This Rails application is an API made to support the CavEat iOS app.
- git lfs
- Ruby 2.6.5
- Rails 5.2.3
- PostgreSQL
bundle install
rails db:setup
rails server
This repository has a slimmed down version of the UDSA food dataset (~ 300 foods). If you want to populate the database with the full dataset, then download All foods
here, and place all CSV files in lib/data/full/*.csv
. The full import process takes a considerable amount of time (30 minutes on 2017 8gb Macbook Pro).
WARNING: Running the populate script will first delete all records (except the User table)
# this will import the full dataset in production, and the slim dataset in other environments
rails db:populate
# This will force import the full dataset when not in production
USE_FULL=true rails db:populate
bundle install
haml-lint app/views/
rails db:setup
rails test