Server Client Architecture to send Off-Chain Bitcoin Payments
Based on, with some modifications that enable similar functionalities at the current time.
See for further information and a pre-built wallet.
This is software in alpha status, don't even think about using it on MainNet.
Donations appreciated: 13KBW65G6WZxSJZYrbQQRLC6LWE6hJ8mof
You need to call
mvn clean install
on the parent first, such that the dependencies for all the modules are built first.
mvn clean compile assembly:single
in the thunder-clientgui
directory, to get a executable .jar.
It is a portable version, you can run multiple instances as long as they are based in different directories.
Due to data consistency, you have to wait for the first confirmation of the funds in your wallet, before you can open the channel.
mvn clean compile assembly:single
in the thunder-server
directory, to get a executable .jar.
For a working Server instance, you need a running MySQL-Server, you can set your credentials in the
mvn install package
in the thunder-client
directory, to get a library .jar to use in other applications.