This projects demonstrates how to integrate your data sources into HaxlSharp.
Your existing data sources can be a remote API call, a database call, a file read, etc. The project HaxlSharp.Demo.DataLayer
has a folder called ApiClients
that contain mock API clients that return some data after a simulated 10ms delay. Here's an example method:
public async Task<IEnumerable<int>> GetAllPostIds()
await Task.Delay(10);
return Enumerable.Range(0, 20);
We'll use these mock API clients as our existing data sources.
For each API method we want to integrate, we create a request class, which is just a POCO annotated with its return type:
public class GetAllPostIds : Returns<IEnumerable<int>> { }
Requests that need parameters should include them in their constructor:
public class GetAuthor : Returns<Author>
public readonly int AuthorId;
public GetAuthor(int authorId)
AuthorId = authorId;
You can find the request objects in the Requests
folder of the HaxlSharp.Demo.DataLayer
We don't use the request objects directly; instead, we create fetch functions out of them. The file DemoFetch.cs
in the project HaxlSharp.Demo.DataLayer
contains some fetch functions constructed from request objects:
public static Fetch<IEnumerable<int>> GetAllPostIds() => new GetAllPostIds().ToFetch();
public static Fetch<Author> GetAuthor(int authorId) => new GetAuthor(authorId).ToFetch();
public static Fetch<PostContent> GetPostContent(int postId) => new GetPostContent(postId).ToFetch();
public static Fetch<PostInfo> GetPostInfo(int postId) => new GetPostInfo(postId).ToFetch();
Once these fetch functions have been created, they can be combined using query syntax. For instance:
public static Fetch<PostDetails>
GetPostDetails(int postId) =>
from info in GetPostInfo(postId)
from content in GetPostContent(postId)
select new PostDetails(info, content);
This function returns a Fetch<PostDetails>
by combining two primitive requests. We can combine this request with others as if it was a primitive request:
public static Fetch<IEnumerable<PostDetails>>
PostsByAuthor(int authorId) =>
from postIds in GetPostsByAuthor(authorId)
from details in postIds.SelectFetch(GetPostDetails)
select details;
Of course, if we actually want to fetch any data, we must link the request objects- the ones we annotated with Returns<>
- with the actual data fetch functions.
We register these handlers in the RegisterHandlers.cs
in the HaxlSharp.Demo.DataLayer
project by using the FetcherBuilder
.FetchRequest<GetAllPostIds, IEnumerable<int>>(_ => _postApi.GetAllPostIds())
.FetchRequest<GetPostContent, PostContent>(req => _postApi.GetPostContent(req.PostId))
.FetchRequest<GetPostInfo, PostInfo>(req => _postApi.GetPostInfo(req.PostId))
.FetchRequest<GetAuthor, Author>(req => _friendApi.GetAuthor(req.AuthorId))
.FetchRequest<GetPostsByAuthor, IEnumerable<int>>(req => _friendApi.PostsByAuthor(req.AuthorId))
.FetchRequest<GetRelatedAuthorIds, IEnumerable<int>>(req => _friendApi.GetRelatedAuthorIds(req.AuthorId))
.LogWith(log => Debug.WriteLine(log.ToDefaultString()))
This builder links request objects with functions that take that request object and return the requested data. It also optionally registers a function that handles log output from HaxlSharp. Calling Create()
on the builder will return a HaxlFetch
object, that can be injected anywhere we want to resolve Fetch<>
The HaxlSharp.Demo.Test
demonstrates fetching. We create a HaxlFetcher
object, and then use it to resolve our Fetch<>
private readonly HaxlFetcher _fetcher;
public DemoTests()
_fetcher = new RegisterHandlers(new FriendApiClient(), new PostApiClient()).GetFetcher();
public async Task PostsByAuthor3()
var postsByAuthor3 = DemoFetch.PostsByAuthor(3);
var result = await _fetcher.Fetch(postsByAuthor3);
It's also possible to construct Fetch<>
objects inline:
var allPostDetails = await _fetcher.Fetch(
from postIds in DemoFetch.GetAllPostIds()
from viewed in postIds.SelectFetch(DemoFetch.GetPostDetails)
select viewed
The project HaxlSharp.Demo.WebApi
demonstrates how we can inject the fetcher into our controllers.