Reads in a csv spreadsheet (format described below), evaluates the value of each cell, and outputs values to STDOUT.
A spreadsheet is defined as a two-dimensional array of cells. Columns are identified using letters and rows by numbers (C2 references a cell in column 3, row 2). Each cell contains either an integer or an expression. Expressions contain integers, cell references, and operators ('+', '-', '*', '/') and are evaluated with the usual rules of evaluation.
Input Format:
- A csv file with m rows and n columns
- The input file will have no headers
- Cells will not be surrounded in double quotes
Output Format:
- A csv file (to stdout) with the same dimensions as the input file
- Each cell is output as a floating point value. Round output values to two decimal places.
- The spreadsheet should be able to evaluate expressions containing cell references, integers, floating point numbers, and the addition and subtraction operators.
- Support for up to 26 columns (A-Z)
- The spreadsheet should detect circular references and exit appropriately
- Main method in a class named
- Empty cell contents will be treated as null values and be output as empty strings.
- Negative numbers supported.
- The overall design is based on the Gang-Of-Four Interpreter design pattern.
- Factory methods are used to create and manage Expressions and are in the context class.
- The implementation emphasizes simplicity and hence does not implement a full lexer and parser.
- They are jointly implemented via regexes which are sufficient for the 4 binary operators desired.
- The primary SpreadSheetContext class is the "Context" class in the Interpreter pattern.
- The Expression class hierarchy is designed per the Composite design pattern to support easy extensibility
Expressions are the fundamental units stored in cells in the spreadsheet.
Some Expressions are simple terminal ones that contain ints/floats/references to other cells/Expressions.
Other Expressions are complex and are currently limited to Binary operations.
SpreadsheetContext objects will hold all the actual data slurped from the csv.
Spreadsheet cells are stored in a HashMap. The unevaluated text representation is stored as is.
The cells (Expressions) are evaluated on demand when required for activities such as printing.
This postponed/lazy evaluation will allow for the construction a more general spreadsheet editor over time.