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Demisto SDK

The Demisto SDK library can be used to manage your Demisto content with ease and efficiency. The library uses python 3.7+.



pip install demisto-sdk


You can use the SDK in the CLI as follows: demisto-sdk <command> <args>. For more information, run demisto-sdk -h. For more information on a specific command execute demisto-sdk <command> -h.

Our CLI supports autocomplete for linux/MacOS machines, you can turn this feature on by running one of the following: for zsh users run in the terminal

eval "$(_DEMISTO_SDK_COMPLETE=source_zsh demisto-sdk)"

for regular bashrc users run in the terminal

eval "$(_DEMISTO_SDK_COMPLETE=source demisto_sdk)"



Unify code, image and description files to a single Demisto yaml file. Arguments:

  • -i INDIR, --indir INDIR The path to the directory in which the files reside
  • -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR The path to the directory into which to write the unified yml file

Examples: demisto-sdk unify -i Integrations/MyInt -o Integrations This will grab the integration components and unify them to a single yaml file.


Extract code, image and description files from a demisto integration or script yml file. Arguments:

  • -i INFILE, --infile INFILE The yml file to extract from
  • -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE The output file or dir (if doing migrate) to write the code to
  • -m, --migrate Migrate an integration to package format. Pass to -o option a directory in this case.
  • -t {script,integration}, --type {script,integration} Yaml type. If not specified will try to determine type based upon path.
  • -d {True,False}, --demistomock {True,False} Add an import for demisto mock, true by default
  • -c {True,False}, --commonserver {True,False} Add an import for CommonServerPython. If not specified will import unless this is CommonServerPython

Examples: demisto-sdk extract -i Integrations/integration-MyInt.yml -o Integrations/MyInt -m This will split the yml file to a directory with the integration components (code, image, description, pipfile etc.)


Validate your content files. Arguments:

  • -c CIRCLE, --circle CIRCLE Is CircleCi or not
  • -b BACKWARD_COMP, --backward-comp BACKWARD_COMP To check backward compatibility.
  • -t TEST_FILTER, --test-filter TEST_FILTER Check that tests are valid.
  • -j, --conf-json Validate the conf.json file.
  • -i, --id-set Create the id_set.json file.
  • -p PREV_VER, --prev-ver PREV_VER Previous branch or SHA1 commit to run checks against.
  • -g, --use-git Validate changes using git.

Examples: demisto-sdk validate This will validate your content files.


Run lintings (flake8, mypy, pylint, bandit) and pytest. pylint and pytest will run within the docker image of an integration/script. Meant to be used with integrations/scripts that use the folder (package) structure. Will lookup up what docker image to use and will setup the dev dependencies and file in the target folder. Arguments:

  • -d DIR, --dir DIR Specify directory of integration/script (default: None)
  • --no-pylint Do NOT run pylint linter (default: False)
  • --no-mypy Do NOT run mypy static type checking (default: False)
  • --no-flake8 Do NOT run flake8 linter (default: False)
  • --no-bandit Do NOT run bandit linter (default: False)
  • --no-test Do NOT test (skip pytest) (default: False)
  • -r, --root Run pytest container with root user (default: False)
  • -p, --parallel Run tests in parallel (default: False)
  • --no-bc Check diff with $DIFF_COMPARE env variable (default: False)
  • -a, --run-all-tests Run lint on all directories in content repo (default: False)
  • -k, --keep-container Keep the test container (default: False)
  • -v, --verbose Verbose output (default: False)
  • --cpu-num CPU_NUM Number of CPUs to run pytest on (can set to auto for automatic detection of the number of CPUs.) (default: 0)

Examples: demisto-sdk lint -d Integrations/PaloAltoNetworks_XDR --no-mypy This will run the linters, excluding mypy, on the python files inside the "Integrations/PaloAltoNetworks_XDR" directory.


Run Secrets validator to catch sensitive data before exposing your code to public repository. Attach full path to whitelist to allow manual whitelists. Default file path to secrets is "./Tests/secrets_white_list.json". Arguments:

  • -c CIRCLE, --circle CIRCLE Is CircleCi or not (default: False)
  • -wl WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST Full path to whitelist file, file name should be "secrets_white_list.json" (default: ./Tests/secrets_white_list.json)

Examples: demisto-sdk secrets This will run the secrets validator on your files.


Create content artifacts. Arguments:

  • -a ARTIFACTS_PATH, --artifacts_path ARTIFACTS_PATH The path of the directory in which you want to save the created content artifacts
  • -p, --preserve_bundles Flag for if you'd like to keep the bundles created in the process of making the content artifacts

Examples: demisto-sdk create -a . This will create content artifacts in the current directory.


Format your integration/script/playbook yml file according to Demisto's standard automatically. Arguments:

  • -t {integration, script, playbook}, --type {integration, script, playbook} The type of yml file to be formatted.
  • -p PATH_TO_YML, --path PATH_TO_YML The path of the desired yml file to be formatted.
  • -o DESIRED_OUTPUT_PATH, --output_file DESIRED_OUTPUT_PATH The path where the formatted file will be saved to. (Default will be to override origin file)

Examples: demisto-sdk format -t integration -p Integrations/Pwned-V2/Pwned-V2.yml. This will go through the integration file, format it, and override the original file with the necessary changes.


Run a playbook in a given Demisto instance. DEMISTO_API_KEY environment variable should contain a valid Demisto API Key. You can either specify a URL as an environment variable named: DEMISTO_BASE_URL, or enter it as an argument.


  • -u, --url URL to a Demisto instance.
  • -p, --playbook_id The ID of the playbook to run.
  • -w, --wait Wait until the playbook run is finished and get a response. (default: True)
  • -t, --timeout Timeout for the command. The playbook will continue to run in Demisto. (default: 90)

Examples: DEMISTO_API_KEY=<API KEY> demisto-sdk run-playbook -p 'playbook_name' -u 'https://demisto.local'. This will run the playbook playbook_name in Demisto instance https://demisto.local and will wait for the playbook to finish its run.

Upload an integration to Demisto instance.

In order to run the command, DEMISTO_BASE_URL environment variable should contain the Demisto base URL, and DEMISTO_API_KEY environment variable should contain a valid Demisto API Key.



    The path of an integration file or a package directory to upload

  • -k, --insecure

    Skip certificate validation

  • -v, --verbose

    Verbose output


demisto-sdk upload -i Integrations/GoogleCloudTranslate/integration-GoogleCloudTranslate.yml

This will upload the integration YML file integration-GoogleCloudTranslate.yml to the Demisto instance.

Run an integration command in the playground of a remote Demisto instance and retrieves the output.

In order to run the command, DEMISTO_BASE_URL environment variable should contain the Demisto base URL, and DEMISTO_API_KEY environment variable should contain a valid Demisto API Key.


  • -q QUERY, --query QUERY

    The query to run

  • -k, --insecure

    Skip certificate validation

  • -v, --verbose

    Verbose output

  • -D, --debug

    Whether to enable the debug-mode feature or not, if you want to save the output file, please use the --debug-path option

  • --debug-path [DEBUG_LOG]

    The path to save the debug file at, if not specified the debug file will be printed to the terminal


demisto-sdk run -q '!gct-translate-text text="ciao" target="iw"'

This will run the query !gct-translate-text text="ciao" target="iw" on the playground of the Demisto instance and print the output.

In the code

You can import the SDK core class in your python code as follows:

from demisto_sdk.core import DemistoSDK

Dev Environment Setup

We build for python 3.7 and 3.8. We use tox for managing environments and running unit tests.

  1. Clone the Demisto-SDK repository (Make sure that you have GitHub account):
    git clone

  2. If you are using a default python version 3.7 or 3.8 you can skip this part.

    pyenv is an easy tool to control the versions of python on your environment. Install pyenv and then run:

    pyenv install 3.7.5
    pyenv install 3.8.0

    After installing run in {path_to_demisto-sdk}/demisto-sdk:

    cd {path_to_demisto-sdk}/demisto-sdk
    pyenv versions

    And you should see marked with asterisks:

    * 3.7.5 (set by /{path_to_demisto-sdk}/demisto-sdk/.python-version)
    * 3.8.0 (set by /{path_to_demisto-sdk}/demisto-sdk/.python-version)

    If not, simply run the following command from the Demisto-SDK repository:

    pyenv local 3.7.5 3.8.0
  3. Using the terminal go to the Demisto-SDK repository - we will set up the development environment there.

  4. Install tox:

    pip install tox

    Then setup dev virtual envs for python 3 (will also install all necessary requirements):

  5. Set your IDE to use the virtual environment you created using the following path: /{path_to_demisto-sdk}/demisto-sdk/.tox/py37/bin/python

How to run commands in your development environment

In the Demisto-SDK repository while on the git branch you want to activate and run this command to use python 3.7:

source .tox/py37/bin/activate

or this command to use python 3.8:

source .tox/py38/bin/activate

While in the virtual environment, you can use the demisto-sdk commands with all the changes made in your local environment.

In case your local changes to demisto-sdk are not updated, you need to update your tox environment by running this command from the Demisto-SDK repository:

tox -e {your_env}

where {your_env} is py37 or py38.

Running git hooks

We use are using pre-commit to run hooks on our build. To use it run:

pre-commit install

It is recommended to run pre-commit autoupdate to keep hooks updated.

Running Unit Tests

To run all our unit tests we use: tox on all envs.

For additional verbosity use: tox -vv

To run tox without verbosity run: tox -q

To run on a specific environment, you can use: tox -q -e py37

To run a specific test run: pytest -vv tests/{test_file}.py::{TestClass}::{test_function}


MIT - See LICENSE for more information.


Contributions are welcome and appreciated.


You can read the following docs to get started:

Development Guide

Validation Testing

Push changes to GitHub

The Demisto SDK is MIT Licensed and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests. If you are a first time GitHub contributor, please look at these links explaining on how to create a Pull Request to a GitHub repo:

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub

Review Process

A member of the team will be assigned to review the pull request. Comments will be provided by the team member as the review process progresses.

You will see a few GitHub Status Checks that help validate that your pull request is according to our standards:

  • ci/circleci: build: We use CircleCI to run a full build on each commit of your pull request. The build will run our content validation hooks, linting and unit test. We require that the build pass (green build). Follow the details link of the status to see the full build UI of CircleCI.
  • LGTM analysis: Python: We use LGTM for continues code analysis. If your PR introduces new LGTM alerts, the LGTM bot will add a comment with links for more details. Usually, these alerts are valid and you should try to fix them. If the alert is a false positive, specify this in a comment of the PR.
  • license/cla: Status check that all contributors have signed our contributor license agreement (see below).

Contributor License Agreement

Before merging any PRs, we need all contributors to sign a contributor license agreement. By signing a contributor license agreement, we ensure that the community is free to use your contributions.

When you contribute a new pull request, a bot will evaluate whether you have signed the CLA. If required, the bot will comment on the pull request, including a link to accept the agreement. The CLA document is available for review as a PDF.

If the license/cla status check remains on Pending, even though all contributors have accepted the CLA, you can recheck the CLA status by visiting the following link (replace [PRID] with the ID of your PR):[PRID] .

If you have a suggestion or an opportunity for improvement that you've identified, please open an issue in this repo. Enjoy and feel free to reach out to us on the DFIR Community Slack channel, or at [email protected].


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published


  • Python 98.9%
  • Shell 1.1%