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jtschichold/mm-cloud-services-miners action is a GitHub Action that can extract list of IP prefixes and URL endpoints used by Cloud Providers/Cloud Services from a variety of sources.

Example usage

Create the action config YML file in your repo. Let's call it mm-cloud-services-config.yml (it could be anything):

  - name: mine azure
    miner: AzureWithServiceTagsMiner
      - resultPath: ./AzureAD.json
        filter: "[?systemService=='AzureAD']"

In the GitHub Action workflow configure the action to use the config file:

uses: jtschichold/mm-cloud-services-miners@5090b71
    config: ./mm-cloud-services-config.yml
    configSection: azuread

When executed, the action generates a file called AzureAD.json with the list of IP Prefixes used for the service AzureAD taken from the official Azure Service With Tags feed.




Path to the config file. See below for the format of the config file.



Name of the section in the config file to be used.

Config file format

The config file is a YAML file with all the details about which sources/APIs should be queried.


The config file is a map of sections. Each section is a list of mining configurations.

When configuring the action you need to specify the path to the config file in the config input and the name of the section to execute in the configSection input.


Name of the mining configuration.


Name of the miner to use. Each miner gives access to a specific source/API. See below for the list of supported miners.


A map of the arguments for the miner. Each miner supports specific arguments, see below in the Miners section.


A list of outputs to be generated from the miner results.


Name of the file to save the result into in JSON format.


A JMESPath filter to be applied to the results of the miner. If no filter is specified, the default filter is applied.



Available miners

AdobeCreativeMiner Extract the list of Adobe Creative Cloud Network Endpoints. Documentation
AWSIPRangesMiner Extract the list of ip ranges used by AWS Services. Documentation
AzureWithServiceTagsMiner Extract the list of IP Ranges used by Azure Services on a specific Azure Cloud. Documentation
BGPViewASNPrefixMiner Extract BGP prefixes announced by an AS from BGPView API. Documentation
GoogleCloudNetblocksMiner Extract the list of Google Clod IP ranges. Documentation
GoogleNetblocksMiner Extract the list of Google Services IP ranges. Documentation
O365Miner Extract the list of O365 endpoints. Documentation
RADBASRegisterdRoutesMiner Scrape routes registered by an AS from RADB web interface. Documentation


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License


Github Action to mine sources of Cloud Services endpoints







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