Web-client for CoinGecko API in ReactJS.
- Main (With PR of works)
- Gh-pages (With deploy of builds)
- Cra-setup (Default App setup): if you start this branch, you can see a sample component.
- Components (With components of App): if you start this branch, you can see the app's components.
- Storybook (With Storybook for App): if you start this branch, you can see the app's storybook.
- Cra-markup (Markup of pages App's (HW-3)): markup of pages of the app's layout according HW-3.
- Cra-routes (Add routing to App): routing of pages with pagination and routing from list to items.
- Cra-states (App without state managers): React state with Routing, useState and React.Context.
- Features (Add more features to web-client): multi-dropdown, currency-filter and market-search.
- Categories (Add category API for coins): binding api to dropdown-lists on market & coins pages.
- Cra-stores (App with local stores and queries): no implementation yet
- With-mobx (React App with MobX state manager): no implementation yet