Flickr_Manager (FM) reads data from the flickrapi and saves it as a csv.
Since smaller bounding boxes (BBs) yield more observations, FM allows the user to indicate the number of segments to divide the BB along each axis (num_seg). Therefore total number of subareas is num_seg^2.
Queries to flickrapi are limited to 4000 observations by the API and thereafter, these are repeated. The Flickr_Grid_Manager class ensures queries sent are <= 4000, by creating several Flickr_Data_Retriever objects with a proper timestep that ensures this constraint is met.
User inputs:
- Bounding box (BB) as a list of integers.
- Number of segments to divide each axis of the BB.
- Initial and final year of the search.
- Optional parameters to pass to the Flicker API search function.
- csv file saved on desired folder.