my personal configuration files for GNU/Linux workstations!
git clone https://github.com/jurdanetac/.dotfiles/
cd .dotfiles
stow --dotfiles home
- 🐧 OS: btw i use Arch Linux
- 🌱 WM: Sway
- 🍫 Bar: Waybar
- 🐚 Shell: Zsh
- 🚀 Launcher: Rofi
- 👣 Terminal emulator: Foot
- ✏️ Text editor: Neovim, GNU/Emacs & Doom Emacs
- 🌒 Color temperature: Gammastep
- 🐐 Symlink manager: GNU/Stow
- 🎨 Colorscheme: Gruvbox
- GRUB: Tartarus
- GTK4: Gruvbox GTK Theme
- GTK3: gruvbox-material-gtk
- Chrome: gruvbox-slate
- qBittorrent: qBittorrentDarktheme, known themes
- Telegram: telegram-gruvbox, Incognito Desktop/Android
- 🖼️ Wallpapers Collections:
- Gruvin': shvedes
- Elementary: wallpapers
- NASA's Image of the day: archive
- Gruvbox: Gruvbox
and more!