A bot designed to repost from a SoundCloud feed onto the Mastodon Fediverse Unfortunately, SoundCloud stopped accepting new requests for API keys 3 years ago. So I couldn't tap into my SC account and get my feed.
I also tried several node packages that are wrappers for the API like :
https://www.npmjs.com/package/soundcloud-v2-api https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-soundcloud https://www.npmjs.com/package/soundcloud.ts
but they all require you to authenticate if you want to access a user's profile. Authentication would require registering with SC, which they have made very difficult.
I failed to achieve the main goal of reading new posts from my SC feed in real-time, so I came up with a hack of reading from .txt file of all the tracks I have reposted and favorited. You can see that on branch dev2.