Version 6.0.0
19 Feb 2021
Packaged pre-built binary as single XCFramework containing 7 architectures:
- macOS
- iOS device
- iOS simulator
- tvOS device
- tvOS simulator
- watchOS device
- watchOS simulator
- iOS projects that use the pre-built binary should now import OCMockito instead of OCMockitoIOS.
- macOS projects should remove OCMockito from the Copy Files build phase.
- For Carthage builds, specify --use-xcframeworks
Thanks to: Mateusz Szklarek
Mac binary now supports Apple Silicon.
Use latest OCHamcrest to report mismatches using XCTIssue if using Xcode 12 or higher.
Simplified project settings. In particular:
- Removed iOS Static Library target.
- Removed iOS-specific test target.
- Simplified Product Bundle Identifiers.