Hello there!
I'm Jonathan, and I am an all-around nerd.
This is most observable online through my dotfiles. There you can see I like to tinker around with awesome wm, qutebrowser, and neovim, among other things. I also have an above average interest in gin, grabbing about 95 % of my liquor cabinet space. I also would say I have hobbies, but after children started to occupy my living room, my time to tinker with my various projects has been reduced a bit.
I have a PhD in applied mathematics and probability theory where I learning a few things about polynomial chaos expansions. I wrote a Python library about it called chaospy, which some people seem to like. I still maintain it and add some features there now and again. I also maintain pyvroom a library for solving solving various vehicle routing problems.
I love doing research, and if it weren't for the tedious paper and funding application writing, I'd likely still be doing that. Instead I work for Expert Analytics, where I mostly work as a software developer and data scientist, and have a lot fun.
Here are some stuff I think are neat: