Releases: josiahseaman/FluentDNA
Natural Chromosome Layout
Features added based on feedback from reviewers at Frontiers in Genetics:
- Default Tile Layout places large chromosomes in one continuous vertical column. Tile Layout no longer has pages or rows of pages etc. as these were counter-intuitive and unbiological.
- Ideogram and Parallel layouts also updated with new defaults
- Directory and package renamed to FluentDNA
- Updating to Python 3.7 and 3.8 support #93
- New Mac release
- Parallel layout Border boxes are on by default
argument allows you to set the order sequences will be displayed.pip install FluentDNA
from official PyPI registry- Visualizations output to /results/ instead of the confusing /www-data/dnadata/
- #81 Packed layout: I found that less padding is better for keeping visual patterns coherent over clusters of columns. The white space has a disproportionate effect if you space it out too much.
- Migrated links to
Repeat Galleries
2.4.5 Changes:
- Added separate folder for Scripts
- Added: Generate an MSA directory from RepeatMasker csv. Visualize galleries of repeat content. #86
- Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) received many usability improvements
- Long MSA such as SNP arrays will wrap into a rectangular image #43
- Very Tall MSA will be capped at 1,000 rows and will wrap without disrupting the rest of the repeats
- Alignment stats showing more detail about chain membership and translocations #82
- Improved ParallelLayout bundle box decorations and enabled them by default #65
- Folders and files all renamed to FluentDNA for consistency #90
For Linux and Mac, install the latest version as a Python module with two commands (see Installation):
pip install --upgrade git+
pip install --upgrade git+
Publication Release
This release contains quality of life improvements:
- Server now automatically starts after a successful render #81
- Custom layouts #64
- Mouseover Sequence for MSA and Genome Alignments #62 #39 #71
- More clear visual cues for Genome Alignment columns #65
- /sources/ Downloads for reproducing any visualization #77
- Many quality of life improvements for publication #81
For Linux and Mac, install the latest version with two console commands (see Installation):
pip install --upgrade git+
pip install --upgrade git+
2.4.1: Ideograms and Sequence Retrieval
This release includes Windows and Mac command line binaries as well as a beta version of the GUI for Mac.
2019-03-12 : Updated Mac CommandLine version
Updated Mac GUI APP version
Pre-release GUI version for mac OS
A bundled for a GUI version of the application.
Download and unzip the .APP, click to run and get a GUI to launch FluentDNA operations.
FluentDNA macOS
*This release includes an updated .spec file for a MAC OS compile and the resulting distributable files built on macOS High Sierra (10.13.5).
- FluentDNA User Manual contains examples of all major tasks
- Unzippable binary for macOS, no install required.
- Download the file, and unzip to have the following folder structure:
FluentDNA/FluentDNA (this is the command line version of FluentDNA, run with ./FluentDNA)
FluentDNA/[.so files and .dylib files]
FluentDNA 2.2.3 Windows
- FluentDNA User Manual contains examples of all major tasks
- Unzippable .exe for Windows, no install required.
- Explore large sets of Multiple Sequence Alignments using multi-part FASTA files for nucleotides or proteins
- Visualize a gene annotation alongside its sequence in a single step using
- Including example_data alongside the program
DDV 2.0: Windows Pre-Release
To install DDV binaries, simply unzip and use DDV/DDV.exe in its current folder. DDV will not be added to your PATH automatically, so you'll need to navigate to the directory in command prompt. For convenience, I recommend leaving a shortcut to DDV.exe on your desktop. You can drag a FASTA file directly onto the program icon and it will convert the fasta to a png in the same directory. This is a quick way to check the contents of a file without creating an entire webpage and zoom stack.
For opening large PNG files (>100MB) in Windows, I recommend 'Windows Photo Viewer', which is not the default file association in Windows 10.
usage: DDV.exe [-h] [--quick] [-f FASTA] [-o OUTPUT_NAME] [-r] [-s]
[-l {original,tiled,parallel,unique,transposon}]
[-x EXTRA_FASTAS [EXTRA_FASTAS ...]] [-nt] [-nw] [-q]
[-i IMAGE] [-n] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--quick Shortcut for dropping the file on DDV.exe. Only an
image will be generated in the same directory as the
FASTA. This is the default behavior if you drop a file
onto the program or a filepath is the only argument.
-f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
Path to main FASTA file to process into new
What to name the output folder (not a path). Defaults
to name of the fasta file.
-r, --runserver Run Web Server after computing.
-s, --sort_contigs Sort the entries of the fasta file by length. This
option will kick in automatically if your file has
more than 10,000 separate FASTA entries.
-l {original,tiled,parallel,unique,transposon}, --layout {original,tiled,parallel,unique,transposon}
The type of layout to perform. Will autodetect between
Tiled and Parallel. Really only need if you want the
Original DDV layout or Unique only layout.
Path to secondary FASTA files to process when doing
Parallel layout.
-nt, --no_titles No gaps for a title. Useful when combined with
-nw, --no_webpage Use if you only want an image. No webpage or zoomstack
will be calculated. You can use --image option later
to resume the process to get a deepzoom stack.
-q, --trial_run Only show the first 1 Mbp. This is a fast run for
-c CHAIN_FILE, --chainfile CHAIN_FILE
Path to Chain File when doing Parallel Comparisons
Chromosome to parse from Chain File. NOTE: Defaults to
'chr21' for testing.
-t, --separate_translocations
Don't edit in translocations, list them at the end.
-g, --squish_gaps If two gaps are approximately the same size, subtract
the intersection.
-k, --show_translocations_only
Used to highlight the locations of translocations
-a, --aligned_only Don't show the unaligned pieces of ref or query
Path to Annotation File for Reference Genome (first).
Path to Annotation File for Query Genome (second).
-i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
Path to already computed big image to process with
DeepZoom. No layout will be performed if an image is
passed in.
-n, --update_name Query for the name of this program as known to the
update server
-v, --version Get current version of program.