Every web page needs paging and it is really annoying to implement every time. This library(NoMorePaging) is made to handle paging logic easily in java, jsp based web.
First, you generate PageInfos Object in Java source code.
You can generate PageInfos Object with :
- total contents count
- records per page
- units per page(I do not exactly know what should I call this. It is like group of pages)
And you can modify follow paging informations by set method(It is restricted) :
- records per page
- units per page
Below is a simple example with Spring MVC project. I recommend to use this code in Service layer, not in controller.
@RequestMapping(value = {"list"})
public ModelAndView list(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> param) throws Exception{
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
int page =
(param.get("page") == null) ? "1" : param.get("page").toString()));
//Use some utilities
int totalCount = ds.getTotal();
PageInfos pUtils = new PageInfos(totalCount, recordesPerPage);
List<BbsVO> list = ds.list(pUtils.getCurrentPageRange(page));
Map<String, Object> pageInfos = pUtils.getPageInfos(page);
//end Using utils
result.put("list", list);
result.put("pageInfos", pageInfos);
return new ModelAndView("/bbs/list", MODEL_NM, result);
And You can find those information in JSP like below. It is in key what you named. In this case, it is "pageInfos".
So you can find ${[model name].[key what you named].[paging keywords]}
<div id="paging" align="center">
<c:if test="${result.pageInfos.ablePrvUnit }">
<a href="list?page=${result.pageInfos.prvUnitPage }">◀◀︎</a>
<c:if test="${result.pageInfos.ablePrv }">
<a href="list?page=${result.pageInfos.currentPage - 1 }">◀︎</a>
<c:forEach var="page" items="${result.pageInfos.pageEntry}">
<a href="list?page=${page}">${page}</a>
<c:if test="${result.pageInfos.ableNxt }">
<a href="list?page=${result.pageInfos.currentPage + 1 }">▷</a>
<c:if test="${result.pageInfos.ableNxtUnit }">
<a href="list?page=${result.pageInfos.nxtUnitPage }">▷▷</a>
That is all you need to get paging informations for web.
It can handle view to list paging, if It knows what is the index of this contents. For Example you can handle view logic like below.
@RequestMapping(value = {"view"})
public ModelAndView view(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> param) throws Exception {
int id = Integer.parseInt(
((param.get("id") == null) ? "0" : param.get("id").toString()));
Map<String, Object> returnVal = new HashMap<String, Object>();
//Use some utilities
BbsVO model = ds.getContent(id);
int totalCount = ds.getTotal();
PageInfos pUtils = new PageInfos(totalCount, recordesPerPage);
returnVal.put("model", model);
returnVal.put("pageInfos", pUtils.getCurrentPageRangeForView(id));
//end Using utils
return new ModelAndView("/bbs/view", MODEL_NM, returnVal);
<h3>${result.model.title }</h3>
<h6>${result.model.writer }<small>${result.model.regdate }</small></h6>
${result.model.desc }
<a href="list?page=${result.pageInfos.page }">list</a>
Thanks for getting interesting with my project. And feel free to edit and use. I know my logic is not good enough, so I will edit some and expect your advise.
- 2014.10.11 : very first commit(ver.0.01)
method name | parameters | returns | detail |
Map<String, Object> getPageInfos(int currentPage) | current page no | Map<String, Object>(ref. 'List of paging keys') | This method returns Informations of paging |
Map<String, Object> getCurrentPageRange(int currentPage) | current page no | Map<String,Object>(keys are 'start' and 'end') | This method returns map with keys 'start' and 'end'. These numbers means rownum of records which showed in this page |
Map<String, Object> getCurrentPageRangeForView(int contentOrder) | current contents order no | Map<String,Object>(key is 'page') | If contents order is 27 and records per page is 10, This method returns {page="2"} |
currentPage : current page
totalPages : total page counts
pageEntry : Integer array of Unit(page group)
ablePrv : If currentPage is lower than 1, it returns false
ableNxt : If currentPage is the last one, it returns false
ablePrvUnit : If currentUnit is lower than 1, it returns false
ableNxtUnit : If currentUnit is the last one, it returns false
prvUnitPage : Page number of when you press << button. If current page is 37, this will be 21
nxtUnitPage : Page number of when you press >> button. If current page is 37, this will be 41
page : Use this when you redirect to list from view