I recently purchased a new Mac mini for myself and a MacBook Air for my wife and while looking for ways to keep settings and files in sync, I came across the concept of dotfiles.
In my previous job as a System Administrator, I was big on scripting and automation. I'd rather take a little extra time to create something reusable with the hope that it will save time and hassle in the future. This also allows for a kind of documented configuration without having to remember all of the steps and changes required.
So it seemed like a nobrainer to take many of the concepts I've used at work and apply them to my personal systems.
This probably doesn't need to be in github, but why not!
I find that if I don't set clear goals, I won't stay on track.
- Install software on new and existing computers
- Set default OS preferences
- Set application preferences
- Sync application preferences between systems
There's many great resouces out there and I'm using them as inspiration.
- https://github.com/webpro/awesome-dotfiles
- https://github.com/kevinSuttle/macOS-Defaults/blob/master/REFERENCE.md
- https://github.com/rkalis/dotfiles
- https://github.com/holman/dotfiles
- https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles
- https://github.com/paulirish/dotfiles
- https://github.com/alrra/dotfiles
- https://github.com/paulmillr/dotfiles