This Cheat Sheet coontains most commnly and very uncommonly used linux commands.
- File and Directory Management
- File Content Manipulation
- File Permissions
- System Monitoring
- Network Commands
- Process Management
- Archiving and Compression
- User Management
- Package Management (Debian/Ubuntu)
- Others
ls: Lists files and directories.
- Example: ls -l (detailed list view)
cd: Changes the current directory.
- Example: cd /home/user
pwd: Displays the current working directory.
- Example: pwd
mkdir: Creates a new directory.
- Example: mkdir new_folder
rmdir: Removes empty directories.
- Example: rmdir old_folder
rm: Deletes files or directories.
- Example: rm file.txt, rm -r folder (recursive delete)
cp: Copies files or directories.
- Example: cp file1.txt file2.txt
mv: Moves or renames files or directories.
- Example: mv file1.txt new_file.txt
touch: Creates a new empty file.
- Example: touch newfile.txt
find: Searches for files and directories.
- Example: find / -name file.txt
locate: Finds files and directories quickly using a database.
- Example: locate file.txt
cat: Displays the content of a file.
- Example: cat file.txt
tac: Displays the content of a file in reverse.
- Example: tac file.txt
less: Opens a file for viewing (scrollable).
- Example: less file.txt
more: Views file content (less advanced than less).
- Example: more file.txt
head: Displays the first few lines of a file.
- Example: head -n 10 file.txt
tail: Displays the last few lines of a file.
- Example: tail -n 10 file.txt
nano: Opens a file in a simple text editor.
- Example: nano file.txt
vim: Opens a file in the Vim text editor.
- Example: vim file.txt
wc: Counts words, lines, and characters in a file.
- Example: wc file.txt
chmod: Changes file or directory permissions.
- Example: chmod 755 file.txt
chown: Changes file ownership.
- Example: chown user:group file.txt
chgrp: Changes group ownership of a file.
- Example: chgrp group file.txt
umask: Sets default permissions for new files and directories.
- Example: umask 022
top: Displays real-time processes and resource usage.
htop: An interactive version of top (needs to be installed).
ps: Lists running processes.
- Example: ps aux
df: Shows disk space usage.
- Example: df -h
du: Displays disk usage of a directory or file.
- Example: du -h folder
free: Displays memory usage.
- Example: free -h
uptime: Shows system uptime.
- Example: uptime
who: Displays logged-in users.
- Example: who
w: Shows who is logged in and what they are doing.
- Example: w
ping: Tests network connectivity to a host.
- Example: ping
ifconfig: Displays or configures network interfaces.
- Example: ifconfig eth0
ip: Configures network interfaces and routing (modern replacement for ifconfig).
- Example: ip addr
netstat: Displays network connections and statistics.
- Example: netstat -tuln
ss: Displays detailed network statistics (faster than netstat).
- Example: ss -tuln
wget: Downloads files from the internet.
- Example: wget
curl: Transfers data from a URL.
- Example: curl
kill: Terminates a process using its PID.
- Example: kill 1234
killall: Terminates all processes with a specific name.
- Example: killall firefox
jobs: Lists background jobs.
- Example: jobs
fg: Brings a background job to the foreground.
- Example: fg %1
bg: Resumes a background job.
- Example: bg %1
tar: Archives files into a tarball.
- Example: tar -cvf archive.tar files/
gzip: Compresses files using the gzip algorithm.
- Example: gzip file.txt
gunzip: Decompresses gzip files.
- Example: gunzip file.txt.gz
zip: Compresses files into a zip archive.
- Example: zip file.txt
unzip: Extracts files from a zip archive.
- Example: unzip
whoami: Displays the current logged-in user.
- Example: whoami
id: Displays user ID, group ID, and other information.
- Example: id
adduser: Adds a new user.
- Example: sudo adduser username
passwd: Changes the password for a user.
- Example: passwd
usermod: Modifies a user account.
- Example: usermod -aG groupname username
deluser: Deletes a user account.
- Example: sudo deluser username
apt-get: Installs, upgrades, or removes packages.
- Example: sudo apt-get install package-name
apt: A user-friendly alternative to apt-get.
- Example: sudo apt install package-name
dpkg: Installs or removes .deb packages.
- Example: sudo dpkg -i package.deb
echo: Displays text.
- Example: echo "Hello, World!"
date: Shows or sets the system date and time.
- Example: date
cal: Displays a calendar.
- Example: cal
shutdown: Shuts down the system.
- Example: sudo shutdown now
reboot: Reboots the system.
- Example: sudo reboot
alias: Creates a shortcut for a command.
- Example: alias ll='ls -l'
clear: Clears the terminal screen.
- Example: clear
This repo is created by Kausalya N P
Users can copy this for educational purpose.