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This repository contains notes and examples related to programming with Bash and Shell script in Unix like systems.


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Bash/ Shell script notes

This repository contains notes and examples related to programming with Bash and Shell script in Unix like systems. A list of useful commands to perform tasks from the console, something that can often get us out of trouble in different situations.


  1. Linux commands.
  2. Bash programming.
  3. Special tricks.

1. Linux commands


Command Description Example
history Clean command history history -c
. Command execution RESULT_FROM=$(/usr/bin/pwd);
. Command execution (deprecated) RESULT_FROM=`/usr/bin/pwd`;

User account (TODO)

Command Description Example
who Who is connected who
whoami What is my account whoami

Output redirection (TODO)

Managing files and directories

Command Description Example
pwd Current directory pwd
du List space used in human readable format du -h
du, sort, head List files List files and summarized and with blocks in Megas, sort numerically and in reverse to show the largest, select the first 20.
du -sm * | sort -nr | head -20
find Search files Look for the string 'unit1' in the /etc directory and subdirectories in files of type f
find /etc -depth -type f -exec grep -il unit1 {} \;
find Search for files larger than 1000 Megabytes find . -size +1000M .
find, grep Search for a text string in all found files. * find . -name *.ext -exec grep "SEARCHED_STRING" '{}' \; -print > ~/OUTPUT_FILE
cat, sort Sort files Sorts the lines of all .txt files, eliminates duplicates and saves everything in result.txt
cat *.txt | sort | uniq > results.txt
tar Create tar archive with files after a date tar cvf backup.tar -N yyyy-mm-dd
tar Create tgz file keeping absolute path tar cvfzP backup.tgz /path_to_folder/
rename Rename files Rename *.png.jpg a *.jpg rename 's/\.png\.jpg$/\.jpg/' *.jpg

Extract data, replace data

Command Description Example
cut Cut characters from text HOUR=`date | cut -c17-18 | tr -d ' '`; MINUTES=`date | cut -c20-21 | tr -d ' '`; SECONDS=`date | cut -c23-24 | tr -d ' '`;
find Replace a string in multiple files Replace a string in multiple files.
find *.php -type f | xargs sed -i s/SEARCHED_NAME/REPLACED_NAME
find . -type f | xargs sed -i s/SEARCHED_NAME/REPLACED_NAME/g
sed Replace a string in a file. Another example, search for the string {PROXY_USER} (full string including braces) in the settings.xml file, the result is printed to another file called new_settings.xml
sed -s 's/${PROXY_USER}/MYVALUE/g' file_to_search.txt > new_replaced_file.xml
sed, find, xargs Replace a string in multiple files Replace a string in multiple files.
* find *.php -type f | xargs sed -i s/SEARCHED_NAME/REPLACED_NAME
* find . -type f | xargs sed -i s/SEARCHED_NAME/REPLACED_NAME/g

Check file integrity using md5sum and shasum

Command Description Example
shasum Create hash SHA shasum -b file.jpg > shasum.txt
shasum Verify SHA shasum -c shasum.txt.
md5sum Create hash MD5 md5sum -b file.jpg > md5sum.txt
md5sum Verify MD5 md5sum -c md5sum.txt
echo, md5sum Convert string to MD5 * echo "HELLO" | md5sum
* echo HELLO | md5sum

Check file integrity using md5sum and shasum

Command Description Example
iconv Convert a file from latin1 to utf-8 iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 output_file > input_file
iconv Convert a file from utf-8 to latin1 iconv -f utf8 -t latin1 input_file > output_file

Disk drive management

Command Description Example
lsblk See block units lsblk
lsusb View existing usb drives with their names and file systems lsusb
mount Mount mount -t iso9662 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
mount Mount .iso file as directory * mount file.iso /mnt/my_directory/ -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0
* mount -o loop dvd1.iso /mnt/isodisk
umount Unmount units umount /run/media/user/pendrive
dd Burn .iso image to usb pendrive dd if=Fedora-Live-Security-x86_64-20-1.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress
mkfs.vfat Format usb drive with vfat file system. mkfs.vfat -n /dev/sdd
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb -I -n "volume_name_MY_PENDRIVE"
mke2fs Format drives as ext3 file system mke2fs -j /dev/hdaX
mkisofs, dd Create .iso from directory There are two alternatives: "mkisofs" and "dd"
* mkisofs -o /tmp/cd.iso /tmp/directory/
* dd if=/dev/hdd of=fichero.iso status=progress
See block units lsblk

Networking (TODO)

Command Description Example
ssh Ssh connection .
netstat Netstat .

System process

Command Description Example
. . .

Management of web browsers, download webpages

Command Description Example
wget [Wget] wget -nH -r -np
firefox [Firefox] Safe Mode (for example, to disable malfunctioning extensions) firefox --safe-mode
lynx [Lynx] lynx
rm [Chrome] Clean history rm -Rf $HOME/.config/google-chrome
google-chrome [Chrome] Run Chrome /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --enable-logging=stderr --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer
google-chrome [Chrome] Run Chrome with proxy /usr/bin/google-chrome --user-data-dir=$HOME/YOUR_HISTORY_FOLDER/CHROME_VENV_DATA --proxy-server="proxy.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM:8080"

Image and video management

The imagemagick and ffmpeg tools are required.

Command Description Example
exiftool Clean image metadata exiftool -all=your_image.jpg
convert Convert from .SVG format to .PNG format convert file.svg my_folder/file.png
mogrify Resize image mogrify -resize 300x300 directorio/*.png
ffmpeg Create a video from an image block Having images in .png format and numbered with two digits at the end, a video file in .avi format is produced. Example: block01.png, block02.png, etc.
ffmpeg -r 1 -i bloque_%02d.png video.avi
ffmpeg Create a video from the terminal Videos for tutorials can be recorded from the terminal.
* ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1024×768 -r 25 -i :0.0 -qscale 0 video.avi
* ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -i :0.0 -qscale 0 video.avi
split Split video Split large files into multiple pieces
cat Merge video Merge parts of separate files into a single file.
mencoder Convert video Convert a mpg video to avi (mencoder is part of Mplayer)
mencoder INPUT_FILE.mpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -vf scale=640:480 -sws 2 -oac copy -o OUTPUT_FILE.avi
. . .

3. Bash programming

Script header

Sentence Example
Bash #!/bin/bash
Sh #!/bin/sh

Variable definitions, print and read data

Command Description Example
Variable definition MY_VARIABLE=1;
read Read input from keyboard read MY_VARIABLE;
echo Print data echo "Some text here -> "$MY_VARIABLE;
echo "---- SCRIPT INFORMATION ---";
echo "Enter value ->; read $MY_VARIABLE;
echo "Some text here -> "$MY_VARIABLE;

Script Parameters

Operator Description Example
$0 Script name
$$ PID number
$@ Array of arguments
$# Number of arguments received
$* Arguments received
$1 First parameter received from from command line
echo "---- SCRIPT INFORMATION ---";
echo "Username:"$user_name;
echo "Script name: "$0;
echo "PID number:" $$;
echo "Array of parameters: "$@;
echo "Number of parameters: "$#;
echo "Arguments received:"$*;


Integer comparison

Operator Description Example
-gt > Great than
-lt < Less than
-ge >= Great or equal
-lt <= Less or equal
-eq == Equal
-ne != Not equal

String comparison (TODO)

Operator Description Example
-eq == Equal
-ne != Not equal
-gt > Great than
-lt < Less than
-ge >= Great or equal
-lt <= Less or equal

Boolean operators

Operator Description Example
&& > Great than
| | < Less than

Files and directories operators

Operator Example
Check if is file [ -f $filename ]
Check if is directory [ -d $directory_name ]
Check if is exists [ -e $filename ]
Is with write permission [ -w $filename ]
Is with execution permission [ -x $filename ]

Flow control sentences

If sentence

if [ $my_number_option = 1 ]
	echo "True number!!";
	echo "Else number!!";


if [ -f $file ]
        echo "is a file"

if [ -d $file ]
        echo "is a directory"

While loop


For loop

Iterate over filenames in directory

for a_file in $( ls ); do
  echo $a_file

Case statements

case $my_number_option in
        echo "1->"
        echo "2->"
        echo "Any option->"

Functions (TODO)

3. Special tricks

Command Description Example
for; do; done Read files from directory for a_file in $(ls); do echo $a_file; done

Display settings

Command Description Example
xdpyinfo Check out the resolution provided xdpyinfo \\ grep dim


Command Description Example
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .


This repository contains notes and examples related to programming with Bash and Shell script in Unix like systems.







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