A feature flag microservice for use in other projects.
- dotnet core 8.0
- Clone the main branch.
- Navigate to the directory you cloned it into (the root of the project).
- Run
dotnet restore
to install the dependencies on the projects. - Open the solution in your IDE of preference.
- docker
- docker compose
- traefik 2.0
- dnsmasq to redirect *.docker urls to localhost
- dotnet core 8.0 with ef tool installed
- Clone the main branch.
- Navigate to the directory you clone it into (the root of the project).
- Create an empty file .data/featureFlagContext.db (ex.
touch .data/featureFlagContext.db
). - Change to the WebAPI project directory (ex.
cd WebAPI
). - Run
dotnet ef database update --connection "Data Source=../.data/featureFlagContext.db"
to create and update the database. - Change back to the solution root directory (ex.
cd ..
) - Run
docker compose --build -up -d
. Wait for the notification that the feature flag service is running. - Open your browser and navigate to http://featureflags.docker/swagger.
Automatically builds to the https://hub.docker.com/r/kcordes/featureflagservice image in DockerHub.