemal-session to use this new engine:

Session.config.engine ={option_for_your_engine: "value"})