Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Thomas E. Burge. All rights reserved.
Affine (R) is a registered trademark of Thomas E. Burge
In no event shall Thomas E. Burge be liable for any indirect or
consequential damages or loss of data resulting from use or performance
of this software.
Permission is granted to include compiled versions of this code in
noncommercially sold software provided the following copyrights and
notices appear in all software and any related documentation:
The Affine (R) Libraries and Tools are
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Thomas E. Burge.
All rights reserved.
Affine (R) is a registered trademark of Thomas E. Burge.
Also refer to any additional requirements presently required by Pixar
in regards to the RenderMan (R) Interface Procedures and Protocol.
Those wishing to distribute this software commercially and those wishing
to redistribute the source code must get written permission from the
author, Thomas E. Burge.
Basically for now, I would like folks to get the source code directly
from me rather than to have a bunch of different versions circulating
Affine Toolkit (Release 4)
The Affine Toolkit is based on only published materials regarding the
RenderMan standard and the general subject of computer graphics. I
developed the code without reference to any proprietary code from
Pixar -- inshort this code is mine and is the result of some
research, e-mails and also experimentation with the Pixar and BMRT
tools such as prman, rendrib and catrib.
The Affine Toolkit is published to provide some useful tools to folks
using the RenderMan standard. Even those with a full-blown setup that
includes Pixar's RenderMan Artist Tools and the inexpensive Alias
AutoStudio package should find the toolkit to be useful. Those with a
slightly cheaper setup such as a system running Amapi, Sketch! or other
PC/Mac based applications that export RIBs should also find the tools
to be extremely helpful.
Feed back on the toolkit is appreciated. I will check e-mail at the
Affine domain name probably on a weekly basis depending on work. If
you have found a bug or have a suggestion, send e-mail to
[email protected]. Please do not send "junk e-mail" to this account.
Hopefully this work will provide some answers to those developing
code to export RIB files. It would be great to see more modeling
packages support the RenderMan standard and export good valid RIB
files. Also hopefully, some folks will write some cool utilities
that the rest of us can use.
I have tried to give credit to where credit is due. You'll find that
each C file has a header that lists books, articles and e-mails that
were referred to or provided inspiration in writing the code. Many
books give a huge list of books and articles, the ones listed in the
C code are the actual references that were used not just an endless
list. One or two books are out of print, but are accessible through
inter-library loans. You should still be able to assemble a good
reference library based on the references listed.
Please follow the copyright rules given in the license file included
in the Affine Toolkit.
What's New in this Release
Documentation changes and bug fixes.
List of the Affine Toolkit's Tools and Libraries
The toolkit includes the following tools and libraries:
bin2hex fp2tiff normfptiff ribfixer tga2tiff tiff2tga
bin2oct hex2bin oct2bin ribobjmod tgainfo tiffedge
dbl2oct hex2dec pix2tiff ribtree tif2tif tokentbl
dec2hex ibm2unix pixinfo showbits tiff2X typerib
flt2oct isaprime ribbish str2oct tiff2fp untab
mac2unix ribdump tga2tga tiff2pix z2tiff
libribhash.a libribtable.a libsribrdr.a
libribattrstore.a libribmsg.a libribtables.a
libribconst.a libribnop.a libribtrimstore.a
libribcparm.a libribrdr.a libributil.a
libriberror.a libribstr.a libsribhash.a
Beta Version
This is a beta version of the Affine Toolkit version 3C-11
release 4 for April 7, 1998. Version 3C-12 will be the first
GM version. (The version numbers might be recognizable to
those animation history buffs out there.)
I don't plan on any major changes in the basic library APIs.
Suggestions are welcome, but any tools written using this version
of the toolkit should not require any radical changes if any for
the next release.
Installing and Building the Toolkit (Version 3C-11 Beta Release 4)
For now the Affine Toolkit includes makefiles for SGI and OpenStep.
This is a beta version and support for other systems will be added
in a later release.
To install the Affine Toolkit, unpack the tar file with the command:
"tar xvf affine9804.tar". This will create a subdirectory called
"./affine9804/". If the subdirectory already exists, tar will write
over files with names matching the tar file's contents. So be careful.
Create a link to ./affine9804/ with the name ./affine using the
following command:
ln -s affine9804 affine
If you wish to take advantage of PRMan 3.7's new feature of reading
gzipped RIB files, you will also need to download the zlib package.
I had to add few lines of code to gzio.c, so you'll want the version
of zlib modified for the Affine Toolkit. Install the zlib package
in ./zlib and at the same level the Toolkit at /Affine.
If you do not wish to use the zlib library, comment out the -DRIBZLIB
option and the ZLIB macro in the affine/readrib/Makefile.
The tools in affine/pixNtiff/ rely on the existence of libtiff.a on
your system. You can get this library from SGI's web pages. Place
this library in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib. You can also put the
library in ./libtiff/libtiff/ if ./ is the same directory affine/ is in.
The redundant libtiff/ has to do with the way the libtiff tar file has
been packaged. You can untar libtiff and setup a link based on the
following example:
ln -s tiff-v3.4 libtiff
Change the directory to affine/. If you have an SGI system type the
commands "make setupsgi" and then "make sgi". The first command copies
files called "Makefile.sgi" located in each source code subdirectory to
the file name "Makefile". The second command does a build of the
toolkit. If a clean build is needed, do a "make clean" just before the
"make sgi" command.
If you have an Intel OpenStep system type the commands "make
setupnext" and then "make next" from the affine/ subdirectory. The
first command copies files called "" located in each
source code subdirectory to the file name "Makefile". The second
command does a build of the toolkit. Missing from the NeXT
version of the build are the OpenGL based programs such as "showbits".
I will be looking into doing a NeXTStep version of "showbits".
If you have Linux, sorry but for now you'll have to hack up the
Makefiles. I will add Linux support, but right now the system I had
running Linux only has OpenStep installed on it. It will probably be
easier to use the NeXT Makefiles. You'll also need something such
as Mesa to link the OpenGL programs with.
The SGI Makefiles have macros for SGI's cc, CC and the freeware gcc.
I have compiled with all three compilers to remove the different
warnings that each came up with.
The compiled tools go into affine/bin/ and the libraries are located
in affine/lib/. So add affine/bin/ to your .cshrc's PATH or your
equivalent shell's resource file.
Quick Build Instructions for SGI
Check that you have libtiff.a in "usr/lib/" or "usr/local/lib" or
do the following:
cd ~
tar xvf ~/affine9804.tar
ln -s affine9804 affine
ln -s tiff-v3.4 libtiff
Follow libtiff instructions for building.
Install modified libz.a by doing the following:
cd ~
tar xvf ~/zlib-1.0.4affine.tar
ln -s zlib-1.0.4affine zlib
Follow zlib instructions for building.
Build the Affine Toolkit with the following commands for SGI systems:
cd affine/
make setupsgi
make sgi
Add ~/affine/bin/ to your shell's path to access the tools.
Problem Reports
I have tried to give the toolkit's code a good bit of testing. But
no matter how much you try there will always be something in a project
this size.
If you think you have found a problem or bug in the toolkit, please take
the following steps before sending e-mail:
1) Verify the problem against another related tool such as Pixar's
catrib, Adobe's PhotoShop or BMRT's rendrib. This of course
depends on the problem, but give it a shot.
2) Have an example whether it be a RIB file, TIFF file or command
line sequence. Simplify any RIB files, but don't go over board
leaving only a general summary in a few comments.
3) Send small binaries in uuencoded form only.
Send any problems or suggestions to [email protected].
Some of the tools were written with plugins in mind. If I get time
I will try to include some plugins and display drivers probably in a
separate package to go along with the Affine Toolkit.
For those writing there own plugins, I have tried to include some
basic, slightly primitive tools to check for memory leaks. Command
line utilities can hide memory leaks since the kernel frees the app's
resources at termination anyway. But unlike stand-alone command-line
utilities, a plugin architecture has problems with such things as
memory leaks.
I have tried to do enough testing with the base libraries to avoid
having the code in the toolkit be the cause of any problems. But if
you think you have found some problem or have a suggestion for how
some functions sould be changed to lend themselves better to plugin
tools, please let me know.
The base code in the Affine Toolkit has some simple memory tests that
get included if you enable the option "-DRIB_MEMORY_TESTS" in the
affine/ribhash/Makefile and the Makefiles of other libraries you wish
to try your code with.
The RenderMan (R) Interface Procedures and Protocol are:
Copyright 1988, 1989, Pixar
All Rights Reserved
Renderman (R) is a registered trademark of Pixar
The libtiff.a library is:
Copyright (c) 1988-1996 Sam Leffler
Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
The libz.a library is:
Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
The Affine (R) Libraries and Tools are:
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Thomas E. Burge
All rights reserved
Affine (R) is a registered trademark of Thomas E. Burge