This Script let's you control Pulseaudio sinks and input streams.
Feel free to Fork and Pull-Request your enhancements to this file!
Hint: This Script does not work right out of the box. you need to change your tuple lines to your need to make this work.
the script is ran by launch_control(tuple_list)
Each tuple defines one knob.
This is the structure of a tuple:
the id of the knob you want to control something
You can either control pulseaudio sinks or input_sinks, e.g. vlc media player sound or Discord or Firefox...
this is defined by the type
normal sink = "volume" input_sink = "input_volume"
look at the pulseaudio input_volume streams by typing:
pactl list sinks
get device.description
of your output-device - this is your target
(you might need to define yourself an output, e.g. by addin a line like this to ~/.config/pulse/
load-module module-remap-sink sink_name="Focusrite\ Solo\ Front" sink_properties="device.description='Focusrite\ Solo\ Front' " master=0 channels=2 master_channel_map=front-left,front-right channel_map=front-left,front-right remix=no
look at the pulseaudio input_volume streams by typing:
pactl list sink-inputs
get application.process.binary
of your input_stream - this is your target
The volume of your stream gets printed out to your notifications. notification_title
defines the Title of this notification.