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Run Jest tests in Docker Compose

Node.js CRUDE API with PostgreSQL

This is a simple Node.js CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) API that uses PostgreSQL as the database.


  • Node.js
  • PostgreSQL

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository to your local machine.

    • git clone
  • Install the dependencies using pnpm install --filter client-api or npm.

    • npm install
  • Create a new PostgreSQL database and note the connection details (hostname, port, database name, username, and password).

    • Watch this to know how to install PostgreSQL on Windows 64x:
    • Notice here we are using the version 15.2 of PostgreSQL
  • Create a .env file in the root of the project and fill it with the following values (replace with your own values):

PGDATABASE=<database name>
  • Start the server using pnpm --filter client-api dev or npm dev. The server should now be running on http://localhost:3000.
    • notice here we are using the nodemon to run the server in development mode

API Endpoints

The following API endpoints are available:

GET /clients

List all clients with pagination.

Query parameters:

  • page (optional): the page number (default: 1).
  • limit (optional): the number of clients to return per page (default: 10).

GET /clients/:clientId

Get a specific client by ID.

Path parameters:

  • clientId: the ID of the client to get.

POST /clients

Create a new client.

Body parameters:

  • fullName: the full name of the client (required).
  • email: the email address of the client (required).
  • telefone: the telephone number of the client (optional).
  • coordinates: the coordinates of the client (optional).

PUT /clients/:clientId

Update an existing client by ID.

Path parameters:

  • clientId: the ID of the client to update.

Body parameters:

  • fullName: the full name of the client (required).
  • email: the email address of the client (required).
  • telefone: the telephone number of the client (optional).
  • coordinates: the coordinates of the client (optional).

DELETE /clients/:clientId

Delete a client by ID.

Path parameters:

  • clientId: the ID of the client to delete.

UPLOAD /clients/import

Upload a list of clients using a specific txt file format

Body parameters:

  • file: the file where each line is a new client.

SEARCH NEARBY /clients/lat/lon/rad

Return the list of clients order by the specific position informed

Path parameters:

  • lat: the latitude value of a user in db.
  • lon: the longitude value of a user in db
  • rad: the diameter

Using Postman Test

You can use Postman to test the API endpoints.

  • Download and install Postman.
  • Open Postman
  • Import the ClientAPI.postman_col from postmanCollection folder.
  • Click the Send button to make the tests, you can use your own data.
  • The response will be displayed in the Response section.

Using Jest Test

You can use Jest to test the API endpoints.

  • Install all dependecies
  • run pnpm --filter client-api test or npm test
  • You can edit the package.json file to customize the test command: "test": "jest flow.test.js --verbose"
  • There is a file for each endpoint under the tests folder. To run a specific test, change the name of the file in the test command.

Using Client API Test

This is a ReactJS app that tests the API endpoints of a client management system. The app is composed of several panels, each one testing a specific endpoint. The panels are:

  • Read File: Read a formatted file with client data.
  • Create File: Create a formatted file with one client data.
  • Upload File: Upload a file with client data to the server.
  • Read Client: Read data from a single client.
  • Edit Client: Edit data from a single client.
  • Pageable List Clients: List clients with pagination.
  • Delete Client: Delete a single client.
  • Search Nearby: Search a list of clients given one specific position.

Using Docker

Navigate to the directory containing the docker-compose file

  • cd /path/to/docker-compose-file

Build and start the containers

  • docker-compose up --build

If you want to run the containers in detached mode

  • docker-compose up --build -d

Stop the running containers

  • docker-compose down


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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