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CakePHP plugin to encrypt/decrypt table fields using AES-256 algorithm on MySQL/MariaDB databases. This branch is for use with CakePHP 4.2+


Install it as require dependency:

composer require joacir/CakeAes


Enable the plugin in your Application.php or call

bin/cake plugin load CakeAes

Configure a new security hash in app_local.php:

'Security' => [
    'key' => '34601affc03a12d4b963b6123ab3afcb',
  • This will be the key used by the plugin for encryption.
  • NEVER use the same key for different apps.
  • Once generated, NEVER change the key.
  • The key must contain at least 32 digits in hexadecimal.

Change the type field of the fields you want to encrypt on your tables to a binary type:

char(20) -> blob
vachar(200) -> varbinary(200)
text -> blob
  • Only string types works. Use only VarBinary or Blob types.

Load the behavior on your table initialize() method:

$this->addBehavior('CakeAes.Encrypt', [
    'fields' => ['name', 'card', 'phone']


To encrypt fields

Nothing is necessary, the EncryptBehavior do the encryption automatically when you set the fields in settings.

To decrypt fields, conditions, order and contain

The find() ou get() works without changes, in complex queries you can use decryptField() or decryptString().

$new = $this->Temps->get($temp->id, ['fields' => [
    'name' => $this->Temps->decryptField('')

$temp = $this->Temps->find()
    ->select(['name' => $this->Temps->decryptField('')])
    ->where(['id' => 2])

You can use decryptEq() in conditions:

$temp = $this->Temps->find()
    ->select(['name' => $this->Temps->decryptField('')])
    ->where([$this->Temps->decryptEq('', $name)])

$temp = $this->Temps->find()
        'name' => $this->Temps->decryptField('')
    ->where([$this->Temps->decryptLike('', '%Sa%')])

In updateAll() you can use encrypt() to encrypt:

$name = $this->Temps->encrypt("José");
$fields = ['name' => $name];
$conditions = [
    $this->Temps->decryptEq('', 'Maria')
$this->Temps->updateAll($fields, $conditions);

To encrypt/decrypt a file

$imageFile = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'imagem.jpg';

$imageFile = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'imagem_crypted.jpg';

To decrypt a file in a controller

Load de Encrypt Component:

public function initialize(): void

To decrypt and render the content:

$imageFile = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'imagem_encrypted.jpg';

return $this->Encrypt->decryptRender($imageFile);

To decrypt and download a file:

$imageFile = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'imagem_encrypted.jpg';

return $this->Encrypt->decryptDownload($imageFile);