An Artificial Neural Network written in python only using the linear algebra tool NumPy. It was created as an experiment of a simple, diverse ANN which was user friendly and concise.
import openann.ann
# Initialization
weightsFile = "weights.npy"
nodes = [781, 50, 30,..., 10] # input, hidden1, hidden2..., output
lr = 0.001 # Learning rate
# Create network
# if weightsFile == "" then training starts over.
# otherwise, weightsFile is used as the starting point for continued training
# activationFunction can be "sigmoid" (others will be added in the future)
# costFunction can be "quadratic" or "crossentropy"
nn = ann.NeuralNetwork(weightsFile, nodes, activationFunction, costFunction)
# Learning rate can be changed whenever desired
# Train
for i in training_data.range():
nn.train(i.inputs, i.correctOutput) # Backpropagation
print(nn.accuracy)'weights.npy') # save the knowledge for later
# Guess - That is, when you want to use a trained network
# If done at a later time, then be sure to create the ann first.
nn.load('weights.npy') # Loads the previous weights
inputs = test_file.readlines() # Simplified
outputs = nn.guess(inputs)