This is a Fubu Bottle that provides you with a reusable route for running Jasmine suites. The idea is to minimize repetition when wiring up the testrunner for Jasmine and to provide a way to separate out your tests from your core code.
The TestRunner works by leveraging FubuMVC's ScriptManager. So the route: /testing/suites/sample will run baseline Jasmine test runner code against whatever exists in the sample script (which can be a file or ordered set). For further examples, checkout the example project within the solution.
CommonAssemblyInfo.cs is generated by the build. The build script requires Ruby with rake installed.
If you do not have ruby:
- You need to manually create a src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs file
- type:
echo // > src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
- open src/FubuMVC.TestRunner.sln with Visual Studio and Build the solution