cmod3 is a module music player.
Versions for Mac OSX x64, Windows x64, and Linux x64 available.
Don't you know what tracked music is? Look here.
cmod3 website:
Browse the Wiki for more information.
- Play/Stop/Pause/Seek...
- Drag and drop (folders and files)
- Metadata for the current module
- Repeat and shuffle modes
- Classic VU meter
- Keyboard shortcuts: OSX multimedia keys, play/pause, num 1-5
- Nectarine Radio player built-in!
- Browse and download from Modarchive!
cmod3 is entirely written in Javascript, works on node-webkit (nwjs) and uses libopenmpt compiled with emscripten plus closure-compiler. The user interface is based on bootstrap and angular is the framework of choice. Despite all that, and after some hard work, it performs really well.
Settings are not being saved yet.Keyboard shortcuts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and mediakeys).Volume control using a GainNode.Choose a Nectarine stream among a list of streams.Adding an AnalyserNode could enable VU meter for nectarine.More playlist features.- Can you draw? An nice app icon is needed.
- Audio is being decoded on the main thread, which is not ideal, it should be done on a background worker/thread (not possible afaik, any idea? Audio Workers issue:
- New ideas? Open an Issue.
27/10/2016: 2.2.1 - load and save playlists, bugfixes
07/10/2016: 2.1.1 - files are alphabetically loaded
12/03/2016: 2.1.0 - double click to play songs, just like regular players, other improvements
08/03/2016: 2.0.4 - minor improvements
07/03/2016: 2.0.3 - bugfixes with mediakeys
06/03/2016: 2.0.2 - mac icon fixed
04/03/2016: 2.0.1 - optimizations, metadata reading in webworker, glitch-free, bugfixes
08/10/2015: 1.8.0 - gain control
07/10/2015: 1.7.0 - nectarine and ui enhancements
06/10/2015: 1.6.0 - bugfixes and tons of enhancements
05/10/2015: 1.5.0 - modarchive support
24/09/2015: 1.1.0 - not released
25/05/2015: 1.0.0 - public release
17/04/2015: 0.0.5 - beta
## How to update cmod3 when a new version comes out
Download, extract, and replace.
Contribute to the code via pull-requests and make this player better, or make a donation via paypal to [email protected], and as well.