npm install -g slack-emojifier
ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick must be installed!
Usage: emojify <command> [options]
create Create and upload an emoji grid
-s, --subdomain Slack subdomain [string]
-e, --email Slack account email address [string]
-p, --password Slack account password [string]
-i, --image Path of the image to emojify [string]
-n, --numcols Number of columns in final grid [number]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
emojify create -s mysubdomain -e Create a 5-column emoji grid of
[email protected] -p mypassword -i myimage.png and upload to
myimage.png -n 5 using the
account [email protected] with the
password mypassword.
If you don't want to enter an option on the command line (i.e. your password), a prompt will ask you for any missing options.