"Enterprise nervous system (ENS) is Gartner’s term for the intelligent network that provides unifying connectivity among people, application systems and devices in different locations and business units across a virtual enterprise. The emerging ENS is based on the traditional enterprise network, but it is an evolution of that network, providing value-added functions that elevate the role of the network well beyond that of plain communication. Whereas a conventional network simply aims to transfer data between sending application systems and explicitly defined destinations, an ENS offloads work from the application systems because it:
- Offers enhanced quality-of-service for communication
- Transforms messages
- Redirects messages as appropriate, using logical business rules
- May track and control business processes."
"The objective: a single system that supports not only the performance-management reporting cycles that the top team needs in reevaluating strategy, but also the agile problem-solving systems that frontline workers use to identify plant and network-wide constraints, perform root-cause analysis, and ensure corrective actions are taken on the most important opportunities."
I am proposing creation of open source PHP developers collective, familiar with ubitiquos LAMP stack, to create such Open Source Enterprise Nervous System. The solution stack must conform to guidelines of The Coalition for Fair Software Licensing:
Principles of fair software licensing.
- Licensing Terms Should Be Clear And Intelligible
- Freedom To Bring Previously Purchased Software To The Cloud
- Customers Should Be Free To Run Their On-Premises Software On The Cloud Of Their Choice
- Reducing Costs Through Efficient Use Of Hardware
- Freedom From Retaliation For Cloud Choices
- Avoiding Customer Lock-In Through Interoperable Directory Software
- Equal Treatment For Software Licensing Fees In The Cloud
- Permitted Uses Of Software Should Be Reliable And Predictable
- Licenses Should Cover Reasonably Expected Software Uses
To accelerate the process I am donating the following software stack already used at many enterprises around the world:
- https://github.com/jtylek/EpesiCRM
- https://github.com/jtylek/EpesiWarehouse
- https://github.com/jtylek/RasPiEsi
- https://github.com/jtylek/Awesome-Epesi
- Janusz Tylek - [email protected] https://epe.si 09/02/2023
- Karina Tylek - [email protected] https://epesi.pl 09/02/2023
To sign make a fork and PR with your name in place of SIGN HERE, ideally followed by your e-mail, web site and date.
Thank you.
Janusz Tylek