Releases: jrodrigv/OfCourseIStillLoveYou
Releases · jrodrigv/OfCourseIStillLoveYou
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.114
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.111
- Now it is possible to change Width and Height camera resolution in the settings.cfg file!
- Finally fixed a major bug making TweakScale to not load due to the stupid KSP loader trying to load every single assembly even it can't do it.
- Frameworks upgraded to .NET Fw 4.8 for mod and NET6 for streaming server and Avalonia Desktop App.
- Greater performance at all levels.
- OCISLY icon only shown during FLIGHT scene.
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.102 for KSP 1.12.2
- Recompiled for KSP 1.12.2
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.101
- Desktop client streaming is now automatically recovered when doing things like F3/Pause.
- Bahnschrift Semibold to all fonts in Desktop client.
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.100
- In-game Camera UI Minimalistic view: Now you can hide the buttons and telemetry by doing a Double-Click on the camera view
- Telemetry font changed to use Bahnschrift Semibold in both Desktop UI and In-game UI.
- Performance improvements: Up to 25% more FPS. Now OCISLY is prepared to use Scatterer 0.0767 pre-release, improved UI code.
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.99
- Desktop client: Now it is borderless! All the controls can be hidden by double-click on the camera image
- Documentation updated with Desktop client usage.
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.98
Performance improvements:
- Locking to 25 fps max the cameras rendering and streaming to improve KSP fps.
- Reducing camera FOV from 60 to 50. A bit more of zoom to render less and improve performance.
- Reducing desktop client refresh rate to avoid unnecessary CPU load.
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.97
- Desktop Client: For better cinematic view it is possible now to hide telemetry and UI controls by doing double-tap on the UI. Fixes #1
- Desktop Client: Adding camera name to window title.
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.96
- Removing Scatterer hard dependency
- Using PartialDepthBuffer from Scatterer if possible
OfCourseIStillLoveYou v1.0.95
- Removing TUFX hard dependency