Welcome to joaopedro.site, my resume website. Here you can find information about my experience, skills, and projects. The goal of this site is to present my professional profile in a clear and accessible manner.
- PHP: Used for server logic and data handling (without any framework)
- VanillaJS: Utilized for interactivity and dynamic features of the site.
- View my resume in a responsive layout.
- Very simple php asset compiler.
- Language selector supporting multiple languages.
- Contact area with direct information.
- Print my Resume (like the Incas and Mayans)
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/joaopedro.site.git
Navigate to the project directory and start a server:
cd joaopedro.site
Start a PHP Server
Generate a translation for your resume (located in the /lang directory): Open the generateLang.php file, obtain your Gemini API Key at https://aistudio.google.com/app/apikey, and replace the apiKey variable with your key. Then, run the following command:
php generateLang.php