All-In-One Adam Optimizer where several novelties are combined from following papers:
- Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization for Adam
Authors shown that the real reason why Momentum optimizer is often outperforming Adam in generalization was due to the fact that Adam does not perform well under L2 regularization and developed decoupled weight decay as a solution.
- Online Learning Rate Adaptation with Hypergradient Descent
This is enabled via "hypergrad" parameter by setting it to any value except zero. It enables the optimizer to update the learning-rate itself by the technique proposed in the paper, instead of giving an external schedule which would require lots of additional hyperparameters. It is especially useful when one doesn't have the chance to hypertune a schedule.
- Closing the Generalization Gap of Adaptive Gradient Methods in Training Deep Neural Networks
This can be set by the "partial" parameter, which controls how likely the optimizer acts similar to Adam (1.0) and SGD (0.0), which is very useful if hypertuned. One can also update (decay) this parameter online to switch between Adam and SGD optimizers in an easy way, which has been recommended by previous research for a better generalization.
Adaptive Gradient Methods with Dynamic Bound of Learning Rate
Exploiting Uncertainty of Loss Landscape for Stochastic Optimization