I'm a hacker and a computer engineer (this just means I whisper to computers so they do my bidding). I specialize in social engineering, but I do all forms of pentesting too. In my free time I tinker, code and break stuff.
- 🌱 Very learning oriented. I speak both english and spanish!
- 🏗️ Looking into CRTP next.
- ⚡ Focusing on polishing my C skills, as well as my Bash and Python scripting to do my own tooling.
- 🗺️ Find me everywhere as
► My Blog ► My Public Key ► How to Ask Questions
Should you try and contact/email me, please try to encrypt it using my public key above. It is ed25519/0x3129169D1F30057E
, and its fingerprint is 0E29 C9BD 2511 75B7 F2D3 27FB 3129 169D 1F30 057E
. My email address is kedislav <at> proton <dot> me
. "But why should I do this?" you might ask; it not only ensures that me and only me reads your message, but also sizeof(cat) could not have said it better:
"Every bit of encrypted traffic increases the encrypted background noise and thus makes it harder to distinguish between important and unimportant traffic." - sizeof(cat)
You can also get my key from the OpenPGP keyserver by running this command on your terminal (assuming you have gpg
gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-key 0E29C9BD251175B7F2D327FB3129169D1F30057E