The branch master of this GitHub repository contains the CMSIS-RTOS adoption of FreeRTOS Version 9.0.0 as it is released as Software Pack on The documentation is available under
Use Issues to provide feedback and report problems for CMSIS FreeRTOS implementation.
Note: The branch develop of this GitHub repository reflects our current state of development and is constantly updated. It gives our users and partners contiguous access to the development. It allows you to review the work and provide feedback or create pull requests for contributions.
Directory | Content |
CMSIS | CMSIS-FreeRTOS related files |
CMSIS/RTOS2/FreeRTOS/Config | CMSIS-FreeRTOS configuration file |
CMSIS/RTOS2/FreeRTOS/Examples | CMSIS-FreeRTOS example projects |
CMSIS/RTOS2/FreeRTOS/Source | CMSIS-FreeRTOS source code |
Config | FreeRTOS configuration file |
Demo | FreeRTOS demo projects |
DoxyGen | Source of the documentation |
License | FreeRTOS license text file |
Source | FreeRTOS source code |
Utilities | Utility programs |
This GitHub development repository contains all the sources you need to successfully build the pack.
To build the complete pack for installation, the following additional tools are required:
- doxygen.exe Version: 1.8.6 (Documentation Generator)
- mscgen.exe Version: 0.20 (Message Sequence Chart Converter)
- 7z.exe (7-Zip) Version: 16.04 (File Archiver)
Using these tools, you can generate on a Windows PC:
CMSIS-FreeRTOS software pack using the batch file gen_pack.bat (located in ./Utilities). This batch file also generates the documentation.
CMSIS-FreeRTOS documentation using the batch file genDoc.bat (located in ./Doxygen).
The file ./DoxyGen/How2Doc.txt describes the rules for creating API documentation.
CMSIS-FreeRTOS is licensed under the FreeRTOS license.