This is my NixOS configuration files/setup
Configs under heavy development, expect breaks and frequent changes.
- home folder contains everything related to home-manager configs.
- host/jokyv folder contains this nixos configuration and hardware-configuration nix files.
- flake.nix and flake.lock
- justfile has collection of utility scripts related to nixos setup ONLY.
- .sops.yaml the configuration for sops
- secrets stored under
- Window system: Wayland
- Wayland Compositor: Niri
Terminal: Alacritty- Terminal: Kitty and foot
- Editor: Helix
- Prompt: Starship
- Browser: Firefox and Brave
- Fonts: Hack Nerd Font
- Colorscheme: Everforest
- Application Launcher: Fuzzel
- File manager: Nautilus
- Status Bar: Waybar
- Screenshots: Grim/slurp/swappy or Gnome-Screenshot
- Clipboard manager: Cliphist and wl-clipboard
- Document viewer: Zathura
- Login Manager: Ly
- Notification daemon: fnot
- Screenlock: Swaylock