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TChem - A Software Toolkit for the Analysis of Complex Kinetic Models


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TChem - A Software Toolkit for the Analysis of Complex Kinetic Models

1. Introduction
1.1. Citing
1.2. Nomenclature
2. Building TChem
2.1. Download Libraries
2.2. Building Libraries and Configuring TChem
2.2.1. Kokkos
2.2.2. Tines
2.2.3. TChem
2.2.4. Script to Build and Install TChem and its TPLs
3. Input Files
3.1. Reaction Mechanism and Thermal Property Data
3.2. Input State Vectors (sample.dat)
3.3. Input Site Fraction (inputSurf.dat)
4. Thermodynamic Properties
4.1. Mass-Molar Conversions
4.2. Equation of State
4.3. Gas-Phase Properties
4.3.1. Examples
4.4. Surface Species Properties
5. Reaction Rates
5.1. Gas-Phase Chemistry
5.1.1. Forward and Reverse Rate Constants
5.1.2. Concentration of the Third-Body
5.1.3. Pressure-Dependent Reactions
5.1.4. Note on Units for Net Production Rates
5.1.5. Example
5.2. Surface Chemistry
5.2.1. Forward and Reverse Rate Constants
5.3. Sticking Coefficients
5.3.1. Note on Units for Surface Production Rates
5.3.2. Example
6. Reactors
6.1. Time Integration
6.2. Homogeneous Constant-Pressure Batch Reactors
6.2.1. Jacobian Formulation
6.2.2. Selecting Jacobian in Reactor Models
6.2.3. Running the 0D Ignition Utility
6.2.4. Ignition Delay Time Parameter Study for IsoOctane
6.2.5. Python Interface for Homogeneous Batch Reactors
6.3. Homogeneous Constant-Volume Batch Reactors
6.3.1. Jacobian of RHS
6.3.2. Running the Constant Volume Ignition Utility
6.4. Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) Model with Gas-Phase and Surface Reactions
6.4.1. Jacobian of RHS
6.4.2. Running the Plug Flow Reactor with Surface Reactions Utility
6.4.3. Initial Condition for PFR Problem
6.5. Transient continuous stirred tank reactor (T-CSTR)
6.5.1. Jacobian of RHS
6.5.2. Running the Transient Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor with Surface Reactions Utility
6.5.3. Results
7. Application Programming Interface
7.1. TChem::KineticModelData
7.1.1. Gas-Phase Kinetic Model Setup using Chemkin Input Files
7.1.2. Gas-Phase and Surface Kinetic Model using Chemkin Input Files
7.1.3. Gas Kinetic Model using Cantera-YAML Input Files
7.1.4. Gas-Phase and Surface Kinetic Models using Cantera-YAML Input Files
7.2. Function List
7.2.1. Thermodynamic Properties SpecificHeatCapacityPerMass SpecificHeatCapacityConsVolumePerMass EnthalpyMass EntropyMass InternalEnergyMass
7.2.2. Kinetic Quantities NetProductionRatesPerMass NetProductionRatesPerMole NetProductionRateSurfacePerMass NetProductionRateSurfacePerMole RateOfProgress
7.2.3. Reactor Models: Time Advance IgnitionZeroD ConstantVolumeIgnitionReactor PlugFlowReactor TransientContStirredTankReactor SimpleSurface
7.2.4. Homogeneous Constant-Pressure Reactors: RHS, Jacobians, and Smatrix SourceTerm JacobianReduced IgnitionZeroDNumJacobian Smatrix
7.2.5. Plug Flow Reactor PlugFlowReactorRHS
7.2.6. Other Interfaces InitialCondSurface
8. Python Interface - pytchem
9. Summary
10. On-going and Future Work
11. Acknowledgement

1. Introduction

The TChem open-source software is a toolkit for computing thermodynamic properties, source term, and source term's Jacobian matrix for chemical kinetic models that involve gas and surface reactions. The software provides support for

  • complex kinetic models for gas-phase and surface chemistry,
  • thermodynamic properties based on NASA polynomials,
  • parser for Chemkin/Cantera-YAML input files,
  • species production/consumption rates,
  • canonical reactor models such as constant pressure homogeneous gas-phase ignition, constant volume homogeneous gas-phase ignition, transient continuously stirred tank reactor, and plug-flow reactor,
  • automatic evaluation of source term's Jacobian matrix using either finite difference schemes or automatic differentiation via the SACADO library.

TChem v3 is written in C++ and is based on Kokkos for portability to heterogenous computing platforms i.e., multi/many core computing platforms with GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) accelerators. The toolkit includes gas-phase and surface chemistry models and several canonical reactor model examples including homogenous ignition, Plug Flow Reactor (PFR), and Transient Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors (T-CSTR). To exploit the massive parallelism available from modern computing platforms, the current software interface is designed to evaluate samples in parallel, which enables large scale parametric studies, e.g., for sensitivity analysis and model calibration. TChem v3 adds new interfaces for Python, C, and Fortran as well as kinetic model specifications in YAML format to facilitate the use of TChem in a broader range of applications.

1.1. Citing

  • Kyungjoo Kim, Oscar Diaz-Ibarra, Cosmin Safta, and Habib Najm, TChem v3.0 - A Software Toolkit for the Analysis of Complex Kinetic Models, Sandia National Laboratories, SAND 2021-14064, 2021.

1.2. Nomenclature

In the table below, stands for reaction order, for the forward and reverse paths, respectively.

Symbol Description Units
number of species -
number of gas-phase species -
number of surface species -
number of surface species in phase -
number of reactions -
gas-phase density kg/m
thermodynamic pressure Pa
temperature K
mixture heat capacity at constant pressure J/(K.kmol)
for species J/(K.kmol)
specific J/(
specific, for species J/(
mixture molar enthalpy J/kmol
for species J/kmol
specific J/kg
specific, for species J/kg
mixture molar entropy J/(kmol.K)
for species J/(K.kmol)
specific J/(
specific, for species J/(
Gibbs free energy for the mixture J/kmol
for species J/kmol
specific J/kg
specific, for species J/kg
mass fraction of species -
mole fraction of species -
site fraction of species -
for species in phase -
molar concentration of species kmol/m
surface site density of phase kmol/m
site occupancy by species in phase -
mixture molecular weight kg/kmol
for species kg/kmol
universal gas constant J/(kmol.K)
forward rate constant of reaction
reverse rate constant of reaction
rate of progress of reaction kmol/(m.s)
sticking coefficient for reaction
molar production rate of species kmol/(m.s)
surface molar production rate of species kmol/(m.s)

2. Building TChem

TChem is designed and implemented using Kokkos (a performance portable parallel programming model) and requires a set of third-party libraries including BLAS/LAPACK, YAML and Tines. As most third-party libraries (TPLs) can be installed by using a package manager i.e., macports on OSX and yum/apt on Linux, we mainly explain how to build Kokkos, Tines, and TChem. To simplify the TChem build process we define the following environment variables. These should be tailored to specific working environments by the user.

/// repositories
export TCHEM_REPOSITORY_PATH=/where/you/clone/tchem/git/repo
export KOKKOS_REPOSITORY_PATH=/where/you/clone/kokkos/git/repo
export TINES_REPOSITORY_PATH=/where/you/clone/tines/git/repo

/// build directories
export TCHEM_BUILD_PATH=/where/you/build/tchem
export KOKKOS_BUILD_PATH=/where/you/build/kokkos
export TINES_BUILD_PATH=/where/you/build/tines

/// install directories
export TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH=/where/you/install/tchem
export KOKKOS_INSTALL_PATH=/where/you/install/kokkos
export TINES_INSTALL_PATH=/where/you/install/tines

/// third party libraries install path
export GTEST_INSTALL_PATH=/where/you/install/gtest
export OPENBLAS_INSTALL_PATH=/where/you/install/openblas
export LAPACKE_INSTALL_PATH=/where/you/install/lapacke
export YAML_INSTALL_PATH=/where/you/intall/yaml-cpp

2.1. Download Libraries

Please see below the syntax for downloading the Kokkos, Tines, and TChem repositories.


In the next section we present the workflow for building TChem and the pre-requisite TPLs.

2.2. Building Libraries and Configuring TChem

2.2.1. Kokkos

Kokkos requires a Kokkos_ARCH_XXXX flag to perform optimization based on the given architecture information. This particular example script is based on Intel Sandy-Bridge i.e., -D Kokkos_ENABLE_SNB=ON and will install the library to ${KOKKOS_INSTALL_PATH}. For more details, see Kokkos github pages.

cmake \
    -D Kokkos_ENABLE_SERIAL=ON \
    -D Kokkos_ENABLE_OPENMP=ON \
    -D Kokkos_ARCH_SNB=ON \
make -j install

To compile for NVIDIA GPUs, one can customize the following cmake script. Note that we use Kokkos nvcc_wrapper as its compiler. The architecture flag indicates that the host architecture is Intel Sandy-Bridge and the GPU architecture is Volta 70 generation. With Kokkos 3.1, the CUDA architecture flag is optional (the script automatically detects the correct CUDA arch flag).

cmake \
    -D Kokkos_ENABLE_SERIAL=ON \
    -D Kokkos_ENABLE_OPENMP=ON \
    -D Kokkos_ARCH_VOLTA70=ON \
    -D Kokkos_ARCH_SNB=ON \
make -j install

For GPUs, we note that the compiler is switched to nvcc_wrapper by adding -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="${KOKKOS_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/nvcc_wrapper". To use the same compiler setup for other libraries, we export an environmental variable KOKKOS_CXX_COMPILER according to its target architecture.

2.2.2. Tines

Compiling Tines follows the Kokkos configuration information available under ${KOKKOS_INSTALL_PATH}. The OpenBLAS and LAPACKE libraries are required on a host device providing an optimized version of dense linear algebra library. With an Intel compiler, one can replace these libraries with Intel MKL by adding the flag TINES_ENABLE_MKL=ON instead of using OpenBLAS and LAPACKE. On Mac OSX, we use the OpenBLAS library managed by MacPorts. This version has different header names and we need to distinguish this version of the code from others which are typically used on Linux distributions. To discern the two version of the code, cmake looks for "cblas_openblas.h" to tell that the installed version is from MacPorts. This mechanism can be broken if MacPorts' OpenBLAS is changed later. Furthermore, the MacPorts OpenBLAS version include LAPACKE interface and one can remove LAPACKE_INSTALL_PATH from the configure script. Additionally, the yaml-cpp (version 0.6.3) is used for parsing input files in YAML format.

cmake \
    -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-g" \
make -j install

2.2.3. TChem

The following example cmake script compiles TChem on host linking with the libraries described in the above e.g., KOKKOS, Tines, GTEST, and OpenBLAS.

cmake \
make -j install

Optionally, a user can enable the Python interface with -D TCHEM_ENABLE_PYTHON=ON. The Python interface of TChem is ported via pybind11 and the code is distributed together with TChem.

2.2.4. Script to Build and Install TChem and its TPLs

We put together a script, ${TCHEM_REPOSITORY_PATH}/doc/config/, that clones, builds, and installs TChem, and the required TPLs (Kokkos, Tines, OpenBLAS, GTEST, and yaml-cpp). To use this script, update the compiler information for the C compiler,MY_CC, the C++ compiler MY_CXX, and Fortran compiler MY_FC. One can also choose whether to build/install the entire framework for GPU computations, i.e. CUDA. These variables are located at the top of the script.

3. Input Files

TChem requires two input files to prescribe the choice of models. For a gas-phase system, a user provides (1) the reaction mechanisms, (2) the thermal properties, and (3) initial state vector. For surface chemistry, in addition to (1), (2), and (3), (4) the surface reaction mechanism, (5) the surface thermal properties, and (6) input site fraction vector. Alternatively, the kinetic model data can be provided in a single file with appropriate keyword selections.

3.1. Reaction Mechanism and Thermal Property Data

TChem can parse kinetic model and thermal properties data in either Chemkin format or the Cantera-Yaml format. Additional information for the Chemkin formats can be found in the technical reports below:

  • R. J. Kee, F. M. Rupley, and J. A. Miller,Chemkin-II: A Fortran Chemical Kinetics Package for the Analysis of Gas-Phase Chemical Kinetics, Sandia Report, SAND89-8009B (1995). (link)

  • Michael E. Coltrin, Robert J. Kee, Fran M. Rupley, Ellen Meeks, Surface Chemkin-III: A FORTRAN Package for Analyzing Heterogeneous Chemical Kinetics at a Solid-surface--Gas-phase Interface, Sandia Report SAND96-8217 (1996). (link)

We provide an example using the YAML input. See ${TCHEM_REPOSITORY_PATH}/src/example/TChem_ThermalProperties_Yaml.cpp for more details.

3.2. Input State Vectors (sample.dat)

The set of specifications for gas-phase reaction examples are provided in a matrix form as:

T#1 P#1 Y1#1 Y2#1 ... YN#1 (sample #1)
T#2 P#2 Y1#2 Y2#2 ... YN#2 (sample #2)
T#N P#N Y1#N Y2#N ... YN#N (sample #N)

Here T is the temperature [K], P is the pressure [Pa] and SPECIES_NAME1 is the name of the first gas species from the reaction mechanism input file. Y1#1 is the mass fraction of SPECIES_NAME1 in sample #1. The sum of the mass fractions on each row has to be equal to one since TChem does not normalize mass fractions. New samples can be created by adding rows to the input file. The excerpt below illustrates a setup for an example with 8 samples using a mixture of CH, O, N, and Ar:

T P CH4 O2 N2 AR
800 101325 1.48e-01 1.97e-01 6.43e-01 1.14e-02
800 101325 2.82e-02 2.25e-01 7.34e-01 1.30e-02
800 4559625 1.48e-01 1.97e-01 6.43e-01 1.14e-02
800 4559625 2.82e-02 2.25e-01 7.34e-01 1.30e-02
1250 101325 1.48e-01 1.97e-01 6.43e-01 1.14e-02
1250 101325 2.82e-02 2.25e-01 7.34e-01 1.30e-02
1250 4559625 1.48e-01 1.97e-01 6.43e-01 1.14e-02
1250 4559625 2.82e-02 2.25e-01 7.34e-01 1.30e-02

The eight samples in the above example correspond to the corners of a cube in a 3D parameter space with temperatures between 800 K and 1250 K, pressures between 1 atm to 45 atm, and equivalence ratios () for methane/air mixtures between 0.5 to 3.

3.3. Input Site Fraction (inputSurf.dat)

Similarly, the set of specifications for surface reaction examples are provided in a matrix form as:

Z1#1 Z2#1 ... ZN#1 (sample #1)
Z1#2 Z2#2 ... ZN#2 (sample #2)
Z1#M Z2#M ... ZN#M (sample #M)

where SURF_SPECIES_NAME1 is name of the first surface species from the chemSur.inp file and Z1#1 is the site fraction of this species for sample #1, and so forth.

4. Thermodynamic Properties

We first present conversion formulas and the gas-phase equation of state, followed by a description of molar and mass-based expression for several thermodynamic properties.

4.1. Mass-Molar Conversions

The molar mass of the mixture, is computed as

where and are the mole and mass fractions, respectively, of species , and is the molecular weight of species . Mass and mole fractions can be computed from each other as

The the molar concentration of species is given by , and the molar concentration of the mixture is given by

For problems that include heterogeneous chemistry, the site fractions describe the composition of species on the surface. The number of surface phases is denoted by and the site fractions are normalized with respect to each phase.

Here, is the number of species on surface phase . TChem currently handles surface phase only, . The surface concentration of surface species is given by

where is the surface site density of surface phase and is the site occupancy number for species . represents the number of sites in phase occupied by species .

4.2. Equation of State

The ideal gas equation of state is used throughout the library,

where is the thermodynamic pressure, and are the molecular weights of the mixture and of species , respectively, is the temperature, and is the molar concentration of species .

4.3. Gas-Phase Properties

The standard-state thermodynamic properties for a thermally perfect gas are computed based on NASA polynomials \cite{McBride:1993}. The molar heat capacity at constant pressure for species is computed as

where the universal gas constant. The molar enthalpy is computed as

The molar entropy is given by

The temperature units are Kelvin in the polynomial expressions above. Other thermodynamic properties are computed based on the polynomial fits above. The molar heat capacity at constant volume , the internal energy , and the Gibbs free energy are given by

The mixture properties in molar units are given by

where the mole fraction of species . The entropy and Gibbs free energy for species account for the entropy of mixing and thermodynamic pressure

The mixture values for these properties are computed as above

The specific thermodynamic properties in mass units are obtained by dividing the above expression by the species molecular weight, ,


For the thermodynamic properties in mass units the mixture properties are given by

where the mass fraction of species .

The mixture properties in mass units can also be evaluated from the equivalent molar properties as

where is the molecular weight of the mixture.

4.3.1. Examples

A example to compute the specific heat at constant pressure and the specific enthalpy is provided in "example/TChem_ThermalProperties.cpp". Enthalpy per species and the mixture enthalpy are computed with this function call. Heat capacity per species and mixture with this function call. This example can be used in batch mode, and several samples are computed simultaneously. The next two figures were constructed based on samples spanning several temperature and equivalent ratio values for CH--air mixtures.

Enthalpy Figure. Mixture Enthalpy compute with gri3.0 mechanism.

SpecificHeatCapacity Figure. Mixture Specific Heat Capacity computed with GRIMech v3.0 mechanism for methane.

4.4. Surface Species Properties

The thermal properties of the surface species are computed with the same type of expressions described in Section Gas-Phase Properties for the gas-phase species.

5. Reaction Rates

In this chapter we present reaction rate expressions for gas-phase reactions in Section Gas-Phase Chemistry and for surface species or between surface and gas-phase species in Section Surface Chemistry.

The production rate for species in molar units is written as


is the number of reactions and


are the stoichiometric coefficients of species

in reaction

for the reactant and product side of the reaction, respectively. The rate-of-progress of reaction


, with

|Reaction Type --|--|-- | basic reaction | 3-rd body enhanced, no pressure dependence | unimolecular/recombination fall-off reactions | chemically activated bimolecular reactions


The above expressions are detailed below.

5.1.1. Forward and Reverse Rate Constants

The forward rate constant has typically an Arrhenius expression,



, and

are the pre-exponential factor, temperature exponent, and activation energy, respectively, for reaction

. For reactions with reverse Arrhenius parameters specified, the reverse rate constant

is computed similar to

. If the reverse Arrhenius parameters are not specified,

is computed as


is the equilibrium constant (in concentration units) for reaction

When computing the equilibrium constant, the atmospheric pressure,

atm, and the universal gas constant

are converted to cgs units, dynes/cm

and erg/(mol.K), respectively.

Note: If a reaction is irreversible, .

5.1.2. Concentration of the Third-Body

If the expression "+M" is present in the reaction string, some of the species might have custom efficiencies for their contribution in the mixture. For these reactions, the mixture concentration is computed as

where is the efficiency of species in reaction and is the concentration of species . coefficients are set to 1 unless specified in the kinetic model description.

5.1.3. Pressure-Dependent Reactions

  • Reduced pressure . If expression "(+M)" is used to describe a reaction, then .
  • For reactions that contain expressions like "(+)" ( is the name of species ), the reduced pressure is computed as .

For unimolecular/recombination fall-off reactions the Arrhenius parameters for the high-pressure limit rate constant are given on the reaction line, while the parameters for the low-pressure limit rate constant are given on the auxiliary reaction line that contains the keyword LOW. For chemically activated bimolecular reactions the parameters for are given on the reaction line while the parameters for are given on the auxiliary reaction line that contains the keyword HIGH.

The following expressions are employed to compute the :

Reaction Type
Lindemann reaction
Troe reaction
SRI reaction
  • For the Troe form, , , and are

Parameters , , , and are provided (in this order) in the kinetic model description for each Troe-type reaction. If is omitted, only the first two terms are used to compute .

  • For the SRI form exponent is computed as

Parameters , , , , and are provided in the kinetic model description for each SRI-type reaction. If and are omitted, these parameters are set to and .

Miller~\cite{PLOGprinceton} has developed an alternative expression for the pressure dependence for pressure fall-off reactions that cannot be fitted with a single Arrhenius rate expression. This approach employs linear interpolation of as a function of pressure for reaction as follows

Here, is the Arrhenius rate corresponding to pressure . For the Arrhenius rate is set to , and similar for where is the number of pressures for which the Arrhenius factors are provided, for reaction . This formulation can be combined with 3 body information, e.g. . For PLOG reactions for which there are multiple PLOG entries for each pressure value, the forward rate constants are evaluated as

where is the index for the entries corresponding to pressure .

5.1.4. Note on Units for Net Production Rates

In most cases, the kinetic models input files contain parameters that are based on calories, cm, moles, kelvin, seconds. The mixture temperature and species molar concentrations are necessary to compute the reaction rate. Molar concentrations are typically available in [kmol/m]. For the purpose of reaction rate evaluation, the concentrations are transformed to [mol/cm]. The resulting reaction rates and species production rates are in [mol/(cm.s)]. In the last step these are converted back to SI units [kg/(m.s)].

5.1.5. Example

The production rate for species in mole units [kmol/m/s] is computed via the function call NetProductionRatesPerMole and in mass units [kg/m/s] via the function call NetProductionRatesPerMass. The example provided in src/example/TChem_NetProductionRatesPerMass.cpp computes the production rate in mass units for gas-phase species.

The production rate for gas and surface species in molar units is written as

where is the number of reactions describing the surface phase and and are the stoichiometric coefficients of species in reaction for the reactant and product side of the reaction, respectively.

The rate of progress of the surface reaction is equal to:

Where is the concentration of species . If the species is a gas species, then is the molar concentration by volume, . If, on the other hand, species is a surface species, then is the surface molar concentration computed by , where is site fraction, is density of surface site of the phase , and is the site occupancy number (we assume ).

5.2.1. Forward and Reverse Rate Constants

The forward rate for surface reactions is computed similarly to the gas-phase. Unless the parameters for the reverse rate are specified, the reverse rate is computed via the equilibrium constant as:

The equilibrium constant for surface reaction is computed as

Here, and represent the number of gas-phase and surface species, respectively, and atm. TChem currently assumes the surface site density for all phases to be constant. The equilibrium constant in pressure units is computed as

based on entropy and enthalpy changes from reactants to products (including gas-phase and surface species). The net change in the surface of the site occupancy number for phase for reaction is given by

5.3. Sticking Coefficients

The reaction rate for some surface reactions are described in terms of the probability that a collision results in a reaction. For this reaction type, the forward rate is computed as

where is the sticking coefficient, is the molecular weight of the gas-phase mixture, is the universal gas constant, is the total surface site concentration over all phases, and is the sum of stoichiometric coefficients for all surface species in reaction .

5.3.1. Note on Units for Surface Production Rates

Typically the units of the surface and gas-phase species concentrations presented above are in kmol/m (surface species) or kmol/ (gas-phase species). To match the units of the kinetic model and compute the rate constants, these concentrations are converted to mol/cm or mol/cm. The resulting rate constant for surface reactions are in mol/(cm.s). In the last step these are converted to SI units [kg/(m.s)].

5.3.2. Example

The production rate for species in in molar units [kmole/m/s] is computed through the function call NetProductionRateSurfacePerMole and in mass units [kg/m/s] via the function call NetProductionRateSurfacePerMass. The example provided in src/example/TChem_NetProductionSurfacePerMass.cpp computes the production rates for gas-phase and surface species in mass units.

6. Reactors

We present the setup for canonical examples that are available through TChem. All models presented in this section are setup to be run in parallel, possibly exploiting several layers of parallelism available on the platform of choice. We present results for the constant pressure homogeneous batch reactor, constant volume homogeneous batch reactor, a plug-flow reactor, and a transient continuous stirred tank reactor.

6.1. Time Integration

For stiff ODEs/DAEs, the numerical time step size is limited by a stability condition rather than a truncation error. To obtain a reliable solution, we use a stable time integration method i.e., 2nd order Trapezoidal Backward Difference Formula (TrBDF2). The TrBDF2 scheme is a composite single step method. The method is 2-nd order accurate and -stable. This ODE/DAE solver was implemented via Kokkos, it takes advantage of parallel threads available through the Kokkos interface, and it is part of the Tines library.

  • R. E. Bank, W. M. Coughran, W. Fichtner, E. H. Grosse, D. J. Rose, and R. K. Smith, Transient simulation of silicon devices and circuits, IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. CAD-4, 436-451, 1985.

In this example we consider a transient zero-dimensional constant-pressure model for the temperature and species mass fractions for gas-phase species. The user provides the initial condition for the these variables along with a reference pressure and the model will be advanced in time for a duration also provided in the problem setup.

For an open batch reactor, the system of ODEs solved by TChem are given by:

  • Temperature equation

  • Species equation

where is the density, is the specific heat at constant pressure for the mixture, is the molar production rate of species , is its molecular weight, and is the specific enthalpy.

6.2.1. Jacobian Formulation

Efficient integration and accurate analysis of the stiff system of ODEs shown above requires the Jacobian matrix of the rhs vector. In this section we will derive the Jacobian matrix components.


by the denote the variables in the *lhs* of the 0D system and let denote the state vector for the ODE system defined by temperature and species equations and

denote the extended state vector. The 0D system can be written in compact form as



. The thermodynamic pressure

was introduced for completeness. For open batch reactors

is constant and

. The source term

is computed considering the ideal gas equation of state

with P=const and using the expressions above for



Let and be the Jacobian matrices corresponding to and , respectively. Chain-rule differentiation leads to

Note that each component


is also a component of

and the corresponding *rhs* components are also the same,


Evaluation of Jacobian Components

We first identify the dependencies on the elements of for each of the components of

  • . This component is not needed for the subsequent evaluation of elements of the Jacobian matrix and is therefore skipped in the analysis below.

  • . is defined above. Here we highlight its dependencies on the elements of


is the molar concentration of species



The values for heat capacities and their derivatives are computed based on the NASA polynomial fits as

The partial derivatives of the species production rates,

, are computed as

The steps for the calculation of and are itemized below

  • Derivatives of production rate of species

  • Derivatives of rate-of-progress variable of reaction

  • Derivatives of

    • Basic reactions $\mathcal{C}_i = 1$: $\frac{\partial\mathcal{C}_i}{\partial T}\equiv \frac{\partial\mathcal{C}_i}{\partial\mathfrak{X}_l}\equiv 0$

    • 3-rd body-enhanced reactions $\mathcal{C}_i = \mathfrak{X}_i$: $\frac{\partial\mathcal{C}_i}{\partial T}\equiv 0$, $\frac{\partial\mathcal{C}_i}{\partial\mathfrak{X}l}=\alpha{il}$

    • Unimolecular/recombination fall-off reactions $\mathcal{C}_i = \frac{\Pr_i}{1+\Pr_i}F_i$

    - $\Pr_i=\frac{{k_0}_i}{{k_\infty}_i}\mathfrak{X}_i \Rightarrow \frac{\partial\Pr_i}{\partial T}=\frac{{k'_0}_i{k_\infty}_i-{k_0}_i{k'_\infty}_i}{{k_\infty^2}_i}\mathfrak{X}_i,\,\,\,

\frac{\partial\Pr_i}{\partial\mathfrak{X}_l}=\frac{{k_0}i}{{k\infty}i}\alpha{il}\Pr_i=\frac{{k_0}i}{{k\infty}_i}\mathfrak{X}_m \Rightarrow \frac{\partial\Pr_i}{\partial T}=\frac{{k'_0}i{k\infty}_i-{k_0}i{k'\infty}i}{{k\infty^2}_i}\mathfrak{X}_m,,,, \frac{\partial\Pr_i}{\partial\mathfrak{X}l}=\frac{{k_0}i}{{k\infty}i}\delta{lm}\delta{lm}F_i=1 \Rightarrow \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial T}\equiv \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial\mathfrak{X}_l}\equiv 0$.

  - For Troe form


- For SRI form

  • Chemically activated bimolecular reactions:

Partial derivatives of


are computed similar to the ones above.
  • Derivatives of

+ ${k_f}_i=A_iT^{\beta_i}\exp\left(-\frac{E_i}{R T}\right)

=A_i\exp\left(\beta_i\ln T-\frac{{T_a}_i}{T}\right){T_a}_i=E_i/R{k'_f}_i=\frac{{k_f}_i}{T}\left(\beta_i+\frac{{T_a}_i}{T}\right){k'_r}_i$ is computed similar to above. If ${k_r}_i$ is computed based on ${k_f}_i$ and the equilibrium constant ${K_c}_i$, then its derivative is computed as


. It follows that


is computed based on NASA polynomial fits as

Efficient Evaluation of Jacobian Terms

  • Step 1:



are the forward and reverse parts, respectively of


  • Step 2: Once are evaluated for all , then is computed as

  • Step 3:

Evaluation of Reduced Jacobian Components

  • Temperature equation

  • Species equations


density is a dependent variable, calculated based on the ideal gas equation of state:

The partial derivatives of density with respect to the independent variables are computed as

6.2.2. Selecting Jacobian in Reactor Models

TChem provides three options for the evaluation of the Jacobian matrix for the homogeneous batch reactor:

  • the hand-derived analytical Jacobian, which derivation is presented in the previous section
  • a numerical Jacobian computed by the forward difference scheme implemented in Tines;
  • and an analytical Jacobian computed by the SACADO-based AD implementation.

By default, the homogeneous batch reactor uses the hand-derived Jacobian implementation. To change this behavior, a user can use the numerical Jacobian and the SACADO based analytic Jacobian by enabling the following CMake options


6.2.3. Running the 0D Ignition Utility

The executable to run this example is installed at "${TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH}/example/", and the input parameters are (./TChem_IgnitionZeroDSA.x --help) :

Usage: ./TChem_IgnitionZeroDSA.x [options]
--atol-newton                 double    Absolute tolerance used in newton solver
                                        (default: --atol-newton=1.0e-10)
--chemfile                    string    Chem file name e.g., chem.inp
                                        (default: --chemfile=chem.inp)
--dtmax                       double    Maximum time step size
                                        (default: --dtmax=1.0e-01)
--dtmin                       double    Minimum time step size
                                        (default: --dtmin=1.0e-08)
--echo-command-line           bool      Echo the command-line but continue as normal
--help                        bool      Print this help message
--ignition-delay-time-file    string    Output of ignition delay time second using second-derivative method e.g., IgnitionDelayTime.dat
                                        (default: --ignition-delay-time-file=IgnitionDelayTime.dat)
--ignition-delay-time-w-threshold-temperature-file string    Output of ignition delay time second using threshold-temperature method  e.g., IgnitionDelayTimeTthreshold.dat
                                        (default: --ignition-delay-time-w-threshold-temperature-file=IgnitionDelayTimeTthreshold.dat)
--inputs-path                 string    path to input files e.g., data/inputs
                                        (default: --inputs-path=data/ignition-zero-d/CO/)
--jacobian-interval           int       Jacobians are evaluated once in this interval
                                        (default: --jacobian-interval=1)
--max-newton-iterations       int       Maximum number of newton iterations
                                        (default: --max-newton-iterations=100)
--max-time-iterations         int       Maximum number of time iterations
                                        (default: --max-time-iterations=1000)
--only-compute-ignition-delay-time bool      If true, simulation will end when Temperature is equal to the threshold temperature  
                                        (default: --only-compute-ignition-delay-time=false)
--output_frequency            int       save data at this iterations
                                        (default: --output_frequency=1)
--outputfile                  string    Output file name e.g., IgnSolution.dat
                                        (default: --outputfile=IgnSolution.dat)
--rtol-newton                 double    Relative tolerance used in newton solver
                                        (default: --rtol-newton=1.e-06)
--run-constant-pressure       bool      if true code runs ignition zero d reactor; else code runs constant volume ignition reactor
                                        (default: --run-constant-pressure=true)
--samplefile                  string    Input state file name e.g.,input.dat
                                        (default: --samplefile=sample.dat)
--tbeg                        double    Time begin
                                        (default: --tbeg=0.0)
--team-size                   int       User defined team size
                                        (default: --team-size=-1)
--tend                        double    Time end
                                        (default: --tend=1.0)
--thermfile                   string    Therm file namee.g., therm.dat
                                        (default: --thermfile=therm.dat)
--threshold-temperature       double    threshold temperature in ignition delay time
                                        (default: --threshold-temperature=1.5e+03)
--time-iterations-per-intervalint       Number of time iterations per interval to store qoi
                                        (default: --time-iterations-per-interval=10)
--tol-time                    double    Tolerance used for adaptive time stepping
                                        (default: --tol-time=1.0e-04)
--use_prefixPath              bool      If true, input file are at the prefix path
                                        (default: --use_prefixPath=true)
--vector-size                 int       User defined vector size
                                        (default: --vector-size=-1)
--verbose                     bool      If true, printout the first Jacobian values
                                        (default: --verbose=true)
This example computes the solution of a gas ignition 0D - problem
  • GRIMech 3.0 Model

The following example bash script runs an ignition problem with the GRIMech 3.0 model:



this="$exec --chemfile=$inputs/chem.inp \
            --thermfile=$inputs/therm.dat \
            --samplefile=$inputs/sample.dat \
            --outputfile=IgnSolution.dat \
            --atol-newton=1e-18 \
            --max-newton-iterations=20 \
            --tol-time=1e-6 \
            --dtmax=1e-3 \
            --dtmin=1e-20 \
            --tend=2 \
            --time-iterations-per-interval=10 \
            --max-time-iterations=260 \
            --ignition-delay-time-file=IgnitionDelayTime.dat \

echo $this
eval $this

In the above bash script the "inputs" variables is the path to where the inputs files are located in this case ("${TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH}/example/data/ignition-zero-d/gri3.0"). In this directory, the gas reaction mechanism is defined in "chem.inp" and the thermal properties in "therm.dat". Additionally, "sample.dat" contains the initial conditions for the simulation.

The parameters "dtmin" and "dtmax" control the size of the time steps in the solver. The decision to increase or decrease time step depends on the parameter "tol-time". This parameter controls the error in each time iteration, thus, a bigger value will allow the solver to increase the time step while a smaller value will result in smaller time steps. The time-stepping will end when the time reaches "tend". The simulation will also end when the number of time steps reach "max-time-iterations". The absolute and relative tolerances in the Newton solver in each iteration are set with "atol-newton" and "rtol-newton", respectively, and the maximum number of Newton solver iterations is set with "max-newton-iterations".

The user can specify how often a solution is saved with the parameter "time-iterations-per-interval". Thus, a solution will be saved at every 10 iterations for this case. The default value of this input is . The simulation results are saved in "IgnSolution.dat", with the following format:

iter     t       dt      Density[kg/m3]          Pressure[Pascal]        Temperature[K] SPECIES1 ... SPECIESN  

where SPECIES1 represents the mass fraction of species #1, and so forth. Finally, we provide two methods to compute the ignition delay time. In the first approach, we save the time where the gas temperature reaches a threshold temperature. This temperature is set to K. In the second approach, save the location of the inflection point for the temperature profile as a function of time, also equivalent to the time when the second derivative of temperature with respect to time is zero. The result of these two methods are saved in files "IgnitionDelayTimeTthreshold.dat" and "IgnitionDelayTime.dat", respectively.

  • GRIMech 3.0 Results

The results presented below are obtained by running "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/TChem_IgnitionZeroDSA.x" with an initial temperature of K, pressure of atm and a stoichiometric equivalence ratio () for methane/air mixtures. The input files are located at "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/data/ignition-zero-d/gri3.0/" and selected parameters were presented above. The outputs of the simulation were saved every iteration in "IgnSolution.dat". Time profiles for temperature and mass fractions for selected species are presented the following figures.

Temperature and <img src="src/markdown/svgs/ae893ddc6a1df993f14669218c18b5e1.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=33.14158649999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/>, <img src="src/markdown/svgs/07e86e45b7ebe272704b69abf2775d41.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=19.09133654999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/>, <img src="src/markdown/svgs/f74275c195a72099e0b06f584fd5489a.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=25.920062849999987pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> mass fraction

Temperature and <img src="src/markdown/svgs/2f38b966661ff4345cf5e316b9f242fc.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=27.99541469999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/>, <img src="src/markdown/svgs/7b9a0316a2fcd7f01cfd556eedf72e96.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=14.99998994999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/>, <img src="src/markdown/svgs/6e9a8da465a1a260890dcd5a7ba118bc.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=23.219177849999987pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> mass fraction

The ignition delay time values based on the two alternative computations discussed above are s and s, respectively. The scripts to setup and run this example and the jupyter-notebook used to create these figures can be found under "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/gri3.0_IgnitionZeroD".

  • GRIMech 3.0 Results Parametric Study

The following figure shows the ignition delay time as a function of the initial temperature and equivalence ratio values. These results are based on settings provided in "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/gri3.0_IgnDelay" and correspond to 100 samples. In addition, we used the flag "only-compute-ignition-delay-time=true", so the simulation will end when all samples reach the threshold temperature, and time profiles will not be saved. "TChem_IgnitionZeroDSA.x" runs these samples in parallel. The wall-time is between on a 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 using 16 threads.

We also provide a jupyter-notebook to produce the sample file "sample.dat" and to generate the figure presented above.

Ignition Delta time Figure. Ignition delay times [s] at P=1 atm for several CH/air equivalence ratio and initial temperature values. Results are based on the GRI-Mech v3.0 kinetic model.

6.2.4. Ignition Delay Time Parameter Study for IsoOctane

We present a parameter study for several equivalence ratio, pressure, and initial temperature values for iso-Octane/air mixtures. The iso-Octane reaction mechanism used in this study consists of 874 species and 3796 elementary reactions~\cite{W. J. Pitz M. Mehl, H. J. Curran and C. K. Westbrook ref 5 }. We selected four pressure values, [atm]. For each case we ran a number of simulations that span a grid of initial conditions each for the equivalence ratio and temperature resulting in 900 samples for each pressure value. Each sample was run on a test bed with a Dual-Socket Intel Xeon Platinum architecture.

The data produced by this example is located at "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/isoOctane_IgnDelay". Because of the time to produce a result we save the data in a hdf5 format in "isoOctaneIgnDelayBlake.hdf5". The following figures show ignition delay times results for the conditions specified above. These figures were generated with the jupyter notebook shared in the results directory.

Ignition delay time (s) of isooctane at 10 atm Figure. Ignition delay times [s] at 10atm for several equivalence ratio (vertical axes) and temperature (hori- zontal axes) values for iso-Octane/air mixtures

Ignition delay time (s) of isooctane at 16 atm Figure. Ignition delay times [s] at 16atm for several equivalence ratio (vertical axes) and temperature (hori- zontal axes) values for iso-Octane/air mixtures

Ignition delay time (s) of isooctane at 34 atm Figure. Ignition delay times [s] at 34atm for several equivalence ratio (vertical axes) and temperature (hori- zontal axes) values for iso-Octane/air mixtures

Ignition delay time (s) of isooctane at 45 atm Figure. Ignition delay times [s] at 45 atm for several equivalence ratio (vertical axes) and temperature (hori- zontal axes) values for iso-Octane/air mixtures

6.2.5. Python Interface for Homogeneous Batch Reactors

We created a jupyter-notebook for the GRI3.0 example using the TChem's python interface (pytchem), this jupyter-notebook is located at TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/PythonInterface/IgnitionZeroD/pyTChem.ipynb.

In this example we consider a transient zero-dimensional constant-volume problem where temperature and species mass fractions for gas-phase species. The user provides the initial condition for the these variables along with a reference density and the model will be advanced in time for a duration also provided in the problem setup.

The system of ODEs solved by TChem are given by:

  • Temperature equation

* ***Species equation***

where , is the specific heat at constant pressure for the mixture, is the specific heat at constant volume for the mixture, , is the density (constant for this reactor model), is the molar production rate of species , is its molecular weight, and is the specific enthalpy. Further, is the mixture molecular weight.

6.3.1. Jacobian of RHS

TChem uses either a numerical Jacobian based on a forward finite differences scheme or an analytical Jacobian based on automatic differentiation via the SACADO library. To select between numerical and analytical Jacobian, set the following cmake flag on TChem's configuration at compilation time.


The default value of this flag is "OFF", which means by default the numerical Jacobian is used by the ODE solver.

6.3.2. Running the Constant Volume Ignition Utility

The executable for this example is installed at TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/, and the input parameters are given by (./TChem_IgnitionZeroDSA.x --help) :

--atol-newton                 double    Absolute tolerance used in newton solver
                                        (default: --atol-newton=1.0e-10)
--chemfile                    string    Chem file name e.g., chem.inp
                                        (default: --chemfile=chem.inp)
--dtmax                       double    Maximum time step size
                                        (default: --dtmax=1.0e-01)
--dtmin                       double    Minimum time step size
                                        (default: --dtmin=1.0e-08)
--echo-command-line           bool      Echo the command-line but continue as normal
--help                        bool      Print this help message
--ignition-delay-time-file    string    Output of ignition delay time second using second-derivative method e.g., IgnitionDelayTime.dat
                                        (default: --ignition-delay-time-file=IgnitionDelayTime.dat)
--ignition-delay-time-w-threshold-temperature-file string    Output of ignition delay time second using threshold-temperature method  e.g., IgnitionDelayTimeTthreshold.dat
                                        (default: --ignition-delay-time-w-threshold-temperature-file=IgnitionDelayTimeTthreshold.dat)
--inputs-path                 string    path to input files e.g., data/inputs
                                        (default: --inputs-path=data/ignition-zero-d/CO/)
--jacobian-interval           int       Jacobians are evaluated once in this interval
                                        (default: --jacobian-interval=1)
--max-newton-iterations       int       Maximum number of newton iterations
                                        (default: --max-newton-iterations=100)
--max-time-iterations         int       Maximum number of time iterations
                                        (default: --max-time-iterations=1000)
--only-compute-ignition-delay-time bool      If true, simulation will end when Temperature is equal to the threshold temperature  
                                        (default: --only-compute-ignition-delay-time=false)
--output_frequency            int       save data at this iterations
                                        (default: --output_frequency=1)
--outputfile                  string    Output file name e.g., IgnSolution.dat
                                        (default: --outputfile=IgnSolution.dat)
--rtol-newton                 double    Relative tolerance used in newton solver
                                        (default: --rtol-newton=1.0e-06)
--run-constant-pressure       bool      if true code runs ignition zero d reactor; else code runs constant volume ignition reactor
                                        (default: --run-constant-pressure=true)
--samplefile                  string    Input state file name e.g.,input.dat
                                        (default: --samplefile=sample.dat)
--tbeg                        double    Time begin
                                        (default: --tbeg=0.0)
--team-size                   int       User defined team size
                                        (default: --team-size=-1)
--tend                        double    Time end
                                        (default: --tend=1.0)
--thermfile                   string    Therm file namee.g., therm.dat
                                        (default: --thermfile=therm.dat)
--threshold-temperature       double    threshold temperature in ignition delay time
                                        (default: --threshold-temperature=1.50e+03)
--time-iterations-per-intervalint       Number of time iterations per interval to store qoi
                                        (default: --time-iterations-per-interval=10)
--tol-time                    double    Tolerance used for adaptive time stepping
                                        (default: --tol-time=1.e-04)
--use_prefixPath              bool      If true, input file are at the prefix path
                                        (default: --use_prefixPath=true)
--vector-size                 int       User defined vector size
                                        (default: --vector-size=-1)
--verbose                     bool      If true, printout the first Jacobian values
                                        (default: --verbose=true)
This example computes the solution of a gas ignition 0D - problem

Note that we implement the Homogeneous Constant-Pressure Batch Reactors and Homogeneous Constant-Volume Batch Reactors in the same example code, TChem_IgnitionZeroDSA.cpp. We use the flag run-constant-pressure to choose which reactor to run. If this flag is set to true, the program will integrate the Constant Pressure Homogeneous Batch Reactors. If this flag is set to false the Constant Volume Homogeneous Batch Reactors will be executed.

  • GRIMech 3.0 Model

We can create a bash scripts to provide inputs to TChem. For example the following script runs a constant-volume ignition problem with the GRIMech 3.0 model:


export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread
this="$exec --chemfile=$inputs/chem.inp \
            --thermfile=$inputs/therm.dat \
            --samplefile=$inputs/sample.dat \
            --outputfile=ConstVolumeIgnSolution.dat \
            --run-constant-pressure=false \
            --atol-newton=1e-18 \
            --max-newton-iterations=20 \
            --tol-time=1e-6 \
            --dtmax=1e-3 \
            --dtmin=1e-20 \
            --tend=2 \
            --time-iterations-per-interval=10 \
            --max-time-iterations=260 \
            --ignition-delay-time-file=IgnitionDelayTime.dat \

echo $this
eval $this
  • GRIMech 3.0 Results

The results presented below are obtained by running TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/TChem_IgnitionZeroDSA.x with an initial temperature of K, pressure of atm, and stoichiometric conditions (equivalence ratio ) for methane/air mixtures. The input files are located at "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/data/ignition-zero-d/gri3.0" and selected parameters were presented above. The inputs files and conditions are the same that we used in example of the Homogeneous Constant-Pressure Batch Reactors. The simulation output was saved every iteration in "ConstVolumeIgnSolution.dat". Time profiles for temperature and mass fractions for selected species are presented in the figures below. To produce these results, we used a numerical Jacobian for the ODE solver.

Temperature and <img src="src/markdown/svgs/ae893ddc6a1df993f14669218c18b5e1.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=33.14158649999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/>, <img src="src/markdown/svgs/07e86e45b7ebe272704b69abf2775d41.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=19.09133654999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/>, <img src="src/markdown/svgs/f74275c195a72099e0b06f584fd5489a.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=25.920062849999987pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> mass fraction

Temperature and <img src="src/markdown/svgs/2f38b966661ff4345cf5e316b9f242fc.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=27.99541469999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/>, <img src="src/markdown/svgs/7b9a0316a2fcd7f01cfd556eedf72e96.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=14.99998994999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/>, <img src="src/markdown/svgs/6e9a8da465a1a260890dcd5a7ba118bc.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=23.219177849999987pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> mass fraction

The scripts to setup and run this example and the jupyter-notebook used to create these figures can be found under "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/ConstantVolumeIgnition".

The plug flow reactor (PFR) example employs both gas-phase and surface species. The PFR is assumed to be in steady state, and it is modeled by a system of differential-algebraic equations (DAE). The ODE part of the problem corresponds to energy, momentum, total mass, and species mass balance equations. The algebraic constraint arises from the assumption that the PFR problem is a steady-state problem. Thus, the composition on the wall surface must be stationary.

The equations for the species mass fractions , temperature , axial velocity , and continuity (represented by density ) resolved by TChem were derived from

  • Robert J. Kee, Michael E. Coltrin, Peter Glarborg, Huayang Zhu, "Chemically Reacting Flow: Theory, Modeling, and Simulation, Second Edition."

  • Species equation

  • Temperature equation

  • Velocity equation

  • Density equation

where , , is the surface area, ' is the surface chemistry parameter. In the equations above represents the surface chemistry production rate for a gas-phase species .

  • Algebraic constraint

Here represents all surface species.

The number of ODEs is equal to the number of gas-phases species with three additional equations for density, velocity, and thermodynamic temperature. The number of constraints is equal to the number of surface species. This PFR formulation assumes that surface reactions are taking place on the channel wall and gas-phase reactions inside the channel. Wall friction and heat transfer at the wall are neglected in this example.

6.4.1. Jacobian of RHS

TChem uses either a numerical Jacobian based on a forward finite differences scheme or an analytical Jacobian based on AD via the SACADO library. To choose between numerical and analytical Jacobian, set the following cmake flag on TChem's configuration at compilation time.


The default value of this flag is "OFF", which means by default the numerical Jacobian is used by DAE solver.

6.4.2. Running the Plug Flow Reactor with Surface Reactions Utility

The executable for this example is installed under TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example. The inputs for this example are obtained through:

Usage: ./TChem_PlugFlowReactor.x [options]
  --atol-newton                 double    Absolute tolerance used in newton solver
                                          (default: --atol-newton=1.000000000000000e-14)
  --atol-z                      double    Absolute tolerence used for adaptive time stepping
                                          (default: --atol-z=1.000000000000000e-12)
  --batchsize                   int       Batchsize the same state vector described in statefile is cloned
                                          (default: --batchsize=1)
  --catalytic-perimeter         double    Chemically active perimeter [m],
                                          (default: --catalytic-perimeter=2.597723924341531e-02)
  --chemfile                    string    Chem file name e.g., chem.inp
                                          (default: --chemfile=data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/chem.inp)
  --dzmax                       double    Maximum dz step size [m]
                                          (default: --dzmax=1.000000000000000e-03)
  --dzmin                       double    Minimum dz step size [m]
                                          (default: --dzmin=9.999999999999999e-21)
  --echo-command-line           bool      Echo the command-line but continue as normal
  --help                        bool      Print this help message
  --initial-condition           bool      If true, use a newton solver to obtain initial condition of the constraint
                                          (default: --initial-condition=false)
  --inputs-path                 string    prefixPath e.g.,inputs/
                                          (default: --inputs-path=data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/)
  --jacobian-interval           int       Jacobians evaluated once in this interval
                                          (default: --jacobian-interval=1)
  --max-newton-iterations       int       Maximum number of newton iterations
                                          (default: --max-newton-iterations=20)
  --max-z-iterations            int       Maximum number of z iterations
                                          (default: --max-z-iterations=4000)
  --outputfile                  string    Output file name e.g., PFRSolution.dat
                                          (default: --outputfile=PFRSolution.dat)
  --reactor-area                double    Cross-sectional Area [m2]
                                          (default: --reactor-area=5.300000000000000e-04)
  --rtol-newton                 double    Relative tolerance used in newton solver
                                          (default: --rtol-newton=1.000000000000000e-08)
  --samplefile                  string    Input state file name e.g., input.dat
                                          (default: --samplefile=data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/sample.dat)
  --surf-chemfile               string    Chem file name e.g., chemSurf.inp
                                          (default: --surf-chemfile=data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/chemSurf.inp)
  --surf-inputfile              string    Input state file name e.g., inputSurfGas.dat
                                          (default: --surf-inputfile=data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/inputSurf.dat)
  --surf-thermfile              string    Therm file name e.g.,thermSurf.dat
                                          (default: --surf-thermfile=data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/thermSurf.dat)
  --team-size                   int       User defined team size
                                          (default: --team-size=-1)
  --thermfile                   string    Therm file name e.g., therm.dat
                                          (default: --thermfile=data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/therm.dat)
  --time-iterations-per-intervalint       Number of time iterations per interval to store qoi
                                          (default: --time-iterations-per-interval=10)
  --tol-z                       double    Tolerance used for adaptive z stepping [m]
                                          (default: --tol-z=1.000000000000000e-08)
  --transient-initial-condition bool      If true, use a transient solver to obtain initial condition of the constraint
                                          (default: --transient-initial-condition=true)
  --use-prefix-path             bool      If true, input file are at the prefix path
                                          (default: --use-prefix-path=false)
  --vector-size                 int       User defined vector size
                                          (default: --vector-size=-1)
  --velocity-inputfile          string    Input state file name e.g., inputVelocity.dat
                                          (default: --velocity-inputfile=data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/inputVelocity.dat)
  --verbose                     bool      If true, printout the first Jacobian values
                                          (default: --verbose=true)
  --zbeg                        double    Position begin [m]
                                          (default: --zbeg=0.000000000000000e+00)
  --zend                        double    Position end [m]
                                          (default: --zend=2.500000000000000e-02)
  This example computes Temperature, density, mass fraction and site fraction for a plug flow reactor

The following shell script sets the input parameters and runs the PFR example


run_this="$exec --inputs-path=$inputs \
                --initial-condition=false \
                --use-prefix-path=true \
                --transient-initial-condition=true \
                --reactor-area=0.00053 \
                --catalytic-perimeter=0.025977239243415308 \
                --max-newton-iterations=20 \
                --atol-newton=1e-18 \
                --rtol-newton=1e-8 \
                --tol-z=1e-8 \
                --dzmin=1e-20 \
                --dzmax=1e-3 \
                --zend=0.025 \
                --max-z-iterations=310 "

echo $run_this
eval $run_this

We ran the example in the install directory TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/PlugFlowReactor/CH4-PTnogas. Thus, all the paths are relative to this directory. This script will run the executable TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/TChem_PlugFlowReactor.x with the input files located at TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/. These files correspond to the gas-phase and surface reaction mechanisms (chem.inp and chemSurf.inp) and their corresponding thermodynamic properties files (therm.dat and thermSurf.dat). The operating condition at the inlet of the reactor, i.e. the gas composition, in sample.dat, and the initial guess for the site fractions, in inputSurf.dat, are also required. The format and description of these files are presented in Section. The gas velocity at the inlet is provided in inputVelocity.dat.

The "reactor-area" [] is the cross area of the channel and "catalytic-perimeter" [] is the chemical active perimeter of the PFR. The step size is controlled by "dzmin", "dzmax", and "tol-z"; the simulation will end when "z" (position) is equal to "zend" or when the number of iterations reaches "max-z-iterations". The relative and absolute tolerance in the Newton solver are set through "atol-newton" and "rtol-newton". The description of the numerical time integration method can be found in [Tines]'( documentation. The solution profiles will be saved in "PFRSolution.dat". The following header is saved in the output file.

iter     t       dt      Density[kg/m3]          Pressure[Pascal]        Temperature[K] SPECIES1 (Mass Fraction) ... SPECIESN (Mass Fraction)  SURFACE_SPECIES1 (Site Fraction) ... SURFACE_SPECIESN (Site Fraction) Velocity[m/s]  

Parameters "transient-initial-condition" and "initial-condition" allow us to pick a method to compute an initial condition that satisfies the system of DAE equation as described in Section. In this case, the simulation will use a transient solver to find an initial surface site fraction to meet the constraint presented above.


The gas-phase and surface mechanisms used in this example represent the catalytic combustion of methane on platinum and was developed by Blondal and co-workers. These mechanisms have 15 gas species, 20 surface species, 47 surface reactions and no gas-phase reactions. The total number of ODEs is and there are constraints. One simulation took about 12s to complete on a MacBook Pro with a 3.1GHz Intel Core i7 processor. Time profiles for temperature, density, velocity, mass fractions and site fractions for selected species are presented in the following figures. Scripts and jupyter notebooks for this example are located under "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/PlugFlowReactor/CH4-PTnogas".

plot of density, temperature and velocity Figure. Gas temperature (left axis), velocity, and density (both on right axis) along the PFR.

mass fraction of a few species Figure. Mass fraction of , and .

mass fraction of a few species Figure. Mass fractions for , and

site fraction of a few species Figure. Site fractions for (empty space), and .

site fraction of a few species Figure. Site fractions for , , .

One of the most relevant features of the position profiles of the PFR is the temperature profile. In this simulation, temperature is not constant, and can increase significantly from the reactor inlet to its outlet (approximately 800 K), which is typical in combustion simulation. Note that, the profiles along the PFR shown in this figure are similar to the ones obtained by Blondal and co-workers for a slightly different problem setup. However, having a significant temperature gradient in the reactor could cause significant structural issues, e.g., the reactor will require a special material to handle high temperature gradients. Thus, to find a possible solution, one could use TChem to try several operating conditions/reactor designs. For example, increase inlet-gas velocity as we will present below in the parametric study, or reduce the reactive length of the reactor. Because the computational expense of a PFR-TChem simulation is considerably smaller than high-fidelity 3D simulations, one could test multiple reactor designs and operating conditions with TChem to find an approximate optimal operation condition and reactor design.

Parametric study

The executable "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/TChem_PlugFlowReactor.x" can be also used with more than one sample. In this example, we ran it with eight samples. The inputs for this run are located at "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas_SA". A script and a jupyter-notebook to reproduce this example are placed under "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/PlugFlowReactor/CH4-PTnogas_SA".

These samples correspond to combination of values for the molar fraction of , , inlet gas temperature, [K], and velocity, [m/s]. The bash script to run this problem is listed below

The bash script to run this problem is :


run_this="$exec --chemfile=$mech/chem.inp \
                --thermfile=$mech/therm.dat \
                --samplefile=inputs/sample.dat \
                --surf-chemfile=$mech/chemSurf.inp \
                --surf-thermfile=$mech/thermSurf.dat \
                --surf-inputfile=inputs/inputSurf.dat \
                --velocity-inputfile=inputs/inputVelocity.dat \
                --use-prefix-path=false \
                --outputfile=PFRSolution.dat \
                --initial-condition=false \
                --transient-initial-condition=true \
                --reactor-area=0.00053 \
                --catalytic-perimeter=0.025977239243415308 \
                --max-newton-iterations=20 \
                --atol-newton=1e-16 \
                --rtol-newton=1e-6 \
                --tol-z=1e-6 \
                --dzmin=1e-30 \
                --dzmax=1e-3 \
                --zend=0.025 \
                --max-z-iterations=400 "

echo $run_this
eval $run_this

In the above script we did not use a prefix path ("use-prefix-path=false") instead we provided the name of the inputs files: "chemfile", "thermfile", "chemSurffile", "thermSurffile", "samplefile", "inputSurffile", "inputVelocityfile". The files for the reaction mechanism ("chem.inp" and "chemSurf.inp") and the thermo files ("therm.dat" and "thermSurf.dat") are located under "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/data/plug-flow-reactor/CH4-PTnogas/". The files with the inlet conditions ("sample.dat", "inputSurf.dat", and "inputVelocity.dat") are located in the "input" directory, located under the run directory. One can set a different path for the input files with the command-line option "use-prefix-path". Additionally, one can also use the option "transient-initial-condition=true", to activate the transient solver to find initial condition for the PFR.

The following figures show temperature, gas-phase species mass fractions and surface species site fractions corresponding to the example presented above.

Temperature Figure. Gas temperature for all samples.

<img src="src/markdown/svgs/07e86e45b7ebe272704b69abf2775d41.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=19.09133654999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> Figure. Mass fraction of for all samples.

<img src="src/markdown/svgs/ab1eb97d31e59bc83bdd3563750ef4ae.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=42.69636194999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> Figure. Mass fraction of for all samples.

<img src="src/markdown/svgs/f74275c195a72099e0b06f584fd5489a.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=25.920062849999987pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> Figure. Mass fraction of for all samples.

<img src="src/markdown/svgs/2f38b966661ff4345cf5e316b9f242fc.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=27.99541469999999pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> Figure. Mass fraction of for all samples.

<img src="src/markdown/svgs/cbfb1b2a33b28eab8a3e59464768e810.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=14.908688849999992pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> Figure. Site fraction of for all samples.

<img src="src/markdown/svgs/9f3d75b8ba9e0e89cce5bd92a28d04c6.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=27.904113599999988pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> Figure. Site fraction of for all samples.

<img src="src/markdown/svgs/219aa3e038365b48be98d9ff4c5f718f.svg?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=51.052504799999994pt height=22.465723500000017pt/> Figure. Site fraction of for all samples.

6.4.3. Initial Condition for PFR Problem

The initial condition for the PFR problem must satisfy the algebraic constraints in the DAE system. To ensure consistency, TChem first solves a system that accounts for the constraints only. The gas-phase species mass fractions and temperature are kept constant. The constraint component can be solved either by evolving an equivalent time-dependent formulation to steady-state or by directly solving the non-linear problem directly. In the later approach, a Newton solver is used to solve for the combination of site fractions that satisfy for all surface species . For the former approach, the system of equations below is advanced in time until the system reaches a steady state.

This is presented at "TCHEM_REPOSITORY_PATH/src/example/TChem_SimpleSurface.cpp". The following shows three surface species; all the other species have site fractions less than . This result shows the time to reach stable state is approximately s. In the PFR example presented above, this option can be enabled by setting "transient-initial-condition=true" and "initial-condition=false".

site fraction of a few species Figure.Site fractions for (empty space), , and . We start this simulation with an empty surface ().

The example produces an output file ("InitialConditionPFR.dat") with the last iteration. This file can be used in the PFR problem as the "inputSurf.dat" file. The inputs for this example are located at "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/InitialConditionPFR".

Note that If both "initial-condition" and "transient-initial-condition" are set true, the code will execute the transient initial condition first and then the newton initial condition.

The TChem's T-CSTR reactor solves ODE equations for temperature, gas-phase species mass fractions, and surface-species site fraction. These equations are based on the formulation for transient stirred reactors from:

  • Robert J. Kee, Michael E. Coltrin, Peter Glarborg, Huayang Zhu, "Chemically Reacting Flow: Theory, Modeling, and Simulation," Second Edition.

The ODE system of equations assume constant volume and pressure:

  • Gas species equations

  • Temperature equation

* ***Surface species equations***

where is time, is the mass fraction of gas species , is the inlet mass flow rate, is the inlet mass fraction of species , is the reactor chemically-active area, V is the reactor volume, is the number of gas-phase species, is the net production rate (mole based) for the species from the surface reaction mechanism, is the net production rate (mole based) for species from the gas-phase reaction mechanism, is the molecular weight of species , is the temperature, and is the gas density. Further, is the gas mixture heat capacity, is the enthalpy for gas-phase species , is the gas mixture enthalpy, and is the inlet gas mixture enthalpy, all mass based. Finally, is the site fraction of surface species , where is the number of surface species, and is the surface site density.

Usually the value of is a small number; therefore, the time scales of the surface species are faster than the gas species. Thus, one could assume that surface species reached steady state, and their RHS are close to zero. This approximation is known as the quasi-steady state approximation (QSSA); the resulting model is a DAE system with a smaller number of ODEs than in the original ODE system. In the reformulated model the gas-phase species and energy equations are the same as in the original system. The equations for the surface species are either differential equation or algebraic constraints.

  • Surface species equations

  • Surface algebraic constraints

where the last surface species is solved via

Here, is number of constraints that correspond to last surface species.

A detail derivation of the T-CSTR formulation and a study using the CSPlib library are presented in the paper:

6.5.1. Jacobian of RHS

TChem uses either a numerical Jacobian based on forward finite differences or an analytical Jacobian based on AD via the SACADO library. To select between numerical and analytical Jacobian, set the following cmake flag on TChem's configuration at compilation time.


The default value of this flag is "OFF", which means by default the numerical Jacobian is used by ODE/DAE solver.

6.5.2. Running the Transient Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor with Surface Reactions Utility

The executable for this example is installed under "TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example". The inputs for this example are obtained through.

Usage: ./TChem_TransientContStirredTankReactor.x [options]
  --atol-newton                 double    Absolute tolerance used in newton solver
                                          (default: --atol-newton=1.000000000000000e-18)
  --atol-time                   double    Absolute tolerance used for adaptive time stepping
                                          (default: --atol-time=1.000000000000000e-12)
  --catalytic-area              double    Catalytic area [m2]
                                          (default: --catalytic-area=1.347000000000000e-02)
  --chemfile                    string    Chem file name of gas phase e.g., chem.inp
                                          (default: --chemfile=runs/T-CSTR/CH4_PT_Quinceno2006/inputs/chem.inp)
  --dtmax                       double    Maximum time step size
                                          (default: --dtmax=1.000000000000000e-02)
  --dtmin                       double    Minimum time step size
                                          (default: --dtmin=9.999999999999999e-21)
  --echo-command-line           bool      Echo the command-line but continue as normal
  --help                        bool      Print this help message
  --initial-condition           bool      If true, use a newton solver to obtain initialcondition of surface species
                                          (default: --initial-condition=false)
  --inlet-mass-flow             double    Inlet mass flow rate [kg/s]
                                          (default: --inlet-mass-flow=1.000000000000000e-02)
  --inputs-path                 string    prefixPath e.g.,inputs/
                                          (default: --inputs-path=runs/T-CSTR/CH4_PT_Quinceno2006/inputs/)
  --isothermic                  bool      if True, reaction is isotermic
                                          (default: --isothermic=false)
  --jacobian-interval           int       Jacobians are evaluated in this interval during Newton solve
                                          (default: --jacobian-interval=1)
  --max-newton-iterations       int       Maximum number of newton iterations
                                          (default: --max-newton-iterations=100)
  --max-time-iterations         int       Maximum number of time iterations
                                          (default: --max-time-iterations=4000)
  --number-of-algebraic-constraintsint       Number of algebraic constraints
                                          (default: --number-of-algebraic-constraints=0)
  --output_frequency            int       save data at this iterations
                                          (default: --output_frequency=1)
  --outputfile                  string    Output file name e.g., CSTRSolution.dat
                                          (default: --outputfile=CSTRSolution.dat)
  --reactor-volume              double    Reactor Volumen [m3]
                                          (default: --reactor-volume=1.347000000000000e-01)
  --rtol-newton                 double    Relative tolerance used in newton solver
                                          (default: --rtol-newton=1.000000000000000e-08)
  --samplefile                  string    Input state file name of gas phase e.g., input.dat
                                          (default: --samplefile=runs/T-CSTR/CH4_PT_Quinceno2006/inputs/sample.dat)
  --save_initial_condition      bool      if True, solution containtsinitial condition
                                          (default: --save_initial_condition=true)
  --surf-chemfile               string    Chem file name of surface phase e.g., chemSurf.inp
                                          (default: --surf-chemfile=runs/T-CSTR/CH4_PT_Quinceno2006/inputs/chemSurf.inp)
  --surf-inputfile              string    Input state file name of surface e.g., inputSurfGas.dat
                                          (default: --surf-inputfile=runs/T-CSTR/CH4_PT_Quinceno2006/inputs/inputSurf.dat)
  --surf-thermfile              string    Therm file name of surface phase e.g.,thermSurf.dat
                                          (default: --surf-thermfile=runs/T-CSTR/CH4_PT_Quinceno2006/inputs/thermSurf.dat)
  --tbeg                        double    Time begin
                                          (default: --tbeg=0.000000000000000e+00)
  --team-size                   int       User defined team size
                                          (default: --team-size=-1)
  --tend                        double    Time end
                                          (default: --tend=3.000000000000000e+00)
  --thermfile                   string    Therm file name of gas phase  e.g., therm.dat
                                          (default: --thermfile=runs/T-CSTR/CH4_PT_Quinceno2006/inputs/therm.dat)
  --time-iterations-per-intervalint       Number of time iterations per interval to store qoi
                                          (default: --time-iterations-per-interval=10)
  --tol-time                    double    Tolerence used for adaptive time stepping
                                          (default: --tol-time=1.000000000000000e-04)
  --transient-initial-condition bool      If true, use a transient solver to obtain initial condition of surface species
                                          (default: --transient-initial-condition=false)
  --use-prefix-path             bool      If true, input file are at the prefix path
                                          (default: --use-prefix-path=false)
  --vector-size                 int       User defined vector size
                                          (default: --vector-size=-1)
  --verbose                     bool      If true, printout the first Jacobian values
                                          (default: --verbose=true)
  This example computes temperature, mass fraction, and site fraction for a Transient continuous stirred tank reactor

The following shell script sets the input parameters and runs the T-CSTR example


run_this="$exec --chemfile=inputs/chemgri30.inp \
                --thermfile=inputs/thermgri30.dat \
                --samplefile=inputs/sample_phi1.dat \
                --surf-chemfile=inputs/chemSurf.inp \
                --surf-thermfile=inputs/thermSurf.dat \
                --surf-inputfile=inputs/inputSurf.dat \
                --outputfile=CSTRSolutionODE.dat \
                --catalytic-area=1.347e-2 \
                --reactor-volume=1.347e-1 \
                --inlet-mass-flow=1e-2 \
                --number-of-algebraic-constraints=0 \
                --transient-initial-condition=true \
                --max-newton-iterations=20 \
                --atol-newton=1e-18 \
                --rtol-newton=1e-8 \
                --tol-time=1e-8 \
                --atol-newton=1e-12 \
                --dtmin=1e-20 \
                --dtmax=1e-3 \
                --tend=3 \
                --max-z-iterations=400 "

echo $run_this
eval $run_this

We ran this example in the install directory TCHEM_INSTALL_PATH/example/runs/T-CSTR/CH4_PT_Quinceno2006. The above batch script is saved in this directory. In the simulation, we used analytical Jacobian for time integration, and we noted that if the numerical Jacobian is used, the simulation fails to converge. Note that in this script the inputs are located in the "inputs" directory, and the number of algebraic constraints is equal to zero. The latter setting results in the T-CSTR being an ODE system.

6.5.3. Results

We test the T-CSTR using the GRIMech 3.0 model (53/325 gas-phase species/reactions) for gas-phase chemistry, and the Quiceno et al. mechanism (11/36 surface species/reactions) for surface kinetics. The time profiles of this simulation are presented in the following figures:.

plot of temperature, CH4, and O2 Figure. Time profiles of gas temperature (left axis), and (both on right axis).

site fraction of a few surface species Figure. Site fraction of * (void space), , and .

7. Application Programming Interface

TChem provides two types of interfaces for running simulations in parallel, runHostBatch and runDeviceBatch. The runHostBatch interface uses Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace with data residing on host (CPU) memory. The runDeviceBatch interface works with Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace which is configured via Kokkos. Generally, the default execution space is configured with either OpenMP or CUDA. When the execution space is CUDA the data, which typically consists of the kinetic model parameters and an ensemble of state vectors, should be transferred to the device memory using Kokkos::deep_copy. The example below illustrates how to compute reaction rates for several samples. It requires the kinetic model data and a collection of input state vectors. The data files are parsed in the host memory, the data is copied to the device memory. After the computations are completed, one can copy the results from the device memory to the host memory to print the output.

###include "TChem_Util.hpp"
###include "TChem_NetProductionRatePerMass.hpp"
###include "TChem_KineticModelData.hpp"

using ordinal_type = TChem::ordinal_type;
using real_type = TChem::real_type;
using real_type_1d_view = TChem::real_type_1d_view;
using real_type_2d_view = TChem::real_type_2d_view;

int main() {
  std::string chemFile("chem.inp");
  std::string thermFile("therm.dat");
  std::string inputFile("input.dat");
  std::string outputFile("omega.dat");

  Kokkos::initialize(argc, argv);
    /// kinetic model is constructed and an object is constructed on host
    TChem::KineticModelData kmd(chemFile, thermFile);

    /// device type is created using exec_space
    using device_type = typename Tines::UseThisDevice<exec_space>::type;

    /// kinetic model data is transferred to the device memory
    const auto kmcd = TChem::createGasKineticModelConstData<device_type>(kmd);

    /// input file includes the number of samples and the size of the state vector
    ordinal_type nBatch, stateVectorSize;
    TChem::readNumberOfSamplesAndStateVectorSize(inputFile, nBatch, stateVectorSize);

    /// create a 2d array storing the state vectors
    real_type_2d_view state("StateVector", nBatch, stateVectorSize);
    auto state_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(state);

    /// read the input file and store them into the host array
    TChem::readStateVectors(inputFile, state_host);
    /// if execution space is host execution space, this deep copy is a soft copy
    Kokkos::deep_copy(state, state_host);

    /// output: reaction rates (omega)
    real_type_2d_view omega("ReactionRates", nBatch, kmcd.nSpec);

    /// create a parallel policy with workspace
    /// for better performance, team size must be tuned instead of using AUTO
      policy(TChem::exec_space(), nBatch, Kokkos::AUTO());
    const ordinal_type level = 1;
    const ordinal_type per_team_extent = TChem::ReactionRates::getWorkSpaceSize(kmcd);
    const ordinal_type per_team_scratch  =
    policy.set_scratch_size(level, Kokkos::PerTeam(per_team_scratch));

    /// computes net production rates

    /// optionally, one can move the omega to host memory
    auto omega_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(omega);
    Kokkos::deep_copy(omega_host, omega);

    /// one may want to print omega_host
    for (ordinal_type s=0;s<nBatch;++s) {
      std::cout << "Sample ID = " << s << std::endl;
      for (ordinal_type k=0;k<kmcd.nSpec;++k)
         std::cout << omega_host(s, k) << std::endl;

  return 0;

This workflow pattern can be applied for the other similar functions, presented in Sections: Thermodynamic Properties, Kinetic Quantities, Homogeneous-Constant-Pressure Reactors, and Plug Flow Reactor.

The ODE and DAE systems employed by various reactor models require a different workflow. The numerical implementation of these models employs a time advance object that contains the range of time integration, time step sizes, Newton solver tolerance, etc. The following example shows the parameters that can be set for these problems.

###include "TChem_Util.hpp"
###include "TChem_KineticModelData.hpp"
###include "TChem_IgnitionZeroD.hpp"

using ordinal_type = TChem::ordinal_type;
using real_type = TChem::real_type;
using time_advance_type = TChem::time_advance_type;

using real_type_0d_view = TChem::real_type_0d_view;
using real_type_1d_view = TChem::real_type_1d_view;
using real_type_2d_view = TChem::real_type_2d_view;

using time_advance_type_0d_view = TChem::time_advance_type_0d_view;
using time_advance_type_1d_view = TChem::time_advance_type_1d_view;

using real_type_0d_view_host = TChem::real_type_0d_view_host;
using real_type_1d_view_host = TChem::real_type_1d_view_host;
using real_type_2d_view_host = TChem::real_type_2d_view_host;

using time_advance_type_0d_view_host = TChem::time_advance_type_0d_view_host;
using time_advance_type_1d_view_host = TChem::time_advance_type_1d_view_host;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  /// input files
  std::string chemFile("chem.inp");
  std::string thermFile("therm.dat");
  std::string inputFile("input.dat");

  /// time stepping parameters
  /// the range of time begin and end
  real_type tbeg(0), tend(1);  
  /// min and max time step size
  real_type dtmin(1e-11), dtmax(1e-6);
  /// maximum number of time iterations computed in a single kernels launch
  ordinal_type num_time_iterations_per_interval(1);
  /// adaptive time stepping tolerance which is compared with the error estimator
  real_type tol_time(1e-8);
  /// new ton solver absolute and relative tolerence
  real_type atol_newton(1e-8), rtol_newton(1e-5);
  /// max number of newton iterations
  ordinal_Type max_num_newton_iterations(100);
  /// max number of time ODE kernel launch
  ordinal_type max_num_time_iterations(1e3);

  Kokkos::initialize(argc, argv);
    /// kinetic model is constructed and an object is constructed on host
    TChem::KineticModelData kmd(chemFile, thermFile);

    /// device type is created using exec_space
    using device_type = typename Tines::UseThisDevice<TChem::exec_space>::type;

    /// kinetic model data is transferred to the device memory
    const auto kmcd = TChem::createGasKineticModelConstData<device_type>(kmd);

    /// input file includes the number of samples and the size of the state vector
    ordinal_type nBatch, stateVectorSize;
    TChem::readNumberOfSamplesAndStateVectorSize(inputFile, nBatch, stateVectorSize);

    /// create a 2d array storing the state vectors
    real_type_2d_view state("StateVector", nBatch, stateVectorSize);
    auto state_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(state);

    /// read the input file and store them into the host array
    TChem::readStateVectors(inputFile, state_host);
    /// if execution space is host execution space, this deep copy is a soft copy
    Kokkos::deep_copy(state, state_host);

    /// create time advance objects
    time_advance_type tadv_default;
    tadv_default._tbeg = tbeg;
    tadv_default._tend = tend;
    tadv_default._dt = dtmin;
    tadv_default._dtmin = dtmin;
    tadv_default._dtmax = dtmax;
    tadv_default._tol_time = tol_time;
    tadv_default._atol_newton = atol_newton;
    tadv_default._rtol_newton = rtol_newton;
    tadv_default._max_num_newton_iterations = max_num_newton_iterations;
    tadv_default._num_time_iterations_per_interval = num_time_iterations_per_interval;

    /// each sample is time-integrated independently
    time_advance_type_1d_view tadv("tadv", nBatch);
    Kokkos::deep_copy(tadv, tadv_default);

    /// for print the time evolution of species, we need a host mirror view
    auto tadv_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(tadv);
    auto state_host = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(state);

    /// create a parallel execution policy with workspace
      policy(TChem::exec_space(), nBatch, Kokkos::AUTO());
    const ordinal_type level = 1;
    const ordinal_type per_team_extent = TChem::IgnitionZeroD::getWorkSpaceSize(kmcd);
    const ordinal_type per_team_scratch  =
    policy.set_scratch_size(level, Kokkos::PerTeam(per_team_scratch));

    for (; iter < max_num_time_iterations && tsum <= tend; ++iter) {
      /// in each kernel launch, it computes the number of time iterations per
      /// interval
         tadv, state, /// input
         t, dt, state, /// output

      /// terminate this loop when all samples reach the time end
      tsum = zero;
        Kokkos::RangePolicy<TChem::exec_space>(0, nBatch),
        KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const ordinal_type &i, real_type &update) {
          tadv(i)._tbeg = t(i);
          tadv(i)._dt = dt(i);
          update += t(i);
      tsum /= nBatch;

      /// to store or print the state vectors, the data must be transferred to
      /// host memory
      Kokkos::deep_copy(tadv_host, tadv);
      Kokkos::deep_copy(state_host, state);
      UserDefinedPrintStateVector(tadv_host, state_host);

A similar setup can be used for the functions listed in section Reactor Models.

7.1. TChem::KineticModelData

TChem's KineticModelData has a set of functions to parse Chemkin and Cantera-YAML input files and to create objects to store the kinetic model data in the device or host memory.

7.1.1. Gas-Phase Kinetic Model Setup using Chemkin Input Files

/// Constructor takes two input files and parse the input constructing the kinetic model with gas reactions.
///   [in] Chemkin mechfile -
///   [in] Chemkin thermofile -
KineticModelData(const std::string &mechfile,
                 const std::string &thermofile);

/// The method creates a const object that stores the kinetic model on the device memory.
///   [template] DeviceType is a pair of execution and memory spaces, abstracted
    by Kokkos::Device<ExecSpace, MemorySpace>
    ExecSpace - Kokkos execution space e.g., Serial, OpenMP, Cuda, SYCL, and HIP.
    MemorySpace - HostSpace, CudaSpace, CudaUVMSpace, SYCLDeviceUSMSpace, and HIPSpace.

template<typename DeviceType> KineticModelConstData<DeviceType> createConstData()			 

7.1.2. Gas-Phase and Surface Kinetic Model using Chemkin Input Files

/// Constructor takes four input files and parse the input constructing the kinetic model with gas and surface reactions.
///   [in] Chemkin gas mechfile -
///   [in] Chemkin gas thermofile -
///   [in] Chemkin surface mechSurffile -
///   [in] Chemkin surface thermoSurffile -
KineticModelData(const std::string& mechfile,
                 const std::string& thermofile,
                 const std::string& mechSurffile,
                 const std::string& thermoSurffile);

/// The method create a const object that stores the kinetic model on the device memory.
///   [template] DeviceType is a pair of execution and memory spaces, abstracted
    by Kokkos::Device<ExecSpace, MemorySpace>
    ExecSpace - Kokkos execution space e.g., Serial, OpenMP, Cuda, SYCL, and HIP.
    MemorySpace - HostSpace, CudaSpace, CudaUVMSpace, SYCLDeviceUSMSpace, and HIPSpace.

// gas object
template<typename DeviceType> KineticModelConstData<DeviceType> createConstData()		

// surface object
template<typename DeviceType> KineticModelConstData<DeviceType> createConstSurfData()

7.1.3. Gas Kinetic Model using Cantera-YAML Input Files

/// Constructor takes one input files and parse the input constructing the kinetic model with gas reactions.
///   [in] Cantera-Yaml mechfile -
///   [in] hasSurface -
KineticModelData(const std::string& mechfile,
                  const bool& hasSurface=false);

/// The method create a const object that stores the kinetic model on the device memory.
///   [template] DeviceType is a pair of execution and memory spaces, abstracted
    by Kokkos::Device<ExecSpace, MemorySpace>
    ExecSpace - Kokkos execution space e.g., Serial, OpenMP, Cuda, SYCL, and HIP.
    MemorySpace - HostSpace, CudaSpace, CudaUVMSpace, SYCLDeviceUSMSpace, and HIPSpace.

// gas object
template<typename DeviceType> KineticModelConstData<DeviceType> createConstData()		

7.1.4. Gas-Phase and Surface Kinetic Models using Cantera-YAML Input Files

/// Constructor takes one input files and parse the input constructing the kinetic model with gas reactions.
///   [in] Cantera-Yaml mechfile -
///   [in] hasSurface - if mechfile contains surface phase set to true
KineticModelData(const std::string& mechfile,
                  const bool& hasSurface=false);

/// The method create a const object that stores the kinetic model on the device memory.
///   [template] DeviceType is a pair of execution and memory spaces, abstracted
    by Kokkos::Device<ExecSpace, MemorySpace>
    ExecSpace - Kokkos execution space e.g., Serial, OpenMP, Cuda, SYCL, and HIP.
    MemorySpace - HostSpace, CudaSpace, CudaUVMSpace, SYCLDeviceUSMSpace, and HIPSpace.
// gas object
template<typename DeviceType> KineticModelConstData<DeviceType> createConstData()

// surface object
template<typename DeviceType> KineticModelConstData<DeviceType> createConstSurfData()

7.2. Function List

The following sections list all top-level function interfaces. Here, top-level interface functions can launch parallel kernels with a given parallel execution policy.

In these functions the device/array/kinetic-model types are defined using Tines:

using exec_space = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace;
using host_exec_space = Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace;

// device type of host and device
using host_device_type = typename Tines::UseThisDevice<host_exec_space>::type;
using device_type      = typename Tines::UseThisDevice<exec_space>::type;

// views for device type
using real_type_1d_view_type = Tines::value_type_1d_view<real_type,device_type>;
using real_type_2d_view_type = Tines::value_type_2d_view<real_type,device_type>;
using real_type_3d_view_type = Tines::value_type_3d_view<real_type,device_type>;

// views for host  type
using real_type_1d_view_host_type = Tines::value_type_1d_view<real_type,host_device_type>;
using real_type_2d_view_host_type = Tines::value_type_2d_view<real_type,host_device_type>;
using real_type_3d_view_host_type = Tines::value_type_3d_view<real_type,host_device_type>;

// kinetic model's object for gas phase  
using kinetic_model_type = KineticModelConstData<device_type>;
using kinetic_model_host_type = KineticModelConstData<host_device_type>;

// kinetic model's object for surface phase  
using kinetic_surf_model_type = KineticSurfModelConstData<device_type>;
using kinetic_surf_model_host_type = KineticSurfModelConstData<host_device_type>;

7.2.1. Thermodynamic Properties

This section lists all top-level function interface for thermodynamic properties. These functions are launching a parallel kernel with a given parallel execution policy. SpecificHeatCapacityPerMass
/// Specific heat capacity constant pressure (cp) per mass (Device)
/// ===============================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] CpMass - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing Cp per species
///   [out] CpMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_SpecificHeatCapacityPerMass.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& CpMass,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& CpMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd)
/// Specific heat capacity constant pressure (cp) per mass (Host)
/// ===============================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] CpMass - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing Cp per species
///   [out] CpMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_SpecificHeatCapacityPerMass.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& CpMass,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& CpMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd) SpecificHeatCapacityConsVolumePerMass
/// Specific heat capacity constant volume (cv) per mass (Device)
/// ===============================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] CvMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_SpecificHeatCapacityConsVolumePerMass.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& CvMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd)
/// Specific heat capacity constant volume (cv) per mass (Host)
/// ===============================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] CvMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_SpecificHeatCapacityConsVolumePerMass.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& CvMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd) EnthalpyMass
/// Enthalpy per mass (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] EnthalpyMass - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing enthalpy per species
///   [out] EnthalpyMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_EnthalpyMass.hpp"
EnthalpyMass::runDeviceBatch( /// thread block size
  typename team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& EnthalpyMass,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& EnthalpyMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);
/// Enthalpy per mass (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] EnthalpyMass - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing enthalpy per species
///   [out] EnthalpyMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_EnthalpyMass.hpp"
EnthalpyMass::runHostBatch( /// thread block size
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& EnthalpyMass,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& EnthalpyMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd); EntropyMass
/// Entropy per mass (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] EntropyMass - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing enthalpy per species
///   [out] EntropyMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_EntropyMass.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& EntropyMass,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& EntropyMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);
/// Entropy per mass (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] EntropyMass - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing enthalpy per species
///   [out] EntropyMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_EntropyMass.hpp"
EntropyMass::runHostBatch( /// thread block size
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& EntropyMass,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& EntropyMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd) InternalEnergyMass
/// Internal Energy per mass (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] InternalEnergyMass - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing enthalpy per species
///   [out] InternalEnergyMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_InternalEnergyMass.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& InternalEnergyMass,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& InternalEnergyMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);
/// Internal Energy per mass (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] InternalEnergyMass - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing enthalpy per species
///   [out] InternalEnergyMixMass - rank 1d array sized by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_InternalEnergyMass.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& InternalEnergyMass,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& InternalEnergyMixMass,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd);

7.2.2. Kinetic Quantities

This section lists all top-level function interface for the computation of species production rates and rate of progresses. These functions are launching a parallel kernel with a given parallel execution policy. NetProductionRatesPerMass
/// Net Production Rates per mass (Device)
/// ==============
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] omega - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing reaction rates
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_NetProductionRatePerMass.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& omega,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);
/// Net Production Rates per mass (Host)
/// ==============
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] omega - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing reaction rates
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_NetProductionRatePerMass.hpp"
NetProductionRatePerMass::runHostBatch( /// input
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& omega,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd)

##### NetProductionRatesPerMole

/// Net Production Rates per mole (Device)
/// ==============
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] omega - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing reaction rates
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_NetProductionRatePerMole.hpp"
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& omega,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);

/// Net Production Rates per mole (Host)
/// ==============
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] omega - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec storing reaction rates
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_NetProductionRatePerMole.hpp"
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& omega,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd); NetProductionRateSurfacePerMass
/// Net Production Rates Surface per mass (Device)
/// ==============
///   [in] nBatch - number of samples
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Surface)
///   [out] omega - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Gas) storing reaction rates gas species
///   [out] omegaSurf - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Surface) storing reaction rates surface species
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory(gas phase)
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory (Surface phase)
/// #include "TChem_NetProductionRateSurfacePerMass.hpp"
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& omega,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& omegaSurf,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_type& kmcdSurf);

/// Net Production Rates Surface per mass (Host)
/// ==============
///   [in] nBatch - number of samples
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Surface)
///   [out] omega - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Gas) storing reaction rates gas species
///   [out] omegaSurf - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Surface) storing reaction rates surface species
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory(gas phase)
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory (Surface phase)
/// #include "TChem_NetProductionRateSurfacePerMass.hpp"
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& omega,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& omegaSurf,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_host_type& kmcdSurf);  

##### NetProductionRateSurfacePerMole

/// Net Production Rates Surface per mole (Device)
/// ==============
///   [in] nBatch - number of samples
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Surface)
///   [out] omega - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Gas) storing reaction rates gas species
///   [out] omegaSurf - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Surface) storing reaction rates surface species
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory(gas phase)
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory (Surface phase)
/// #include "TChem_NetProductionRateSurfacePerMole.hpp"
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& omega,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& omegaSurf,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_type& kmcdSurf);

/// Net Production Rates Surface per mole (Host)
/// ==============
///   [in] nBatch - number of samples
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Surface)
///   [out] omega - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Gas) storing reaction rates gas species
///   [out] omegaSurf - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x nSpec(Surface) storing reaction rates surface species
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory(gas phase)
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory (Surface phase)
/// #include "TChem_NetProductionRateSurfacePerMole.hpp"
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& omega,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& omegaSurf,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_host_type& kmcdSurf); RateOfProgress
/// RateOfProgress (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] RoPFor - rank2d array by nBatch x number of reaction in gas phase
///   [out] RoPFor - rank2d array by nBatch x number of reaction in gas phase
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_RateOfProgress.hpp"
  typename team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& RoPFor,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& RoPRev,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd)

/// RateOfProgress (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] RoPFor - rank2d array by nBatch x number of reaction in gas phase
///   [out] RoPFor - rank2d array by nBatch x number of reaction in gas phase
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& RoPFor,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& RoPRev,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd)  

7.2.3. Reactor Models: Time Advance

This section lists all top-level function interfaces for the reactor examples. IgnitionZeroD
/// Ignition 0D (Device)
/// ===========
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] tol_newton - rank 1d array of size 2; 0 absolute tolerance and 1 relative tolerance
///   [in] tol_time - rank 2d sized by number of equations in the Ignition 0D problem x 2; column 1 w.r.t absolute tolerance and column 1 w.r.t relative tolerance  
///   [in] fac -  rank 2d array sized by nBatch x number of equations in the Ignition 0D problem; this array is use to compute numerical Jacobian  
///   [in] tadv - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time stepping data structure
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] t_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time when exiting the function
///   [out] dt_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time step size when exiting the function
///   [out] state_out - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize storing updated state vectors
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
###inclue "TChem_IgnitionZeroD.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& tol_newton,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& tol_time,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& fac,
  const time_advance_type_1d_view& tadv,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& t_out,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& dt_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state_out,
  const KineticModelConstData<device_type >& kmcd);

/// Ignition 0D (Host)
/// ===========
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] tol_newton - rank 1d array of size 2; 0 absolute tolerance and 1 relative tolerance
///   [in] tol_time - rank 2d sized by number of equations in the Ignition 0D problem x 2; column 1 w.r.t absolute tolerance and column 1 w.r.t relative tolerance  
///   [in] fac -  rank 2d array sized by nBatch x number of equations in the Ignition 0D problem; this array is use to compute numerical Jacobian  
///   [in] tadv - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time stepping data structure
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] t_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time when exiting the function
///   [out] dt_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time step size when exiting the function
///   [out] state_out - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize storing updated state vectors
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
###inclue "TChem_IgnitionZeroD.hpp"
IgnitionZeroD::runHostBatch( /// input
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& tol_newton,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& tol_time,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& fac,
  const time_advance_type_1d_view_host& tadv,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& t_out,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& dt_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state_out,
  const KineticModelConstData<host_device_type>& kmcd); ConstantVolumeIgnitionReactor
/// Constant Volume Ignition 0D (Device)
/// ===========
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] tol_newton - rank 1d array of size 2; 0 absolute tolerance and 1 relative tolerance
///   [in] tol_time - rank 2d sized by number of equations in the Constant Volume Ignition 0D problem x 2; column 1 w.r.t absolute tolerance and column 1 w.r.t relative tolerance  
///   [in] fac -  rank 2d array sized by nBatch x number of equations in the Ignition 0D problem; this array is use to compute numerical Jacobian  
///   [in] tadv - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time stepping data structure
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] t_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time when exiting the function
///   [out] dt_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time step size when exiting the function
///   [out] state_out - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize storing updated state vectors
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_ConstantVolumeIgnitionReactor.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& tol_newton,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& tol_time,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& fac,
  const time_advance_type_1d_view& tadv,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& t_out,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& dt_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state_out,
  const KineticModelConstData<device_type >& kmcd);

/// Constant Volume Ignition 0D (Host)
/// ===========
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] tol_newton - rank 1d array of size 2; 0 absolute tolerance and 1 relative tolerance
///   [in] tol_time - rank 2d sized by number of equations in the Constant Volume  Ignition 0D problem x 2; column 1 w.r.t absolute tolerance and column 1 w.r.t relative tolerance  
///   [in] fac -  rank 2d array sized by nBatch x number of equations in the Ignition 0D problem; this array is use in the computation of the numerical Jacobian
///   [in] tadv - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time stepping data structure
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] t_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time when exiting the function
///   [out] dt_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time step size when exiting the function
///   [out] state_out - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize storing updated state vectors
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_ConstantVolumeIgnitionReactor.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& tol_newton,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& tol_time,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& fac,
  const time_advance_type_1d_view_host& tadv,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& t_out,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& dt_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state_out,
  const KineticModelConstData<host_device_type>& kmcd) PlugFlowReactor
/// Plug Flow Reactor (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] tol_newton - rank 1d array of size 2; 0 absolute tolerance and 1 relative tolerance
///   [in] tol_time - rank 2d sized by number of equations in the Plug Flow Reactor problem x 2; column 1 w.r.t absolute tolerance and column 1 w.r.t relative tolerance
///   [in] fac -  rank 2d array sized by nBatch x number of equations in the Plug Flow Reactor problem; this array is use in the computation of the numerical Jacobian
///   [in] tadv - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time stepping data structure
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [in] velocity -rank1d array by nBatch
///   [out] t_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time when exiting the function
///   [out] dt_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time step size when exiting the function
///   [out] state_out - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize storing updated state vectors
///   [out] site_fraction_out - rank2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [out] velocity_out -rank1d array by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of surface kinetic model storing in device memory
///   [in] pfrd -  a const object that contains scenario parameter of the Plug flow reactor
###inclue "TChem_PlugFlowReactor.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& tol_newton,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& tol_time,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& fac,
  const time_advance_type_1d_view& tadv,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& velocity,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& t_out,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& dt_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction_out,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& velocity_out,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_type& kmcdSurf,
  const PlugFlowReactorData& pfrd); TransientContStirredTankReactor
/// Transient Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (T-CSTR) (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] tol_newton - rank 1d array of size 2; 0 absolute tolerance and 1 relative tolerance
///   [in] tol_time - rank 2d sized by number of equations in the T-CSTR problem x 2; column 1 w.r.t absolute tolerance and column 1 w.r.t relative tolerance
///   [in] fac -  rank 2d array sized by nBatch x number of equations in the T-CSTR; this array is use in the computation of the numerical Jacobian
///   [in] tadv - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time stepping data structure
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [in] velocity -rank1d array by nBatch
///   [out] t_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time when exiting the function
///   [out] dt_out - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time step size when exiting the function
///   [out] state_out - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize storing updated state vectors
///   [out] site_fraction_out - rank2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [out] velocity_out -rank1d array by nBatch
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of surface kinetic model storing in device memory
///   [in] cstr -  a const object that contains scenario parameter of the T-CSTR
/// #include "TChem_TransientContStirredTankReactor.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& tol_newton,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& tol_time,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& fac,
  const time_advance_type_1d_view& tadv,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& t_out,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& dt_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction_out,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_type& kmcdSurf,
  const TransientContStirredTankReactorData<device_type>& cstr); SimpleSurface
/// Simple surface (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] tol_newton - rank 1d array of size 2; 0 absolute tolerance and 1 relative tolerance
///   [in] tol_time - rank 2d sized by number of equations in the simple surface problem x 2; column 1 w.r.t absolute tolerance and column 1 w.r.t relative tolerance
///   [in] tadv - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time stepping data structure
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [out] t - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time when exiting the function
///   [out] dt - rank 1d array sized by nBatch storing time step size when exiting the function
///   [in] fac -  rank 2d array sized by nBatch x number of equations in the Simple surface problem; this array is use in the computation of the numerical Jacobian
///   [out] site_fraction_out - rank2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of surface kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_SimpleSurface.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& tol_newton,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& tol_time,
  const time_advance_type_1d_view& tadv,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& t_out,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& dt_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& fac,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_type& kmcdSurf);

7.2.4. Homogeneous Constant-Pressure Reactors: RHS, Jacobians, and Smatrix

Functions to compute the RHS, Jacobians, and Smatrix for the Homogeneous Constant-Pressure Reactors in parallel. SourceTerm
/// SourceTerm (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] SourceTerm - rank2d array by nBatch x number of species + 1 (temperature)
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_SourceTerm.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& source_term,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);

/// SourceTerm (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] SourceTerm - rank2d array by nBatch x number of species + 1 (temperature)
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_SourceTerm.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& source_term,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd); JacobianReduced
/// JacobianReduced (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] Jacobian - rank 3d array by nBatch  x number of species + 1 x number of species + 1  
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_JacobianReduced.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_3d_view_type& Jacobian,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);

/// JacobianReduced (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] Jacobian - rank 3d array by nBatch  x number of species + 1 x number of species + 1  
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_JacobianReduced.hpp"
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  const real_type_3d_view_host_type& Jacobian,
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd) IgnitionZeroDNumJacobian
/// IgnitionZeroDNumJacobian (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] jac - rank 3d array by nBatch  x number of species + 1 x number of species + 1  
///   [out] fac - rank 2d array by nBatch  x number of species + 1
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_IgnitionZeroDNumJacobian.hpp"
IgnitionZeroDNumJacobian::runDeviceBatch( /// thread block size
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_3d_view_type& jac,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& fac,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);

/// IgnitionZeroDNumJacobian (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] jac - rank 3d array by nBatch  x number of species + 1 x number of species + 1  
///   [out] fac - rank 2d array by nBatch  x number of species + 1
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_IgnitionZeroDNumJacobian.hpp"
IgnitionZeroDNumJacobian::runHostBatch( /// thread block size
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  /// output
  const real_type_3d_view_host_type& jac,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& fac,
  /// const data from kinetic model
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd)

##### Smatrix

/// S Matrix (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] Smatrix - rank3d array by nBatch  x number of species + 1 x twice the number of reaction in gas phase
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_Smatrix.hpp"
Smatrix::runDeviceBatch( /// input
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_3d_view_type& Smatrix,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd);

/// S Matrix (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [out] Smatrix - rank3d array by nBatch  x number of species + 1 x twice the number of reaction in gas phase
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
/// #include "TChem_Smatrix.hpp"
Smatrix::runHostBatch( /// input
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  /// output
  const real_type_3d_view_host_type& Smatrix,
  /// const data from kinetic model
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd)  

####7.2.5. Plug Flow Reactor Function to compute the RHS for the Plug Flow Reactor in parallel. PlugFlowReactorRHS
/// Plug Flow Reactor RHS (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank 2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [in] velocity - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
//    [out] rhs - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of surface kinetic model storing in device memory
///   [in] pfrd -  a const object that contains scenario parameter of the Plug flow reactor
/// #include "TChem_PlugFlowReactorRHS.hpp"
PlugFlowReactorRHS::runDeviceBatch( /// input
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& velocity,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& rhs,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_type& kmcdSurf,
  const PlugFlowReactorData& pfrd);

/// Plug Flow Reactor RHS (Host)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank 2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [in] velocity - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
//    [out] rhs - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in host memory
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of surface kinetic model storing in host memory
///   [in] pfrd -  a const object that contains scenario parameter of the Plug flow reactor
/// #include "TChem_PlugFlowReactorRHS.hpp"
PlugFlowReactorRHS::runHostBatch( /// input
  typename UseThisTeamPolicy<host_exec_space>::type& policy,
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& state,
  /// input
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_1d_view_host_type& velocity,

  /// output
  const real_type_2d_view_host_type& rhs,
  /// const data from kinetic model
  const kinetic_model_host_type& kmcd,
  /// const data from kinetic model surface
  const kinetic_surf_model_host_type& kmcdSurf,
  const PlugFlowReactorData& pfrd)

7.2.6. Other Interfaces InitialCondSurface
/// InitialConditionSurface (Device)
/// =================
///   [in] policy - Kokkos parallel execution policy; league size must be nBatch
///   [in] tol_newton - rank 1d array of size 2; 0 absolute tolerance and 1 relative tolerance
///   [in] max_num_newton_iterations - maximum number of iteration
///   [in] state - rank 2d array sized by nBatch x stateVectorSize
///   [in] site_fraction - rank2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [out] site_fraction_out - rank2d array by nBatch x number of surface species
///   [in] fac -  rank 2d array sized by nBatch x number of equations in the Simple surface problem; this array is use in the computation of the numerical Jacobian
///   [in] kmcd -  a const object of kinetic model storing in device memory
///   [in] kmcdSurf -  a const object of surface kinetic model storing in device memory
/// #include "TChem_InitialCondSurface.hpp"
InitialCondSurface::runDeviceBatch( /// input
  const team_policy_type& policy,
  const real_type_1d_view_type& tol_newton,
  const real_type& max_num_newton_iterations,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& state,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& site_fraction_out,
  const real_type_2d_view_type& fac,
  const kinetic_model_type& kmcd,
  const kinetic_surf_model_type& kmcdSurf);

8. Python Interface - pytchem

TChem employs pybind11 for its Python interface to several of its C++ functions. The pytchem interface consists of a set of Python bindings for the TChem C++ interface "runDeviceBatch", so these computations are executed in parallel on the default execution space, i.e. OpenMP or Cuda upon its availability. In the following example, pytchem computes the net production rate (mass based) for several state vectors using the GRI3.0 mechanism. This code for this example and additional jupyter-notebooks that use pytchem are located at TCHEM_REPOSITORY_PATH/src/example/runs/PythonInterface.

#### set environments before importing the pytchem module.
TChem_install_directory ='/where/you/install/tchem'
import sys

import pytchem
import numpy as np

### Initialization of Kokkos.

### Create a TChem driver object.
tchem = pytchem.TChemDriver()

### Create Kinetic Model
###  Here, we use the GRIMech 3.0 gas-phase reaction mechanism
inputs_directory = TChem_install_directory + '/example/data/ignition-zero-d/gri3.0/'

### Set State Vector
Pressure = 101325 # Pa
Temperature = 1000 # K

### Species names must match name from kinetic model files
Variables = ['T','P','CH4','O2','N2']
Nvar = len(Variables)

### Number of samples
Nsamples = 100
### Create a temporal array to store values of variables that are non zeros
sample = np.zeros([Nsamples,Nvar])
sample[:,0] =  Temperature
sample[:,1] =  Pressure
sample[:,2] =  0.1 ## mass fraction of CH4
sample[:,3] =  0.2 ## mass fraction of O2
sample[:,4] =  0.7 ## mass fraction of N2

### Set Number of samples

### Internally construct const object of the kinetic model and load them to device

### Get index for variables.
for var in Variables:
    indx += [tchem.getStateVariableIndex(var)]

state = np.zeros([Nsamples, tchem.getLengthOfStateVector()])
for sp in range(Nsamples):
    state[sp,indx] = sample[sp,:]

### Set number of samples or nBatch
### Allocate memory for state vector
### Set state vector

### Compute net production rate in kg/s

### Get values for all samples
net_production_rate = tchem.getGasNetProductionRatePerMass()

print('number of samples and number of species', np.shape(net_production_rate))

###delete tchem object
### Finalize Kokkos. This deletes the TChem object and the data stored as Kokkos views

Part of the output from help(tchem)

###  Get help from TChem driver object.

Help on TChemDriver in module pytchem object:

class TChemDriver(pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object)
 |  A class to manage data movement between numpy to kokkos views in TChem::Driver object
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      TChemDriver
 |      pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(...)
 |      __init__(self: pytchem.TChemDriver) -> None
 |  cloneGasKineticModel(...)
 |      cloneGasKineticModel(self: pytchem.TChemDriver) -> None
 |      Internally create clones of the kinetic model
 |  computeGasEnthapyMass(...)
 |      computeGasEnthapyMass(self: pytchem.TChemDriver) -> None
 |      Compute enthalpy mass and mixture enthalpy
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods inherited from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object:
 |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.

9. Summary

The current version of TChem adds new interfaces for Python, C, and Fortran, as well as a parser for kinetic model specifications in YAML format. In the upcoming versions we plan to expand the I/O to support HDF5 interfaces, improve the performance on manycore/GPU architectures, and explore advanced time-stepping algorithms for stiff systems.

TChem is the subject of continual development and improvement. If you have questions about or suggestions for features to be adopted in future versions, feel free to e-mail Cosmin Safta at \url{[email protected]}, or share your questions directly on the github page.

10. On-going and Future Work

  • HDF5 IO interface
  • GPU performance optimization
  • Exploring exponential time integrator

11. Acknowledgement

This work is supported as part of the Computational Chemical Sciences Program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division.

Award number: 0000232253


TChem - A Software Toolkit for the Analysis of Complex Kinetic Models







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  • Jupyter Notebook 71.2%
  • C++ 24.4%
  • Python 2.9%
  • CMake 1.0%
  • Shell 0.4%
  • Fortran 0.1%